Caught by surprise!

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I get out of the shower and get dressed. I look around the room and grab my tablet. This stupid thing has become my life line to the outside world for so long. I had been keeping to myself after everything went down with my exes. Now Shannon knew some of it... I decided it was only right, he had to know why I was so gaurded. He had to know about my son.

I went out into the living room of the hotel room and looked down for LoLa. SHE WAS GONE! I grabbed my phone and realized I didn't have Shannon's number! He was gone! Her leash! Wait... Breathe!...He is gone, and she is gone... maybe he.... Just then the door opened and Shannon walked in with a very happy little blue fawn, one eyed pit bull! Shannon had a big smile on his face as she sat for him and he took her leash off her collar and she ran over to me! 

"Hi baby! Did you go for a walk?" I pet her as she licked my face and then went to her blanket and got her bone. She was very independant but there when I needed her! "That was sweet Shannon, thank you." I smiled as he came over and slid his arms around me and kissed my neck.

"You are welcome!" He kissed my lips... "So I didn't know how you liked your burger, so I kind of hope you like what I got..." He looked at me with a kind of puzzled look on his face. And of course as good looking and goofy as he is, it made me almost instantly want to fuck him again! " I took a BIG risk and got you baked chicken with asparagus and wild rice..." He stopped and just looked at me. He was still holding me in his arms and that gooffy face! I couldn't help but giggle. "Okay... I know not everyone likes asparagus.... But I was hoping."

I smiled and leaned in close like I was going to kiss him, "No, you got it right! That sounds great!" Then I of course pulled him to me by the back of the neck and kissed him full on like I was going to eat HIM! The next thing I knew I was pinned to the wall and LoLa was at my feet. I regretfully pushed him back and laughed, "You can't do that so quick now that she is here! She may be small but I am her momma, she is gonna check on me. And she..." I pointed to my sweet little 50 lb pit bull, "is not even the one that is protective of me! Angel Eyes is WORSE! She would have been barking and jumping on us." I looked him straight in the eyes as he still had me pinned against the wall with my left leg was pulled around his waist.

"Well DAMN!" Shannon laughed and shook his head, "That just means I will have to drag you into the bedroom again!" He slid back up close to me and licked my neck up to my ear before he bit down on right side of my neck. A moan escaped my mouth and he bit harder! Just as room service knocked on the door. "FUCK!" I felt him mutter into my neck as he moved his hips up into me. He was ready to go again! "This is not done! I am not done..." He looked me in the eyes, his famous fucking bedroom eyes! I wanted him so bad it hurt, "NO WHERE NEAR DONE....with you!" He kissed me once again as the knock sounded again.

I tried to catch my breath and calm LoLa down as Shannon got the door. It was our lunch, He tipped the man who brought our food and had him set it on the table. I pet LoLa and told her to lay down and went over to the table. I grabbed the back of the chair next to Shannon and started to pull it out.

"No, Siren you sit here! Have you never had someone pull a chair out for you before?" Shannon stopped me in my tracks! I looked at him like a deer in the headlights! He laughed his raspy laugh and I almost fell over in my head, again wondering if my jaw was physically on the floor. "I know I don't really seem the type, but I am from the south, my mother was a hippie, and she did teach my brother and I some respect when spending time with that special woman." I didn't knoow what to say! 

I went over and he pulled the chair out for me to sit down. He even did the whole routine! Including the whole show with taking the lid off my food! Of course I blushed and clapped like a five year old! Here was Shannon Leto, the sexiest drummer on the PLANET, bring out the southern manners and tradition for me! When he sat down, all I could do is stare at him! I couldn't even tell what he was supposed to be eating, but he just looked like every other man just eating lunch with his dare I say it... girlfriend! He had made mention of it a few times... But I still wasn't sure if he was serious!

He looked over at me gawking at him like some love sick puppy and laughed. "I'll be here when you get done eating, I promise! Now eat while your food is hot. I didn't see you eat much of anything yesterday in all the comotion of everything so I'm making sure I'm taking care of you! Now eat! We will talk while we snuggle on the couch with LoLa."

I snapped out of it and smiled one last giddy smile to myself and dug in. I still felt like the world that was going on around me was a dream. But I wasn't ready to wake up just yet... But it was coming.

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