The Date

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Everyone was starting to talk about heading out. Shannon and I were actually still tired from last night! But of course, the only one who hadn't noticed a thing was our daughter. Who once again was held almost to the extend of I don't think she ever got put down except to be changed! This girl was spoiled!

Which reminded me, "Jeanette! Come here a second! " I was wrapped in Shannon's arms. I felt safe and since he was aparently 'very needy in the snuggle department' as he called it! So I was curled up happily in his arms as she came over with a smile on her face that I hadn't seen in years! "I'm starting to think mom was trying to tell me something!" I giggled.

"WHAT are you talking about?" Jeanette stared at me! "Have you been drinking?" She laughed. The look on her face looked like she was a deer in the head lights.

"Jean," I pulled away from Shannon. "Mom said something about raising our kids together or some shit...Are you?"

"No!" The pain in her eyes... "Siren, I can't..." She had tears in her eyes.

Just then Jared pulled her in to his arms... "But we are going to see what we can do to change that when she's ready. If not, we can adopt. I'm here no matter what!" He kissed her lips.

"I'm sorry! Why didn't you tell me?" I was mortified! "Please forgive me!" I started crying.

 "Because, I didn't think you needed to have my problems on top or yours. You were going through a dark place when I found out, so I talked to someone and got through it." Jeanette looked at me and just laid her head on Jared's chest. He stroked her lengthing blond hair. I was starting to wonder whose hair was longer!

"Your sister is a strong woman Siren." Shannon pulled me closer in to him. "She and I had a lot of conversations while you were with Jared. So we have become pretty close." 

I spun around in Shannon's arms, "I'm glad she had you. I'm sorry I wasn't there when she needed me." I hugged Shannon. "So when did you find out Jean? I thought you and Jared were talking about a baby before you all split up."

"I thought I was, so I went to the doctor. That is when I found out I couldn't and that it was PCOS. The same thing your mom has." Jeanette had grabbed 2 glasses of wine and pulled me away from the guys when she finally spoke freely. "I didn't know how Jared would react, so I kept it quiet until I found out for sure. I wasn't going to come between you and him. You needed him, so Shannon was my shoulder to cry on. I'm sorry if I stepped between you and him when it came to me needing someone..."

"Jean, Shannon is your brother now as much as Jared is mine. I'm just grateful you had him to lean on." I hugged my sister, it had been so long since we had put all the problems we have had over the last few years aside and just been sisters again. It was a moment our parents would have loved to see.

"So since these too crazy men have decided to kidnap not just ONE of our daughters, but BOTH of them... I hope she will at least let her mother and I be at the weddings!" I hear Jean's father laughing as we both turn around!

"Daddy!" We both scream and run into his arms! 

"You're mom is still a little crowd shy, I see now where you get it from Siren." My 6 ft 5 in father had both my sister and I pulled in to his arms. "But I told her I wasn't missing out on seeing our girls. She would just have to deal with it!" 

"Daddy! You didn't leave my step-mother all the way back home!" Jeanette pulled away from him.

"Jim!! Why would you come out and not bring mom!" I looked up at my adopted father. "You know she would have been fine if you had brought Gus with her! I gave her that puppy for a reason!"

"If he had, he would be divorced by now... I wasn't missing out on my seeing my daughters!" I turn around to see my mom standing behind me between Shannon and Jared. 

"Momma!" I ran over and hugged her. Both of us just cried. "I knew you wouldn't let him come meet your first grand daughter with out you!" Gus jumped up on us to give me loves and I finally had to let go of my mother and greet Angel's 70 lb son that I had given to my mother as a puppy.

"So gentleman, have either of you set a date to take our daughters away from us?" My dad asked both Jared and Shannon. "I mean, I have two weddings to pay for I should know how fast to go pull their wedding accounts."

"Dad, I'm pretty sure we can pay for our own weddings! Take mom somewhere nice!" Jeanette wrapped herself into her father's arm.

"Actually Jim, I tried to convince both of these women that they don't need to worry about their money anymore! They refuse to listen to either one of us!" Jared laughed!

"Because I taught them both to make sure they are in charge of their finances! Siren learned from what we went through with her biological father, that if she had a savings, she would always be able to get somewhere safe. When she realized she didn't need it, she could treat herself to something special!"

"And trust me momma, I can cover my wedding with my savings... Plus, I'm taking Shannon on a trip for his birthday, before we get married anyway!" I smiled as I lay my head on my mother's shoulder.

"She has no clue what Shannon has up his sleeve!" Constance laughed... "Siren my dear, you and Jeanette keep your money in your savings accounts. If you want to Siren, leave it for something for you and Connie. Your tattoos, a girls trip, anything! Just tell us when to be where and I'm pretty sure my sons will have everything taken care of except your dresses! Those, I'm paying for! NO ARGUMENTS!"

"April 1st for Siren and myself. I'm pretty sure if I know my brother and Jeanette... I'm guessing May 17th?" Shannon laughed as he watched Jared pull Jeanette into his arms.

"How did you know Shannon!" Jeanette laughed...

"Cause he's been asking us about your family research you have been doing! And seeing as though Shannon was the one who was originally helping you, I'm pretty sure he remembered a few things!" Tomo laughed!

"Momma Carol, would you mind if I asked to help her pick her dress?" Nicole asked my mother.

"I think it will be easier said than done Nikki. I want the dress you and I designed when the three of us sat there dreaming of the perfect guys and the perfect dress!" I laughed as I looked over at Jean... "It is funny we switched guys though! You were the one that liked Jordon's friend with the long hair on the show... I  was the one who had the thing for Jordon when we were watching My So Called Life!" Both of us were laughing!

"Shut up! You both end up with one of them! I'm the one that didn't get in on that one!" Nicole busted out!

Just then I see Jared wink at Shannon, and both of them reach over grab Nicole and kiss her cheeks at the same time! I hear the camera go off as Nicole has the PERFECT look of shock on her face!

"That is the best shot!" Tomo laughed so loud!

All of us just laughed and spent the rest of the evening making plans for both weddings and for some time with our families.

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