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We get back to the apartment and eat lunch. Everyone is laughing and having a good time. No one seems like there is any stress... No love square going on... Just family and friends... Shannon picks Connie up out of Vickie's arms after her bottle and sits on my new sofa. (I had just gotten a new one delivered when I got home from the hospital) 

"So my little Princess... Are you going to let mommy take a nap and spend some time with daddy?" Shannon was all smiles as he rocked her in his arms. "I think I remember something your Uncle Jared told Mommy about her getting to take a nap this afternoon. So how about you and I sit here and watch Tom & Jerry  re-runs and get to know each other... How does that sound Victoria Constance? Is that okay with you my little Princess?"

All I could do is smile as I stared at them. I had my phone in my hand so I quickly took a picture. "That was the best photo of her yet!" I beamed! She was almost smiling! (As much as a 1 week old baby can...)

"He is right though... Come on, nap time for both of you!" Jared grabbed my hand and helped me stand up slowly... "I told you earlier... Now... In that bedroom and straight to bed with you!" He smacked my ass and pushed me through the door to my bedroom. I could only imagine what everyone just thought!

I went and changed into my day of the dead flannel pj's... Jared was already snuggled down on the bed waiting for me... "You DID say you were going to come snuggle... Didn't you!" I climbed into the bed next to him and into his waiting arms... "I like when you snuggle with me!" I felt like a love sick teen!

Jared wrapped me in his arms and pulled my body to him as he kissed my lips softly. "I like snuggling with you!" He whispered before his kissed me again. I wrapped my fingers around the back of his head through his hair. "Thank you for brushing your teeth..." He chuckled.

"I'm not so stupid Jared... I also know where they went had a GREAT veggie meat burger... So I text Tomo to get me that instead! I'm not going to eat meat and then kiss my VEGAN boyfriend!" I smiled as Jared kissed me again.

I got lost... Something felt different... I couldn't explain it... Jared's kiss was almost pleading as much as it was on fire! I feel his arms tighten around me and him slide closer up next to me... The blanket he had pulled over me between us ended up clinched in his hands... My hands wrapped through his hair as we made out... I was starting to feel us get carried away... I didn't want him to stop... I wanted to feel his body close to mine... His lips on mine... The electricity was pulsing through my veins as he pulled my body to him and slid between my legs and hovered over me kissing me... I couldn't help but run my left hand through his hair locking my fingers on the back of his head, and running my right hand up his chest... I felt his left hand slide up my body and Jared wrap his left hand around my throat as we kissed. I feel him tighten his grip on my throat, pull my head to the side and kiss my neck, grinding against me... I took a tight breath as he had my throat in his grasp. He was being gentle but over powering.... Dominant... I was in HEAVEN! I felt him nibble on my neck as he kissed me... 

"Jared..." I manage to whisper...

Just then he stopped and pulled completely away... and took a few deep breaths...  "I'm SO sorry!" he lay next to me and pulled me into his arms.... "I don't know what came over me... I'm sorry baby.  That was too far... That was WAY too far... If you hadn't said something, I don't know if I would have stopped..." Jared was afraid!

I looked him in the eyes as he wrapped his left hand around my face... "Who said I wanted you to stop?" I kissed him again! He didn't fight me! I wanted him to make love to me... I didn't care about waiting... I wanted Jared... I wanted the passion I felt from him... "Make love to me Jared... Please...Take complete control... I know you want to! I felt it when you put your hand around my throat..." I pushed him on his back and stradled his lap... Jared sat up and pulled my knees around him and my legs completely around him... His hands running through my hair and up and down my body. "Please... I'm begging you... Take me the way you've wanted to since that night you saw me dancing in that little outfit at the club in New York..." 

THAT DID IT! I heard Jared growl and he completely flipped me on my back and pinned my hands above my head! My legs still wrapped around him! "No... I can't... Not yet..." He breaks our kiss...  He is breathless and hard as a ROCK under his jeans...  "We can't... Cause if I do that.. I'll mark you... And I can't do that till you are my wife..." He looks me in the eyes... "I also promise you baby... Your body is NO WHERE NEAR healed enough for me to take you like that!" Jared kissed me deeply and released my hands.... "But I promise you! When you ARE healed enough... I'm not going to hold back ONE bit when I finally make love to you again!" Jared laughed and kissed me softly.... "Now... rest! Nap time woman! We will get our chance to be together again... But right now... YOU need sleep!"

I curled up into Jared's arms and finally fell asleep... 

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