Alone...Siren & Jared...

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The next afternoon I woke up to find myself in Jared's arms still. I rolled over and saw him perched up on one arm just watching me sleep with the other arm draped over me. He lightly started to drag his finger tips up and down my arm as he just watched me sleep.... I looked into his eyes... "What happened?"....His hand just dropped... It looked like I had shot him.... "No! I mean... How did this happen? Like what happened to bring us all here? How did all of this get so messed up?"

He softened his face... "I don't know... But no matter what happens I will not regret anything that has EVER happened between us..."

"Did you even love her Jared?" I snapped. "I'm not trying to be a bitch... Please know that... But even as mad as I am that they slept together.... All you have been doing is focusing on me... Like you don't even care that she got drunk and slept with your brother..." I had been up last night thinking... A few things just didn't add up anymore.

"Yes, yes I did love her.... More than I even could realize I could love someone...." He stopped... Jared turned around and sat up completely in the bed.... "Come here... I'll explain it all... You've come clean, now it's my turn..." I snuggled into his chest and just rubbed my stomach. Connie was kicking me. Apparently she kicked Jared cause he laughed and scratched his side before he completely wrapped me in his arms...

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to snap at you. I just don't get how happy you two were and how happy Shannon and I were.. HOW  did we end up like this?" I lay my head on his chest... His hair lay all of the place... I loved how it just draped down his body. 

"No, I understand completely." He kissed the top of my head. "Shannon is my brother, and we have always fought over everything. He has been the one that saved me when we were kids, then I saved him later. But we have always wanted what the other had."

"Typical sibling stuff.... I get that... But over a woman?" I didn't understand.

"Shannon and I have both been with our fair share..." He kind of cringed... "Not to be mean, I know women don't want to hear that shit... But I told you I would never hide anything from you." Jared laced our fingers together and lay our hands on his (killer sexy) abs... My head was still finding it hard to comprehend I was in JARED LETO'S BED... My child hood crush... My secret fantasy... Sometimes I found it hard to realize that I was carrying his brother's baby... Shannon was always sexy to me. And when we were together it was FIRE.... I knew they both had fucked around with TONS of women in their day... So the fact that I was in Jared's bed, I was dreaming... I had to be! 

Jared pulled my face up to look at his... "But you are REAL.... You never held back with us... You even called us out on our shit from day ONE!" He laughed... "That is why we each saw something in you... He just got to you first... That is all it was, I was going to make a move on stage. He just beat me to it!" He smiled at me and kissed me. I wanted him all over again... His lips were like a drug to me...It made me want to forget everything when Jared kissed me. He broke our kiss and I almost whimpered! Laying his head on mine, looking me in the eyes... "I loved Jean, I still do... It kills me that she slept with Shannon... But I'm not going to let you suffer and being with you is easy.... You're my best friend... You know me better than anyone besides Shannon." He kissed me again. "You know the pain we're both going through. And you know I would NEVER hurt you, I've been nothing but honest with you since the day we've met. Even when it caused us both pain." He took a deep breath... "Or did you forget Philly? The first time I kissed you..." Jared smiled and bit my lip... "Do you remember when I tapped my watch? I was watching Shannon bite you... I saw you look at me... I tapped my watch...."

"I remember!" It was like a light bulb went off! "I told you I wouldn't let anything fuck me and Shannon up... Not even for you..." I sat up and pulled away... "I need to talk to him Jared...I care about you more than you know... But I love him. He's the first person since Jean to mean a damn to me. Sondra was just a rebound... Jean is my sister now, our past is behind us.... and I have to make things right with her..."

Jared took my hand and pulled me back into his arms, laying me across his body, chest to chest, wrapped in his arms... "Tomorrow.... Today, you and I belong to each other... For one day, we get to be what could have been...." With that his lips were on mine again... Hungry.... Leaning me back and sliding on top of me... 

"Why did you tap your watch?" I stopped him.... He laughed and pulled back to the headboard and put pillows behind my head andbefore he lay down next to me, leaning his head on his hand....

"Because I knew I only had so long to make you my woman before I lost my chance. I never expected Shannon to be so stupid... He's never been so serious before. And to be honest, I would have thought Jeanette was more his type than you... Me, you were my logical choice, you were a smart ass who kept us on our toes... I loved that about you! The fact that you were so star struck at the same time is what got to me! You're innocense...I loved it!... I wanted to see the side of you no one else gets to see. The wild side..." I felt him slide his hand between my legs.... "I did say tomorrow...Didn't I?"  What happened next made me wonder about even if i WANTED to try and work things out wish Shannon....

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