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It was late.... I was DRUNK! And I knew I wasn't in MY bed.... I wake up and feel someone in my arms... My Siren had come back to me.... She must have seen our daughters room.... I roll over and look down at the person laying next to me and I realize it is NOT my fiancee.... "Oh my god...." It's Jeanette! I look around and there are two empty bottles of booze laying on the floor piled into our clothes... "Oh My God...." I look around once more and realize we are in my brother's room in my house... "Son of a BITCH!" I hop up and quickly throw my clothes on. "Jeanette... wake up babe.... We need to talk honey...." I started to panic.... It was 2 a.m. How the FUCK did I let this get this far.... I hear her stir and lay a robe on the bed... It's probably Jared's, he is already going to kick my ass for fucking his girlfriend.... Then I look down and see her ring is gone. "No.... no.... then that means..."

"You have GOT to be kidding me!" I am FUCKED.... I hear my brother's voice. "Yeah Jeanette.... Detroit and a medical conference! And YOU! A BIKE SHOW!"

Jeanette has jumped up in the bed and realized what was going on... "Jared! It's NOT what it looks like!" Tears streaming down her face!

Jared picks up the two empty bottles and almost hits the floor... "I am just so grateful she didn't come with me.... Cause Siren would have...."

"Done what Jared? Saw with my own two eyes that he FUCKED my sister!" I heard my sweet Siren's broken voice. Jared threw the bottle on the floor letting them shatter and pulled Siren into his arms. Robin and Emma were standing behind her in tears... "Or the fact that my so called 'sister' has struck again!" 

"Siren.... It's not like that... Baby I promise! Please let me explain!" I begged her!

She pushed Jared away and came over to me.... I hit my knees and wrapped myself around her body to hold her and my daughter.... I heard her laugh... It wasn't her laugh.... "I hope she told you the real truth Shannon... That is why I followed Jared... I knew it... I KNEW IT!...." She pulled away from me.... "You will NEVER touch me again... So I hope you liked that Shannon... That will be the closest you will EVER be to MY daughter!" 

I paniced.... "No... Sarah... Look across the hall... Please..." I was begging. Jared pulled her back into his arms... "GET THE FUCK OFF HER JARED! LET ME EXPLAIN!"

"NO!" She screamed at me.... "I came here to tell you I made a mistake.... I slept with Jared because I was hurt... But this!" She took her ring off and lay it on the dresser she was standing by.... "Ask her about OUR son.... And why I would take this ring off... Ask her Shannon.... Ask her who was going to raise Joshua..." She was hysterical!

Jared and I both looked at Jeanette and she was bawling... "I was.... Allan snapped because he found out that Sarah and I were together and I was going to raise her son as my own... We never wanted to be sisters because we were lovers..."

"YEARS JEAN! I TOLD YOU ALLAN WAS A MISTAKE.... I KNEW THAT FUCKING 3SOME WAS A MISTAKE.... BUT WHAT HAPPENED? I GOT PREGNANT AND HE BECAME A STALKER!" She almost colapsed in Jared's arms.... Emma rushed to her side... "Allan pushed me down the stairs cause I had Joshua in my arms so we could leave! And Jackson... " She had this hurt evil chuckle.... "Jackson and her didn't work out because she was in love with me! He left her appartment that night cause she told him about us... And that WE were going to get married..."

"I would have married you Sarah! But you picked Sondra over me!"

"Because of Joshua! HOW COULD I MARRY THE WOMAN THAT COST ME MY SON?" I heard Siren scream! "Shannon was my second chance just like Jared was yours... I admit I fucked up.... I fucked Jared... You're damn right! Cause when I needed the two most important people in my fucking life... YOU WERE BOTH GONE!"

Robin came in the room and she was crying.... She tried to turn Emma around to show her the nursery... "Siren.... Look, he made Connie a nursery honey..." I heard her try and calm her down....

Jared turned around and looked.... He just put his head on top of Siren's.... "Baby.... she's right..."

Siren turned around and look directly across the hall into a neon pink themed room. With teddy bears and pink roses everywhere.... "This is why you lied?" I heard her burst in to tears...  "If that was all that had happened... We could go back.... I would stay with you Shannon... For the rest of my life..." She turned back to look at me with tears in her eyes... She put her hand on top her engagement ring and just looked at my brother... She slid her ring closer to me on the dresser.... "But I've made my choice... I'm walking away... From the both of you..." And with that she looked at Jared with pleading eyes.... "Can we go home now? I can't take being near them anymore..."

Jared put his arms around her and kissed her head as he pulled her into his chest.... "Are you sure that is what you want? I will back off if you want him.... I gave you my word after OUR little 'mistake.' the night he found you." Jared was making sure I knew he had slept with her... He knew it would torture us both....

"Jared, as far as I'm concerned the second Allan put that knife to my throat it was over!" I heard her utter the words to him THat I prayed she would NEVER say.... She turned to him as they walked out my front door and stopped them in the door way... "I'm yours, and so is my daughter."

I hit my knees and I heard Jeanette bawling.... It was over...

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