Seeing Daddy

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I was able to walk in to Shannon's room carrying Connie in my arms. Constance carried the car seat. I had barely put her down except for when she was asleep right next to the bed. I felt bad for Jared, he always got up with me. I tried to do everything myself, but I was still struggling. But I couldn't deny how much confidence I had gained because I knew he was there with me. I wasn't alone. And soon Shannon would be there to spend some time with her so I could maybe get a nap!

Shannon's face lit up when he saw who was in my arms! "Princess Nuckler! Hi my sweet angel!" I lay her in Shannon's arms and he is beaming! The black eye had almost cleared, and he looked better! "I'm so glad you came by! I was just wishing I had a picture with her. I didn't get one before you left the other day! Can you take one?"

"Of course!" I smiled. I pulled out my cell phone and there was Connie's picture on my lock screen! "OH! First I have to show you her picture with LoLa!" I turned my phone around to show him a picture in my gallery. It was me holding Connie and LoLa sitting pretty next to my sleeping Princess! 

"I love it! Send it to me please!" Shannon tried to tap the phone to make the photo bigger, but instead switched the photo on the screen... It was a picture Jared had send me in the same message.... Of us KISSING! I grabbed my phone and turned it to the black screen. I tried to get up off the bed, but Shannon's left hand stopped me from moving when he lay it on my thigh. "It's okay... I have to deal with the fact you are with him now. I've given you no reason to give me another chance..." He smiled and looked me in the eyes... "Yet!"

"Shannon, I still think it wasn't right that I didn't pull the photo out and just send it to you... I'm sorry!" I felt horrible...

"Shannon, Siren is doing everything all on her own every night! I haven't gotten one call from Jared paniced in the middle of the night needing anything! He says she's been taking care of her all on her own!"  Constance beamed about how well I was doing!

"Mom, she knows what she needs to do to be a mother! She is a great mom! Why would I think anything less?" Shannon looked me in the eyes... "I always knew our daughter would be just fine with her momma. And I'll do what I can if you'll let me, the doctors said I can still change diapers with a cast!" He laughed!

"You'll do just fine Shannon. I'm sure of it!" I looked in his eyes and I had to stop. I blinked and pulled away. 

"I'll give you three a few minutes to yourselves... I'm going to call Jared and Jeanette and see if they want to just meet back at the apartments for lunch." Constance smiled at me and Shannon and left the room.

"Since when are they hanging out again? You okay with that?" Shannon seemed skeptical... But he kept his eyes on our daughter as he just rocked her in his arms.

"You're not so slick my dear.... I know you're fishing for info about if they are re kindling their relationship so you can come after me again!" I laughed... Then I saw Shannon look up in to my eyes... I felt my heart drop so deep into my stomach, I wanted to pounce on him! The look he shot me made me weak! "You're hoping for that aren't you..."

"I'm hoping that you will be happy! So I have to bow to the fact that my brother makes you happy, then that is what I want!" Shannon actually opened up, then dropped the bomb... "But I won't deny I'm not giving up yet! I love our daughter more than my own life, and when I thought you two were in danger... I couldn't think about anything but getting to you! I'm sorry I caused you stress. Everyone has told me you never left my side... I'm grateful... I don't know why you stayed after everything we've been through."

"Yeah, are you SURE you aren't taking those pain meds?" I stared at Shannon as he spoke so differently... I had never heard that tone of voice from him. I had to take a deep breath when he smiled... I recollected my scattered thoughts, "Shannon, I don't know why you think I wouldn't stay. Just because you and I aren't together anymore, doesn't mean I don't love you. It hurts, more than I ever thought it could..." I wiped a tear away  but it was pointless... "Especially seeing you with her...."

Before I could say anything Shannon kissed me. He still had Connie in his right arm, sound asleep. He didn't even blink, I just felt his left hand in the soft cast on his wrist wrap around my face and his lips on mine! I caved... I kissed him back! Every feeling that I already had for Shannon just rushed through my veins! I didn't know what to do.... I pulled away from him and stood up. 

"No.... It's not that SIMPLE! You can't just kiss me and it ALL  be okay Sannon!" I was in tears. I felt like I had torn my heart in half! "You can't just kiss me and fix EVERYTHING to where shit didn't happen! You can't take away the way I feel when I'm with Jared! He has NEVER lied to me! And he.... trusts that I wouldn't let this happen...." I slid down the wall and just curled up in a ball.

I feel someone pull me into their arms.. I hear Connie fuss and a woman's voice... I hear someone whisper in my ear, "I've got you, always have, always will... I'm not going anywhere!"

"Jared?" I mutter, I feel light headed... 

"Someone get a doctor..." I hear the same voice call out... "Mom get Connie and take her to Jared! Siren I've got you... It's Shannon, come on baby... hang in there..."

I hear Constance on the phone... "Get to the hospital... NOW!"

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