Lapse in Memory

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Of course she said his name! Why would she want me there after what happened? Does she even remember? Does she even know she is pregnant? Will she think it's Jared's?!

"Shannon Christoper and Jared Joseph!" I heard my mother's voice from behind us. "If the two of you cause this girl ANY more strife... ANYTHING that could cost her MY grandchild...."

"We won't mom..." Jared tried to calm her down...."We have already worked things out between us... Now we just have to wait for her to wake up and tell us what she wants..."

"Just remember one thing.... " She pulled me into her and Jared... "You are brothers, always will be... But this woman is carrying Shannon's child! So my sons... Sarah and that baby will come first when it comes to the BOTH of you!"

"Mom, I will be there for my child..." I looked at her.

"And if she ends up with your brother?" She looked me in the eyes, "You have to actually accept that he could be more involved than you think! And Jared," She turned to him, "You have to understand that if she does choose you, you my dear, have to remember that you are NOT that child's father... Shannon is! Respect her enough not to put  her child in the middle of a war between you two."

We both knew not to come between a mother and her child... From our own mother giving up everything for us, and Siren had already protected one child and lost him... And almost lost herself in protecting him, and now this!

If for some reason she pulls out of this and actually does choose me.... I was going to make it up to her and our child, for the rest of my life! Either way, my child would want for nothing! And I would make sure of that!

The three of us had arrived back at her hospital room. She was sitting up and was watching as we walked into the room. Vickie and Tomo had already arrived. Emma was on her way and Robin was dealing with the backlash from the post poned tour dates, and making sure that Siren and Jeanette had their own bus. My brother and I had always talked about traveling seperate so we could get some time to our selves. But since Tomo had his own bus when Vickie was with us, they decided to let one of us join him and travel on  it and the other would stay with them in our bus.... IF that is what she wanted. Other wise they would use Tomo's bus and he would stay with us if he needed.  His bus had a master suite in the back room. It would be better for Siren to be there but, she was used to our bus.  She had stayed with me there, and now Jared... It would be what was best for her, the baby, and LoLa.

Vickie had actually cleared it with the C.O.S. of the hospital to bring LoLa in, so she was now laying on the bed with Siren. Wearing her "Service Dog" vest with pride and laying her head on her momma's leg. Siren's hand was softly playing with her ears as Jeanette was petting her. They seemed like she was doing a little bit better.

"That is the first time they have left besides to get food and showers since before I got here." Jeanette said to her. "They both really care about you Sarah... You want some time with them?" The look in her eyes almost brought me to tears. "I promise I will be right outside if you need me... I need to call your mom and tell her you are okay."

"NO!" Siren tried to scream. Her voice was horribly raspy from being on the breathing tube.

Jared jumped and went over to LoLa's side of the bed and took her hand that was resting next to her. LoLa licked him as he pet her, "Hey, it's okay... I've already talked to her. She knows you are safe. I didn't tell her about anything you wouldn't want to tell her yourself." He ran his fingers through her shaggy hair. She hadn't cut is since she came on the tour so it was starting to get longer now...

"Jared she doesn't know..." I heard Jeanette whisper.

Vickie and mom both grabbed me as Tomo smiled and grabbed LoLa's leash... "Come on pretty girl, time to go scare the kids in the cancer unit with all your kisses!" Tomo and Vickie had both been taking turns taking her up to visit with the children. All the parents loved her cause she was sweet and only had one eye... They thought it was adorable and made her 'less scary for a pit bull'... LoLa hopped down off the bed and wagging her little brown tail, ran over and sat for her best play buddy Uncle Tomo... And out the door they went.

Jared shot me a look and turned to Jeanette and then looked down at Siren and sat on the bed. He was still holding her hand, "What do you remember Siren?"

I could still see her face... She looked at Jared with those beautiful eyes, "Chicago? When did we get to Detroit?"

Her words were labored and she looked lost. It ripped me apart inside. She remember everything but the baby.... She remembered the night at the club, she remembered the horrible things that girl said about her.... but not that she was carrying my child.

"Who were the blood donors? I was meaning to ask you about that?" Jeanette quickly changed the subject.

"Shannon and myself. Our blood type was what could help her the most right now Jeanette, so we both happily volunteered." My mother held my hand in hers... "Sarah, you are family honey, neither of us were ever going to let anything happen to you. If we could do anything to stop it..." She let go of my hand and put her hand on Vickie's shoulder, "I think you and me should join Tomo up with the children. Let's let them talk."

Vickie smiled and nodded as they headed out just as Emma was opening the door. My mother quietly put her arm around Emma and took her with them. Our mother always did have a way about her. That's where Jared got it from... I know that! I just liked to stay back and do my thing. That is how Siren called to me so much, I enjoyed watching her. The way she moved when she would see a photo through her lens that she had just caught... the way her voice sounded as she sang... Her eyes lighting up when she used to watch me behind the drums. It all got destroyed and now she looked so weak, so fragile...

 "Can I talk to Shannon alone?" I hear her try to say... No... I had to be dreaming.... 

"We will be right outside if you need us...." Jared kissed her head and him and Jeanette walked out of the room with out another word... 

DID THAT JUST HAPPEN! I went over and sat down on her left hand side... Her right hand had the IV in it. 

"We need to talk...." She looked at me and I wanted to cry....

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