New York pt. 2

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Tomo was going to be picking me up to meet Jared in the lobby. I checked my phone one more time. My instagram was lit up ... Shannon posted a picture he took of us on the bus. I was looking out the window and he took a selfie of us with him looking at me with the caption, "My Everything". I smiled, and took one last look in the mirror. I knew I was going to knock Shannon off his feet!

Tomo knocked on my door and I grabbed the small Dia de Los Muertos clutch that Vickie had gotten for me, pet LoLa, put her in the carrier, and answered the door... "You are going to knock him on his ass!" Tomo had the biggest smile on his face! "Jared is going to fucking have a hard time keeping HIS hands off you!"

"Tomo! I'm with Shannon!" I smacked his arm... "You should know better!"

"I do! But Jared may forget that little fact when he sees you!" Tomo laughed and put his arm out for me and we went down to the lobby.

Jared stopped dead in his tracks when he saw us step off the elevator. I saw him take his sunglasses off and slide them in his sport coat pocket.... "Wow! You are..."

"Thanks! I hope he likes it!" I beamed... Tomo led us out the door and to the waiting sedan. 


She was wearing a black corset with a red lace under shirt that ran the entire length of her arms all the way down to the black strands of lace the hooked the sleeves to her middle fingers. and she wore black trip pants! LIke she went sexy goth on us! Red lipstick and black eyeshadow! The woman's hips had extra chains around them like a belts just dangling! Her hair was of course spiked as she must have gotten it cut and tipped with black ends this afternoon after she left the studio! And she had a LIP RING! I had never noticed she had the left side of her lip pierced! She even had put a horseshoe with black balls on the steel covered metal.... If Shannon didn't fuck her tonight just on this outfit alone, then I was going to make her scream!

The sedan pulled up to the club and the three of us got out and went straight into the VIP area. She had said her friend would be meeting us, so she started to look over into the open club area to look for her.  As she looked for her friend she spotted Shannon on the drums, her hips started to move to the beat... Tomo slapped me for watching her. I just laughed and shrugged my shoulders. 

All of a sudden Siren stopped dancing and turned to leave... I grabbed her arm she was BALLING! Her beautiful make up was running down her face! "What happened!" I got close to her ear so she could hear me over the music... Tomo put his hand on my shoulder and pointed down at the stage at Shannon... He was making out with another girl as she ground her hips on his! "WHO THE FUCK IS THAT!"

"My friend Crhistine!" She cried and pulled away from me and ran out the doors of the club.

Shannon had FUCKED up! He stopped kissing her as she turned around and ground her ass on him... I saw red! Tomo and I went after Siren and took her back to the hotel room with a bottle of Jack Daniels in her hand that was already half gone. Tomo got her key and got LoLa out of Shannon's room and a few of her other things so she could sleep anywhere away from him.  Tomo took LoLa to his room and I took Siren in to mine and covered her up with a blanket. 

There was a knock at the door. "Hey Tomo, come on in... "

"He should be here soon... This isn't going to be pretty.... " Tomo looked over at Siren, she had passed out from drinking 2/3 of the LARGE bottle. I had only seen one other person drink like that, Shannon. "How long did she cry...."

"Till about 5 minutes ago when she passed out. The rest of the bottle is over on the counter. She said it Tomo.... She said it when she was crying...."

"What?" Tomo looked puzzled.

I knelt down next to her laying on the couch covered up asleep. She looked so broken.... "That she loved him.  Now he's destroyed her! " I touched her face, "He said he was going to ask her in Chicago.... " Now she may not even stay on the tour!... I was going to kick him in the nuts! Then maybe he would know how she felt right now...

There was another knock at the door. She stirred this time.... Her phone rang and she sprung up and answered it... She picked up her smokes and headed for the balcony.... That is when he saw her from behind and let out a whistle... 

"You look sexy as shit baby doll! Where were you tonight? I missed you!" Shannon tried to come in before TOMO put his hand in the middle of Shannon's chest to stop him.... "What the fuck man!"

"You are an ass! How could you!" I yelled... 

"That? That was my best friend Christy... His name is Jared.. You see he and Tomo and I came out tonight to meet you and surprise you with the fact I finally found a decent man! But then I see him making out with you on stage!" She shot Shannon a look that could have ripped him in to shreds! "So no, I don't think I will be meeting up with you! I thought you followed him on instagram.... if so you would have seen the pictures of me on there!" She stopped as she spun around and looked at him... The look on her face, I grabbed her and pulled her to me, Tomo shoved Shannon out the door.... And closed it behind him as he took Shannon away from Siren.... I was alone with her and trying to do everything I could to find out what she was talking about.... She put her phone on speaker, "You can't be dating Shannon Leto! He's dating some ugly fat chick that is working for the tour! She is only on the tour cause she must suck enough dick for the crew.... Cause he was sure into me!" The voice on the other end of the phone stopped... "Sarah... Didn't you say you did some photography stuff... Maybe you should have tried to get on the tour girl! You have to be so much sexier than that cow! Besides he name is Siren....."

I took her phone and hung up! I pulled Siren into my arms and just held her as the she cried.....When she finally went out for a smoke Tomo came back in... "Shannon had pushed the girl away... one of the crew sent me the video of the girl trying to get Shannon to take her with him.... He tried to push her away before she kissed him... when he whispered in her ear.... he supposedly told her he was spoken for and the video shows him walking away...."

"She messaged her again asking for a picture of her... they had never met face to face... Siren knew what she looked like but not the other way around...." I just shook my head as she came back in from her smoke... "The girl has been blowing up her phone trying to appologize...But Siren has been ignoring both of them... Shannon's been pleading with her to talk to him... All I've heard her say it that it's too late..."

Just then Siren walked up and touched my arm... "Jared, can I stay here tonight?" Siren looked at me with blood shot eyes... I would never turn her away.... 

"Of course!"

"I can't face him.... it doesn't matter.... I saw him... he kissed her back.... I knew love was bullshit...."

"Hey! Vickie and I aren't bull shit... I promise Siren, it will be okay.... " Tomo hugged her and headed to his room....

She grabbed her bag and went to change.... "Jared, I should have listened to you from the beginning! You were right all along... I'm not worth standing out for.... I'm just.... good enough to hide in the shadows...." 

I was going to make this right.... No matter what it took! He was going to pay for fucking this up... I warned him!

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