Really Bad Idea....

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I had gotten my guitar out and my laptop. I was going to look up a couple of songs and see if she would at least make a web cast video with me for them.  Her voice was sultry, raspy, shy, and in a way innocent until she gets going and then she is unstoppable! I had the perfect song I wanted to hear her sing.... I hear a knock on the door. I get up and open the door... It's her! 

"So Shannon had a few things to do and the girls have LoLa, so when I finished my uploads and edits, I thought I would come over before tonight's dinner escapade in me and Shannon's room." She looked so adorable in a button up flannel shirt and jeans. I wondered if she did it on purpose!. But she smelled like Lilacs, and it was driving me crazy! Her eyes just stared at me, "Is this a bad time?"

I felt like an idiot..."Sorry, come in. I was actually just playing around with my web cam thinking we could record something if we got something we liked...." I stepped aside and she came in. "There is coffee and tea over there if you want some, there is also water in the fridge." I had to practically stuff my dick down in my pants...Not an easy task! I grab my guitar and sit down on the couch.  Siren came around with a cup of hot tea and sat down. She had on her typical hiking boots, but this time it was jeans, black tank top, and blue flannel shirt only buttoned down so far and then tied low around her hips. Her thick hips were sexy as shit in that look! She had no idea how hard it was not to just go for it...

I stopped and re collected my thoughts... The song.... I turned to her and smiled, "Okay, I know this may be a bit out of your comfort zone, so just listen to me for a few minutes. I want you to listen to Jesse J's Masterpiece.... It's perfect! I think if we slowed it down and got your confidence up.... Girl you could slam it! I've even called her and made sure it was ok we work on it."

"You called Jesse J... and asked her if I could sing her song?" She almost keeled over... 

I chuckled, "Siren your voice is perfect for it if you just believe in your self! You are sexy and confident when you are behind the camera. I've watched you, I can't wait to have you do the band photos in New York." I stopped and put my hand on hers and I accidently shock her from static. She looks over at me. She cleared her throat and I pulled up the song and played it for her. 

"It is going to take a lot of volume for me to pull that off but I might be able to..." She started to run it down as it played.... Over the next hour we ran over the song over and over again.... she just got better every time we did it.... Emma, Robin, and Vickie were all here now, Siren had no clue she was in her own world working on this song to make it right... We were on our own version of it now... "I still fall on my face sometimes..... I'm still perfectly incompletely...... On my masterpiece! With the greats!" She had no idea I was recording her voice... It was incredible! Shannon and Tomo had arrived back as well and as she finished and turned around she was shocked at the room full of people in shock listening to her do this song almost flawlessly! Even the times her voice cracked, it fit into her own style, her own voice... "I am a little embarrassed now.... Thanks for not telling me Jared..." she smacked me on the arm...

I wished desperately that noone else had shown up. But they did... And that was the ONLY reason I didn't pin her on the wall and fuck her right there! I was entranced!

Shannon walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her seductivly and growled as he kissed her neck, "That was sexy! You have no idea how hot you are when you sing like that!" Boy was my brother hitting THAT nail on the head! "You better hope that this dinner thing goes quick, cause you are mine later! You are NOT staying on the bus tonight! I don't care what the crew thinks!" He kissed her full on the lips... I wanted to hit him!

I cleared my throat and spoke up... "So Siren, what is for dinner... I'm not sure Shannon is sharing you!" Everyone chuckled... "Why don't we just do this here! Everyone is already here, so why not just use my kitchen?"

"Cause Shannon can't steal her away to fuck!" I heard Emma laugh!

No, but I could!

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