Mommy Vs. Auntie...

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I'm waiting at Siren's apartment with Vickie and Tomo. Emma and Robin are on the way, they had no idea Jared was still at the hospital with Shannon. I should be there with Shannon, if nothing else I knew he would make sure I wasn't kept away from my niece... I was hoping that Vickie and Tomo were right, that Siren would want to see me... I hoped she knew I wasn't trying to be Connie's mother... I loved Jared, and had finally figured that out... But he was in love with my sister. They BOTH were... What was I doing here!?

The key turns in the door and Constance and Siren come in with my little Unicorn Princess.. Siren and Constance just stop when they come in... They see Vickie and Tomo of course and they go over and fuss over Connie... 

"Hang on guys... Can you take Connie while I step out and speak to my sister.... She and I need to talk..." I hear my sister's weak voice.

"I can leave if you want me to Siren..." I whisper.

Siren slowly stands up out of the wheel chair Vickie and I had put down stairs in the lobby for her to use. Siren was still so weak from everything... I watch her struggle and walk over to me and throw her arms around me.... "Why would I want my SISTER to leave? You're my best friend... And after everything that has happened, I can't believe you don't HATE me!" I hear my sister bawling on my shoulder as I wrap her in my arms.

"Siren, you are finally who you are meant to be... Who you were BORN to be! You weren't born to be Sarah Carter... you were born to be Siren Leto! Are you kidding! WHY would I hate you for finding your dreams! You've wanted to be with Jared since you were FUCKING 12! Why would I hate you for being happy?"

I saw Vickie and Tomo stop and Constance turn around to hug Jared as he came in... The look on his face proved he had just heard what I had said...

Siren pulled out of my embrace to look me dead in the eyes... "How did you know Jared and I..."

"Jared let it slip when I scared the shit out of him before your last crash in the hospital. He told me..."

"That I wanted the reason you fought to come back to be your daughter... Not her... I was wrong and I let my anger get the best of me.... I'm still sorry for that Jeanette... I shouldn't have been so cruel. It wasn't right... I'm sorry!" Jared came over and stood behind Siren... I saw the man of my dreams wrap his arms around the woman I would have killed for... "It's not official Jeanette... Shannon has six months to prove to her why she and I shouldn't get married.... And honestly... So do you!"

I about fainted! "What?"

"I know Jared still has DEEP feelings for you Jean, and I can't marry him knowing it would destroy my sister. So if in the next six months, Jared realizes he loves you more than he thought he loved me... Then I will back away and raise Connie with Shannon as a single mother..."

Jared rolled his eyes and gently spun Siren around in his arms... "That shit has got to stop! If for some reason Jeanette and I DO end up back together... You are going to do the same thing you made me promise you... I refuse to stand by and let you be alone when I know how you feel about my brother! So promise me Siren.... If Jean and I end up back together, you have to do the same thing with Shannon... you have to give him a CHANCE! You deserve to be able to raise your daughter with her father even if you and I don't stay together! Don't you realize he won't hurt you anymore... I won't let him! No matter WHO ends up with who... Connie is NOT going to be kept from ANYONE who loves her...." Jared leans down and kisses Siren softly on the lips and then takes a deep breath and looks at me... "Including her crazy ass Auntie Jean.... Who I know loves her more than her own life... Just like I do!"

I laughed... "Been a long time since we've agreed Jared..." I could see him melt just a bit and soften as he watched me... "Can I hold her Siren?"

"Of course!" I saw my sister beam! "Just make sure you don't run away again.... I can't keep loosing my sister over stupid shit..." She pulled away from Jared's arms and wrapped me in hers... I hear her whisper in my ear... "Besides, you never forget your first love, I'm just glad we're closer now than back then..."

"I don't have to worry about someone stealing you away from me now!" I tried to laugh... 

"Jeanette... you were right though..." She took Connie from Vickie's arms... "I wouldn't have dated Shannon..." She looked into my eyes... "If your flight hadn't been cancled.... But then I wouldn't have our little Unicorn Princess..." She smiled as she handed my niece to me... "We always had hoped Joshua was going to be a girl right? Well... He was our Shadow Prince... Now we have our Unicorn Princess... You reminded me of that when you brought her that GIANT pink thing in her crib!" She laughed... 

"You know I won't try to be her mother though.... So she's really NOT my..." I tried to hold the tears back as I stared at this little precious baby in my arms...

"She is just as much your Princess as she is mine Jeanette.... Trust me... I'm not her father, but I'm still her Uncle..." Jared came over and put his arm around me as I held our niece... "I've missed you by the way... And yes, I did hear you when you said you came back for me.... I can't tell you I don't love Siren... Just like I told my brother... I won't just walk away from how we feel about each other... And I'm NOT going to hide that we are together... But if we all end up back with who we started with, then I won't stand in their way... And I can't rule out how I still feel about you. But until Siren and I figure that out.... No marks will be placed on ANYONE... and NO SEX... NO matter how bad any of us want to... SIX months..." I hear Jared sigh and let go of me...

"Can I actually go lay down please Ma? I'm still really tired..." Siren turned around and looked at Constance... 

"LoLa is asleep in our appartment next door..." Tomo laughed... "Constance practiacally told the building manager this was OUR floor now..."

"Why am I not surprised!" Jared laughed... "Now does ANYONE have a problem if I go get my girlfriend in bed and make sure she gets some rest...?"

Constance smiled at her son... "Jared... just remember your OWN rules! Jeanette... I've got a room for myself in your apartment across the hall... Vickie and Tomo have LoLa in their apartment next door... So why don't I show you where you will be living until all this shit with my hard headed sons gets figured out... And honestly, if you like it.... the apartment is yours... You two deserve to rmeember what it is like to be sisters! I think it is about time don't you?" 

I smiled and walked with her to view my future... Now I just had to figure out if Jared and I loved each other enough to pull through this mess... I knew Shannon loved my sister enough! But who would she choose? Or did she already?

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