Lost Time

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I stand there in shock as I look up to see a stage in front of me with a full set up of musical equipment. Not just any band specifically either! 30 Seconds To Mars....... Everything starts spinning. I feel Brady put his hands on my hips to steady me. This can't be happening.

"I hear the last month you have been very sick. It was the least I could do to make a few phone calls and organize a few photo shoots with a few old friends before you leave town on tour as the new concert photographer for the guys." Brady made sure I didn't fall over...

"Over the first two weeks while you were in a coma you crashed several times. How you pulled through," My sister was in tears... "Siren, it was Jared and Shannon who saved your life. They had seen you taking photos that morning in DC and followed you. They said there was just something about you that just called to them." She laughed. "They both would come in and just talk to you, sing to you, Tomo, Vickie, even Constance their mother was their."

I felt like I was going to faint. "That is impossible..."  I just stood there.

"Siren, they know everything about you and saw your work. They found out how much of a fan you were and they know about Joshua." Jeanette smiled through the tears, "He would be so proud of his momma. You are being given the opportunity of a life time. Unfortunately our travel crew was going to be a lot bigger, the nurses decided they were going to stay in town. They even convinced me to stick around a while... Well... That Doctor of yours kind of did. Jackson and I have started dating and it seams like you get the brothers all to yourself. "

I couldn't breathe... The next thing I knew everything went black.


Shannon, Tomo and I are standing behind Brady, Jeanette and Siren. I see her fall backwards into Brady's arms as Jeanette tells her everything.

"I kind of figured that was going to happen." I hear Tomo chuckle.

We all come up out of the dug out as Brady cradles Siren and Vickie runs out to her with the first aid kit and smelling salts.

"Hey sweets, time to wake up." I chuckle as Siren starts to open her eyes. They are the most beautiful blue gray. Her hair is shoulder length, a mousy brown with black and red streaked through it. Some of the photos of herself that she did for a private album her sister had shown us were incredible. They showed so many different sides to her. Both my brother and myself had a fascination with her that we couldn't explain. She was just someone so complex and mysterious as a shattered window pane that had been turned into stained glass!

"Jared, remember you said you had to give her a chance to process everything." Shannon put his hand on my shoulder. He got close as we both took a step back for her to have some breathing room.  Shannon leaned in and whispered, "Don't over whelm her with everything we know. The singing, the money she hides so she can be treated normal... Just let her absorb the fact that BOTH of us have a thing for her. She is already screwed up from almost being killed."

I lean over and motion for Tomo to come closer... I speak soft so I don't frighten Siren. "Let her come to us when it comes to asking questions. Let her feel like a normal person. What ever she asks about what we know or what happened to her during any of this, just be honest and answer her."

"Is this really happening?" I hear her softly whisper. She slowly stands up as Brady stabilizes her. "You have no idea how many things I want to know..." She looked star struck... on the verge of crying... "But I'm just going to ask one question for right now."

"Siren, we will answer anything you ask." Shannon smiled.

"Why me?" Her question was simple.

"Because sometimes you have to stop and hunt down the 30-something-reality that just calls to you when it finds you in the oddest of places... " Shannon smiled.

"The break of dawn can show you a new light one something that you had never seen the beauty in before that day." I smiled.

"Just because you may not be the world's cup of tea..." Tomo started...

"Doesn't mean you can't be someone's perfect cup of coffee." Vickie chimed in.

"They break the mold on special cases don't ya know..." Brady whispered in her ear.

The tears just rolled down her face. My mother stepped up and put her hands on Siren's shoulders. "Siren, through everything you have been through in your life. Let my boys and this crew show you what dreams you must have had every time you would hear their voices speak to you while you fought so hard to come back."

"So I wasn't dreaming, they were there! The music, the stories, the voices... The dreams they caused.... Oh my.... " Siren smiled as her tears flowed. "Yes... "

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