Moving Forward

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It is the first time we left Connie with anyone was the day we went to Nicole and Mike's funeral. Siren was completely quiet and it was so disturbing. Our car pulled up to the grave side and Siren steps out with a dozen red roses and a white rose in the middle for Nicole and Mike's unborn child. She goes over and places the flowers on the casket. She is wearing all black in a pants suit with a leather trench coat. Her hair is past her shoulders and drapes over her tear soaked face. Her eyes are nothing but grey, red and swollen, and the blue is no where to be found in her blank gaze. I can only stand there with Jared as we watch the two of the most important women in our lives greave for one of theirs. Siren and Jeanette's mother and father stand to the side of Siren and Jeanette as the only family that has come besides the rest of the members of the Co-Op family. It almost looks like a mob funeral as Jared and look around and then at each other.

Mike's sister stands and walks to the head of both caskets. "Sadly today we lay to rest the two people in this family that brought all of us together. And the innocence that was never able to greet this world. We also lay with them a soul that was troubled. Jason had a problem bigger than any of us ever realized. And for that I take the biggest blow of them all. I trusted him with my brother and my heart and he destroyed them both. Jason was my husband and the leader of this family. His sickness was stronger than the life we had built at my family home. I pray that they all three find the peace that they so desperately searched for in this life. Nicole and Mike had found it in each other. They will now all be apart of this family, this farm, and the history we make on this land. Our land...Since we came to this land we have been here, on this farm." The woman I was told was Kasey stopped and took a deep breath. She wiped a few tears away as they were finally freed from her eyes and softly spoke once more... "Today we welcome back those who have lived and loved and belonged to this family. May their souls guide our steps and our actions as the past loved ones that have crossed over still lead us today."

Suddenly I see Siren look over at a girl in a dark green blouse and black slacks. As I notice others start to talk among themselves Jared and I see Carol lean over and tell her daughters something low. I see Siren get up and pull away from her mother and sister "No, she has no right."

I go over and place my hand on Siren's arm. "What is it love?" I whisper as I pull her face to look at mine.

"Sondra does not belong here!" She had fire in her eyes for the first time in a while. And it was not the good type of fire. She was angry beyond words!

"Sondra? As in your ex girlfriend Sondra?" I hear Jared question. "As in the girl who.."

"Yes Jared.... Now if you will excuse me." Siren snapped as she pulled away and headed for the woman in the green.

I follow her as does Siren's parents, Jared, Jeanette, and Mike's sister Kasey.

"Siren, I'm so sorry." I hear the girl say. She has long black hair and is of a medium build. Very pretty and very subtle. I can see why she and Siren would have been interested in each other.

"Why are you here Sondra?" Siren snapped at her. "You were banned from the family after the accident for your mother's crimes." I had never seen her so angry. "Your mother's grave is out on the older side where Jason and my father buried. You had no need to follow us here to where Jackson and Joshua are buried. You have NO claim to any of the people buried here!"

"I was not trying to offend you Mistress." Sondra was in tears.

"DON'T CALL ME THAT!" Siren screamed!

"Siren, call my dear." Kasey stepped in front of Siren. "You technically are now the Mistress of the Family and the Farm."

"If that is the case then should I call for my justice that is owed from you Sondra?" Siren never took her gaze off of Sondra. "For when you told Allan that Jeanette and I were running off with Joshua... Or did you not realize that Nicole did some digging for me?" Sondra looked like a deer in the head lights. "I found out why you were so scared to tell me that he was your fucking brother!"

Looking like I had been hit by a ton of bricks I just kind of looked at my brother. "This is some kind of joke." I grabbed my wife to be and looked at her. "How do you know this? And are you telling me that you are like some kind of organic mob boss?"

"Sondra nor Allan never knew I was hiding here after Joshua died. Do you remember the pictures in the guitar case? Sondra was at the funeral. Allan wasn't. How did he get the ONE photo I KNOW Sondra took of me and Jean at our son's grave. So when I saw that photo I knew what Nicole had left me in the stuff she dropped off when I started that night in D.C. was true. Sondra you have been behind almost everything some how! I wasn't going to let you just walk away with out saying something to you now could I?" Siren was an entirely different person! I didn't know what was going on.

"Moving forward I want her position removed from record. Sondra you are gone! MY FAMILY was destroyed by yours for the last time!" Siren turned to Kasey, "Since I am the heir from my father's side of this empire so to speak, I speak for the Doddson Family and wish our profit and product shall be limited to those who are loyal to the Family. And that goes for the oil fields and gold mines we are ownership of as well. I take ownership of my birth right to those account holdings."

This wasn't just some organic farm she was staying at with dogs and horses and people this was a multi generation mob family!

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