Nothing Like the Present

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My world was coming together and everything was falling in to place. Siren was back in my arms, and away from my brother. Jeanette was back in Jared's arms, and getting married themselves. Siren and I had set a date, and our daughter was perfect and healthy. Everything I had ever wanted and then some was all at my finger tips. I look down at the band on my left hand. Siren had it made out of guitar strings. It was one thing she had always wanted to do with Connie... Keep music around her. Her passions were simple, and it was obvious we shared so many of them. The fact that she was so simple, she didn't ask for things! Siren could have asked for anything from either my brother or myself, but she never let us do ANYTHING for her... It drove my brother crazy, and to be honest, I was tired of putting up with it... That is why her birthday present was going to blow her away!

"Hey, before she gets here, I have to give you this..." Jared put his hand on my right shoulder. He handed me an envelope full of papers. "This was everything for her birthday vacation I was going to take her on. I had to adjust a few things so that was it was for both of you.... Happy birthday big brother, I even moved the dates... It is for after she is healed. I was taking her for her birthday... So I had everything changed for the two of you. Wine tastings, horse back riding, everything that would mean the most to both of you. And I already talked to everyone... We are taking Connie, you are NOT going to argue with us... You are going to spend some time with your woman! No is NOT an option here." Jared was proud of himself. I could see it.

"Thanks brother, I know we'll have a blast! But why give it to me now? Tonight is her birthday..." I hug him...

"Because he is taking my sister away for a few days. And I told him I was taking you somewhere for your birthday myself... I've put aside most of my paychecks from the tour. I've used very little of the money I made... So I made a few plans this afternoon." Siren's voice came from behind me.

I turn around to see Siren in a woman's pants suit. Slate gray with a burgundy blouse. Her blouse was unbuttoned just enough to see the sexy lace tank under the blouse and her Orbis symbol nestled at the top of her cleavage. Her hair was re-done and had red spikes at the ends with the black tips still there. She had Emma and mom do her hair before she got here! Earrings, all of them in... and HER LIPS! The lip ring was still there and they were as red as the blood that I wanted to bite out of her!

"I am SPEECHLESS!" I just about hit my knees! She looked like a SeX KiTTeN with 3 inch heels! "Don't ever change! I love how you re-invent yourself!" I couldn't help but kiss her! I didn't care who saw! I heard a cell phone camera sound and I let her go... I open my eyes to see hers open and the biggest smile on her face! 

"Turn about is fair play right?" She giggled... Her eyes sparkled! "I get to post this one! My Birthday With My Man!"

"You got me this time baby!" I smiled... I had pulled her so close I had almost dipped her, I stood her back up and I just couldn't stop smiling... "Happy Birthday! I love you, and you have to make me a promise..."

Siren looked at me puzzled as by now everyone had come out to greet her. I don't think either of us realized that EVERYONE had come out... We were all at Jared's house, that way no extra eyes could ruin tonight. 

"Shannon, I would not deny you anything in the world! Don't you see that by now?" She smiled at me.

"Then promise me you will let me show you how much you mean to me. Let me take care of you... Let me take care of our family. Connie will want for nothing in this world... If I can give it to her, I will make sure she has everything she NEEDS, and then a few extras!" I chuckled... Then I looked her in the eyes, I put my hands on her face, and spoke from my heart, "I've never felt the way I do when I'm with you. You light up my world, and you've given me a daughter! I want to give you what you give me... You make me feel safe in your arms. Be safe in mine. Let me take care of you and give you the things you deserve. Let me spoil you a little... You make me smile at the mention of your name. Let me take some pride and spoil you like you deserve to be! Please..."

Siren was in tears, I was hoping I hadn't pushed her... She closed her eyes, and smiled as she bit her bottom lip... I had to smile as she whispered, "I guess it's ok cause it's my birthday..."

I laughed and reached in my pocket, "Good! I'll take that.... Close your eyes." I smiled and as she did so I pulled the keys out of my hoodie and just held them, "Open your hand, keep your eyes closed till you are told! I don't care if you figure out what it is.... Now turn around and hold out your hands..." I looked up and realized everyone was outside... I smiled and took a deep breath.... I dropped the key chain in her hands and saw her grasp them. I was standing in front of her still and when her eyes started to flood with tears, I asked her... "Do you know what is in your hands?"

"I'm going to kick your ass Shannon!" Her eyes flew open and Siren looked directly up into mine.... and I saw a weak woman in front of me melting away... 

"I remember you saying you always wanted a Jeep of your own...So I know it's hard not wanting to go out with out LoLa and Connie, and not being over whelmed trying to do everything at once. So I hoped this might make things a little easier to get around..." I stepped aside to show her the Slate Blue 4-Door 2015 Jeep Rubicon. "I thought the color reminded me of your eyes. Now you have something else to post!" Her arms were around me and her lips on mine. I know she is crying and I can bet Jeanette is crying too!. 

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