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I woke up the next morning early to Jared calling me... "Good morning! How did you two sleep? Or did you even sleep?"

I slid away from Siren with my phone on mute so Jared couldn't hear me, I lean down and kiss her cheek... She almost smiles in her sleep. I get up, slip my shorts on comando, grab my shirt and pull it over my head, and tighten my belt. I hear Jared cussing me on the phone that I had hung up on him. I unmute the phone as i go out into the living room... "Shut up man! I wasn't going to wake her up bitching with you..."

"So she is still there..." He almost sneared...

"Chill out man! She's not a groupie! It's different... SHE is different..."

"How many times have you said that Shannon?" He busted in, "What's going to happen when the next super model looks your way? How many 25 year old women on tour try to get in our pants?"

"It's NOT like that!"

"Sure... Bring her on tour... How long will it last when she sees these girl throw themselves at you..."

"Tomo and Vickie handle it just fine! And you are just pissed cause she picked me!" I hung up the phone and turned around she was standing in the door way wrapped up in a sheet. PERFECT!  I saw two views of her at the same time. Mortified at what she had heard... Not knowing how much she had heard... And how absolutely sexy she looked standing there. I walked over to her and kissed her. I held her face in my hands and looked in her eyes, "Now this is something I could get used to seeing every morning. The perk of you working for the tour."

"If your brother doesn't have a fit..." She looked at me dead in the eyes. I was done... I sighed and let go of her face. She grabbed my hand as I tried to turn her head to look at her neck, "We will talk about that in a minute! I'm not afraid of Jared, or the girls on tour. If he wants to play games, I can act completely professional the whole tour. But on my days off I can do what I want with whom I want. I will stay in my own hotel room or how ever I need to travel. I'm not going to cause an issue for you."

I looked down at her, "Jared can think he is going to screw this up, I'm not letting him. He's just being an ass. Besides today would be your day off any way. We don't leave until tomorrow." I leaned down to kiss her and she stopped me. 

"YOU may have the day off... I on the other hand have photos to edit!" And with that she ducked under my arm and grabbed her bag so she could get to work. 

"Are you going to work in a sheet?" I laughed. 

She tucked it under her arms and around her body and sat down on the couch and put her feet up... "YuP! Let Jared see that my personal life does not affect my work!" She looked at me with the biggest grins on her face! "Hickeys and all!" She glared at me....

"I mark what is mine! And you sexy thing are mine!" I pinned her back down on the couch before she knew it and kissed her while she undid my pants, I wasn't done with her yet! Apparently she had other plans for me! She pushed me up off her and pinned me on the couch. She stradled me and I slid my hands up under the sheet. Siren looked in my eyes, "I'm sorry if I hurt you. I got carried away..."

"It's just not fair I can't mark you... And I hate turtle necks!" she giggled. Just then we heard a knock at the door. She sighed and stuck her bottom lip out... "I'll go get dressed and start editing in there." She leaned down and bit my bottom lips as she kissed me, grabbed her tablet, and headed back into the bed room.

I stuffed my dick back down in my shorts and pulled my belt back tight again to go answer the door. I wasn't suprised when I saw Jared on the other side....I was pissed...."Seriously! Talk about fucked up timing! What the hell do you want now?"

"Brought over her contract for the tour. I wasn't kidding! And I made sure that she doesn't 'get in trouble' for dating someone on the tour." Jared handed me a stack of papers for her. I was a little intrigued.... "I also made sure she got a sign on bonus for imediate leave. Since I'm guessing she will probably grab a few things beore she leaves. I also arranged for her to bring her dog!"

"What are you up to Jared?" I looked at him and read through every line of the paperwork! He was right... Everything was legit. And it included a check! "No strings..." I turned around and looked him dead in the eyes. My brother could never lie to me.  "I'm not going to loose her cause of your crap man. I told you it was different with her. I wasn't dicking around about it. I like her a lot!" 

"Shannon, it's fine!" Jared put his hand on my shoulder. "You were right, I was pissed she picked you. She has an incredible voice! And it would be weird to sing with my brother's chic about being in love."

 "Last time I checked I called her my girlfriend not my chic." I rolled my eyes. Just then there was another knock at the door. I was never going to get to back to bed and interupt her! I went and opened the door. It was Vickie and Tomo. "Morning! Tell me you at least brought coffee... My brother didn't even bring that!"

Tomo hands me a cup and Vickie comes in and asks, "So where's my girl at? I have a bag of surprises and hot chocolate and coffee mixed as she requested!"

Just then I hear her come out of the bed room in her jeans and her hoodie. I can see she doesn't have her T-shirt on just her bra... YOu can barely see the marks I left on her shoulder and the bottom of her collar bone. But you can see the teeth mars around them, which of course is sexy and I'm know then I'm going to pound the shit out of her for it. She looks at me as Vickie hands her the drink and a bag (of surprises). I hear her squeel, "Thank you! How did you know what size?"

"I kind of ended up forgetting to tell you that your room mate stopped by with a bag of stuff for you and said LoLa will be here later this afternoon bathed and ready to go!" Siren hugged Vickie almost knocking them both on to the floor. "So I got you a few things to welcome you to the crew!" 

Tomo slapped me on the shoulder, "Shan's happy and Jared is jealous as shit, all is well in the world!"

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