Caught Off Guard

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After spending most of the day in bed with Jared, he remembered we needed some actual food! As he brought in an assortment of different things for me to try, as Jared is ALWAYS trying to convince me to be a vegan... He also decided to bring our favorite evening snack... Popcorn... He even brought me my own bowl with my Co-Op Butter melted on it.

"I still think that it's disgusting, but I can't deny a pregnant woman what she wants..." He laughed. "Just promise me to brush your teeth before you kiss me again..." He laughed and kissed me before I could take a bite... I heard him moan...."Hmmm.. Maybe popcorn can wait!" He took the bowls of popcorn and put them on the night stand. Pulling me into a seductive and sensual embrace, he kissed me.  I wrapped my arms around him. One around his body, the other with my hand up in his hair, with my nails clawing at him. "Marry me..." I thought I heard him mutter as we kissed... 

I pulled back and looked at him in the eyes... Those same blue eyes that had captured everything I was feeling and just pulled me in... "What did you say?" I whispered with my arms still around him. I just stared at him like I was staring at a painting...

"Marry me?" He wasn't kidding! "No, I don't have a ring... I'm not even going there... But it makes sense!"

"YOU HAVE LOST YOUR MIND!" I pulled away and sat up in the bed, grabbing my popcorn off the nightstand and handing him his... "Did you hit your head on something besides that weak ass punch Allan landed? Cause you are certainly acting crazy Jared!"

He grabbed the bowls back out of my hands and put them on his side of the bed so I couldn't get to them... "I'm serious! I want you, I enjoy being around you, you make me laugh, smile, jump, everything... You make me feel needed! Like it makes your day to see me!" He stopped and pulled my face to him and kissed me.... When he pulled away and spoke this time, I felt like someone was daring me to jump off a bridge with them!... "Sarah, I don't care about what you and Jeanette were, I know you and Shannon had something incredible! I will NEVER deny I didn't love your sister... I still do... But I can't be with her until she let's go of the past... ALL of it... I want to see you dream, and I want to be there for you when your daughter is born..." He put his hand on my stomach, leaned down and kissed it... When he looked back at me, I had tears in my eyes... "Connie is always going to my brother's child. We both know that... Nothing we can do to change that... Jeanette and I were hoping, but things went to hell before we could talk about it more... I can't keep him from his child, and deep down, you know you loved him, and probably still do..." He took a deep breath and pulled me into his arms... "We have our own bond, neither of us can deny that. And it would ensure that if my brother doesn't get the clue NOW... That Connie will have someone who loves her and will be there for both her AND her mom! I'm not asking to hurt you... I'm asking because I do love you and want to do what I can to make sure you are safe...."

"Jared," I interupted him... I kissed him on the lips and looked him in the eyes... "Yes."

"What? Did you just say...." He looked me dead in the eyes... 

"Yes Jared, I will marry you."

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