New Day

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My phone rang early, "Jean? What's wronng?.... Shannon stop!... No! Stop! I'm trying to talk to my sister.... Damn it! Go make coffee!.... Sorry about that...." I laughed when I finally got Shannon to stop kissing the baby through my pj's... "Are you okay? What's going on? Why are you calling me at 7 am?"

I hear my sister laughing and Jared bust out laughing... "I guess we didn't interupt them too bad Jared... I was calling to make sure you are okay.... Seriously though..."

"You are playing medical snooper... You want to know if Shannon and I fucked... You are sick Jean..." I was trying not to laugh... Shannon came back in the room and I had them on speaker phone...

"Actually sweets, we were calling to make sure you two were both okay... I know things have come back really fast for both of you and we wanted to make sure you are okay...." I heard Jared's voice on the phone... "I still care about you sweets... Being dead serious here... You are my best friend Siren. And I want to make sure you are okay... I didn't stand by and put you back together for my brother just for you two to over do it the first night!" Jared was serious but of course he was trying to lighten the mood as always...

"I didn't destroy her Jared... Which is probably more than I can say for what I'm pretty sure you two were doing last night yourselves!" Shannon laughed as he took a sip of his coffee...

"Shannon!" I laughed and smacked him! "Even though he is probably right... That was rude.... this whole converstation is disturbing! Why are we even talking about what did or did not happen with ANY of us last night!" I laughed... 

"Seriously though... Sarah... How are you feeling..." My sister's voice got serious...

"I'm fine... I promise Jeanette... I told Shannon the same thing I told you... If I can't handle something I will tell someone... So can everyone stop worrying now... I'm already eating breakfast... Shannon made pancakes and threre was so much beautiful fresh fruit left over from dessert last night..." I chuckled as Shannon came over to me with a piece of pineapple in his mouth to kiss me and share with me... 

"So you are eating... Good, I want to make sure you keep your strength up. You are going on stage with me tonight!" Jared informed me.

I almost choked. "Jared, I'm going to kick your ass... Tell me your joking!"

"Nope! You and I have done that song so many times now, You're going to do Stay with Shannon before you do Masterpiece... You are going to be like a surprise I'm going to bring out like I did in D.C. Right before I do my acoustic set... Come on Siren, you've got this... I know you do!" Jared sounded confident.

"Jared, you made her as pale as a ghost...." Shannon grabbed the phone from me... "If she passes out I'm going to..."

"Sarah Elizabeth!" I heard Jean's voice...."You can do this! I know you can... You will have Shannon beside you... He will keep you calm I promise you can do this! I believe in you sis... You've got this!" 

I swallow hard and look at Shannon's face.... "Jared, you sing Stay with me and I'll do the other song if you guys do it like the CD...."

"Deal kid... I got you... You're going to knock them dead!" Jared was smiling... I could hear it in his voice... 


During sound check we worked everything out.... Tomo would start the song on the keyboard and Shannon would of course be playing drums, Jared and I would stand center stage... The whole time we practiced, I could feel Shannon's eyes on me. I knew this was right... But the way Jared's voice mixed with mine, killed me... Singing Stay with him brought back so many memories of the nights we spent together.

I shook off the look I thought I saw Jared shoot me, and tried to forget how close we came the night we recorded this song together. The night we got the closest to making love... 


It was time for the show... I got my camera ready... I was going to be there anyway, so I was going to take the oppertunity to grab some photos myself tonight! 

Shannon came up and put his arms around me... "How are you feeling? You didn't touch much of your dinner? You should have eaten something..." 

"I'm fine... just nervous..." I smiled as I pulled his arms tighter around me. He had his sticks already in his hands... It was almost show time... 

"You'll do fine my love... I promise..." Shannon kissed my neck above my camera strap... "I love you Siren... " With that the lights dropped and the fans screamed... Tomo started in on his drum... "Got to go baby..."

"Knock 'em dead Shannon! I love you!" I kissed him and off he went. Just in time for Jared's voice to finish and Shannon to start in...

The concert was electric... Shannon was on fire again! The hottest I had seen him play yet! I got the best photos from the guys that night... They were both feeding in to all three of us girls... Vickie, Jeanette and I all had our cameras going for the night... It was going to be the 6 of us running this whole show tonight... Robin and Emma thought I was crazy for coming back to work... But they loved the idea of us each taking shots of our men and the other guys from each perspective....

The night went off great! Then just as it was written in the play list... Jared stopped the show.... I was screwed... it was time.... "Tonight is a special night Las Vegas... You know how they always say what happens in Vegas Stays in Vegas right.... Well... Tonight I'm going to steal my brother's girlfriend... OOPS! Sorry! FIANCEE! For a song! I know you guys have been keeping up with what has going on with our tour and that we had to take some time off for couple of weeks while one of our crew was SERIOUSLY ill. WELL! My friends, she has returned tonight! And my brother has finally taken the jump from playing cat and mouse with this wonderful woman.... And has asked Siren to marry him!"

The crowd eruppted and I saw a camera on both of us... One on him and me.... He was beaming and I was red as the shirt he had on and the sleeves cut out of.... 

"And I have a bit more news... The reason we had to stop the tour and were so delayed, we again want to appologize for that... But we in the Mars family want to let you all know that the Leto family is steadily expanding... Siren and Shannon are expecting their first baby....So the fact that we both got engaged here this weekend and my brother's going to be a dad... I guess that leaves Vegas right?!"

"Jared... wait... did you...?" Tomo grabbed his microphone... 

"Yeah.... I guess I can't keep her a secret forever either.... My beautiful sister in law to be, had to have a sister that was as beatufiul as she is inside and out.... Mars... I have to confess... My brother isn't the only one that got taken off the market here in Vegas... Jeanette, I love you baby... And I am so proud to have you as my girl... I know my brother and I couldn't have asked for 2 better women to become our other halves and put up with our fucking crazy asses!

"I know Vickie is greatful for the help to keep us all on our toes..." Tomo laughed...

"Hey... now... No more tour secrets man! We don't want to scare them off just yet!" Jared laughed....

With that he brought me and Jeanette on stage.... Vickie came out and started snapping photos.... The rest of the show went off with out a hitch... Jared and I nailed our song... And hearing Shannon behind me on drums... I NAILED Masterpiece perfectly! It was the best night I would NEVER forget! 

They accepted both of us.... No cared... Jared and Shannon were happy... The Echelon were happy! Life was great.... On to L.A.... We were headed to a new life... I was exstatic!... And I was his... Soon I would be Mrs. Leto.... I couldn't wait!

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