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Shannon and Jared both kept watching every move I made... What was it I didn't remember? Had something happened while we were here in Detroit? I remember getting to Chicago... but that was it... Something else was going on. And if nothing else I know Jared would never lie to me... But I needed to talk to Shannon. 

I looked at Jean..I was the only one who got to call her Jean... She was my best friend who had gone to high school and college with me, and fought our parents the entire time they dated... Cause neither of us wanted a sister... Now, we were ironically just as close as Jared and Shannon. We didn't speak every day, but she was just that... my sister... there was no "step" about it.

"Can I talk to Shannon alone? I mutter.

"We will be right outside if you need us...." Jared leaned down and kissed the top of my head. I could feel his worry in the way he kissed me. With out another word they both got up and left the room. I could see Jared lean up against the door and Jean put her head on his shoulder. He wrapped her up in his arms and I watched her cry... 

A tear fell down my face as Shannon came over to my left and sat down. He didn't move, he just stared at me with tears of his own in his eyes. "What happened to me Shannon? I know Jared and Jean would tell me if I ask... But I want to know from you...why am I here?"

He took a long deep breath and looked me in the eyes... I was sitting up a bit to help let me breathe a bit easier so we were almost face to face... It was hard not to want to just pull him to me and kiss him. I had missed his lips, and the way his hands felt in mine more than I realized when he all of a sudden put his hand over mine and pulled it into his warm grip.

"After the concert in Chicago, you went back with Jared to his hotel room..." He took another deep breath... "And you collapsed. The EMT's checked you out, gave you some fluids, and told Jared what was wrong with you and they left... Since then, you haven't been eating much, or drinking much, and since you and I haven't spoken in a month... " He put his head down and I saw him wipe away a tear before he looked back up at me... "I followed you into the elevator here in Detroit and told you I loved you and that I was going to be there for you no matter what... Jared and I almost got into a fist fight as Vickie took you out of the way. Honestly, if it hadn't been for Tomo, my brother and I may have beat each other half to death over you..."

"That still doesn't answer why I'm in here Shannon... Why did I need blood?"

"Tell her the truth Shannon..." I heard a the same woman from before say softly as she put her hand on Shannon's shoulder... "She needs to know."

With that I was scared... I looked at him and he looked at me and saw the fear in my eyes.... "You needed blood because you are extremely anemic and almost lost our baby... After I tried to talk to you in the elevator, you were at VIckie and Tomo's, when Jared came to wake you up from a nap, he found you out cold and in a pool of blood. So since you were carrying my child, they used me and mom to try to help save the baby... They thought you had lost it at first, but because our blood type was a match, they were able to stop the bleeding in time."

"You're lying!" I looked at him.... There was no way.... That was a dream... that was a nightmare!.... "I can't be preg..." I couldn't breathe... I heard my heart on the monitors... it was racing... 

Constance ran and grabbed the nurse... she came in and ordered everyone out.... Jeanette stayed with me and Shannon left. I could see Constance telling Jared somehting and Jared take Shannon out of my view. The nurse put the oxygen mask on me and eveyrthing after that was a blurr...

Later on that night I woke up in my room to Jeanette sleeping on the little sofa beside the window. I looked around and I just started to cry... I felt someone take my left hand, I looked over, it was Constance.... "I'm here, Jeanette's here... I sent the boys back to the house for the night..." She spoke softly and was like listening to some nature sound cd the way her voice calmed me. "Shannon didn't mean to upset you earlier. They told me about Joshua, and what happened with your ex. Honey, Shannon was telling you the truth. You are carrying his baby... But you know just as well as I do that my sons are hot headed. Especially with each other... And when it comes to you, they have finally had it out. But my dear, you, have to know what you want to do. As for myself, I will be here with you every step of the way. Either way you go, you are still my daughter in law and carrying my first grand baby from these two... And I've been there when things don't work the way you think they do... I have made the choices I know you have had to make, and will have to make. If they do not support you, they will deal with me! Now, sleep my dear, they will be back in the morning to pick you up, they are releasing you tomorrow evening. It's a good thing Jeanette ended up being a nurse and a photographer!"  I saw her look over at my sleeping sister... "She's a great girl... I'm glad you have her to lean on. You and her remind me a lot of my sons..." She winked at me... "I'm going to head back and get some rest, Vickie and I are going to take LoLa for a spa day tomorrow before she comes back for her last visit with the children upstairs... By the way... I didn't expect a dog to let me paint her toe nails! She almost pranced around the living room this morning at Vickie's! It was great and the kids LOVE it!"

I  smiled... She started to get up and pull her hand away from mine... I grabbed it and she turned and looked back at me as I said her name... "Why does it hurt even though my head is telling me that he pushed her away... but it still hurts that I saw him kiss her..."

She sat back down and leaned in to speak softer than before... "Because when you love someone that much, the thought of loosing them makes you physically ill... You got a glimpse into what his life was like before you Sarah. Just like he is seeing a glimpse of the fear and pain you must have experienced before him... Before you were Siren? Let him show you he isn't that same person... Through everything that has happened, he has YET to pick up a drink... So something between you must have been important enough for him to try to keep it straight in front of you..." She sighed, "though his brother would probably beat him for even thinking about it..." she muttered...

"I never meant for any of this to happen."

"Siren, your name lives up to you... NOT the other way around!" She smiled... "Jeanette even said it earlier... that is who you are! Jared and Shannon have fought over toys and girls for years. This time they have both put all the chips down... But they know it is your choice. And to be honest, I think Jared and I already know your choice... Now you and Shannon just need to see it. Good night sweet ones..." and with that she left for the night... 

"THAT DIDN'T HELP!" I wanted to scream.... But I sat there and thought about it all over and over again... and... over.. again..... and.... I finally drifted back to sleep....

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