Sainted Day of Hell

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I woke up and reached for Jared next to me.... He wasn't there... I looked at my left hand to see if I had imagined the entire day before...  The ring Jared gave me was actually on my left hand... I just sat there and looked at the ring as the onyx caught the sun light slightly. 

"To be honest, I never thought you and I would come this far...Or I would have put a black diamond in it." Jared's voice came from beside the bed behind me... I rolled over to see him setting down a cup of... COFFEE? "I have NO clue how you drink your coffee... But I'm hoping you will start letting me at least try to do something like that for you.... I know I will never make your coffee like he does, but I'm trying..." He smiled and had set the cup down and just kind of waited for the judgment... "Okay, I know how you like your tea, so I just went off of that...."

"Then you would be right!" I smiled and sat up.... "That is sweet Jared, thank you!" He sat down next to me and kissed my cheek... "You're being cautious aren't you?" I lay my hand on top of his on his lap....

"You really do know me better than I think!" He laughed... "I know you have been through a lot in the last couple of days... And I know, that as much as I want to shout how happy I am..." Jared turned my face to look at him as I blew on my coffee... "I love you, but I still won't push... Nothing is official until after Connie is born..."

"I understand that... It's still going to be hard to be away from you and have Shannon staying here..." I pulled my legs up as far as I could being almost 8 months pregnant and a thicker girl to begin with.

Jared wrapped his arm around my one leg and lay his chin on my knee. "Who said I was leaving when he gets here? They said I couldn't interfere with him being a father!" He smiled at me....

"Do you really think he is going to let you sleep in here with me while he is in the room down the hall?" I laughed...

"That ring on your hand says he doesn't get a choice!" Jared got up and kissed me on the lips.... "You're going to be glad to get back to regular coffee again aren't you? I know you are sick of this decaf shit...."

"I think that is why all new mom's look so strung out!" I laughed as I got up and went out to start breakfast... "They haven't had caffeine for the better part of nine months and then they almost IV it like Shannon and I..." I stopped myself in my tracks and dropped my coffee cup. 

Jared was at my side in a second... "What's WRONG!" He pulled my face into his hands... "Is it the baby? Are you okay?"

I had to re focus my eyes....When I could finally see straight again, I looked at Jared... He was petrified! "I just got light headed.... I'm sorry.... I didn't mean to scare you..." I put my hand on his face and he almost crumbled....

"Something's still wrong.... I can't put my finger on it.... Are you sure you are okay?" Jared looked worried.... 

"I'm fine... Just got light headed.... Just have a funky feeling..." I pulled myself into his arms. "I've ALWAYS hated Valentine's Day... Bad shit ALWAYS happens on Valentine's Day..."

"Hey..." Jared pulled my face to his and kissed me... "Let's go to the doctor and make sure everything is okay.... I won't make you go to the hospital, but I want you looked at... I have a pit in my stomach, and I'm making sure you two are okay..." Jared already had his phone calling my doctor here in town.


After a thorough check up and clean bill of health for both me and Connie, I went out into the waiting room of the small little doctor's office to find Jared and Constance waiting for me...

"We are fine! Nothing is wrong...." I stop... the look on Jared's face made me want to faint!

"Siren, Shannon wrecked his bike...." Constance put her hand on my face.... "They don't know if he will make it.....

I feel Jared pull me into his arms just before I black out completely.....

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