Waking Up....

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The next 48 hours were hell... Jared post poned the next two weeks of the tour. Mars had NEVER post poned a concert.... But considering both Shannon AND Jared refused to leave Siren's side. 

"Jared? Shannon?" Vickie came into the room to let them go get some rest... They had stayed together today instead of in shifts because Jeanette was coming to stay with her for a while... "Jeanette's here... "

"I'll call you if something changes.... if you guys get restless.. " She sat down and took her sister's hand... "You can come back... I won't be upset..."

"I'm sorry, I was told that the patient's step- sister was here.... " A doctor came into the room... 

"I'm Jeanette, Sarah's sister..."

"I just got some test results back that I wasn't able to give you over the phone..." 

"It's ok, they're all family.... " Jeanette said as Tomo and Constance came into the room.

"We were able to actually stop the bleeding in time and get the blood she needed from the donors... We were able to pull off saving the baby... As soon as she is completely stable, we will be able to know more."

Shannon almost hit the floor. Jared was able to hold his brother up on one side with their mother on the other. 

"Thanks... I'm sure when she wakes up she will be happy to know that... Any idea why this happened?" Jeanette was very proper and official with the doctor.

"Mostly stress, she was very dehydrated and had not eaten much.... She is HIGHLY anemic! She will be on bed rest the rest of her pregnancy if she hopes to keep that baby!" With that, the doctor left.

"DicK..." Jeanette turned back around to her sister... Her properness had run it's coarse... "Sarah, you're going to be okay... I'm sorry I wasn't here sooner... Now you just have to wake up, so you can tell me about this crazy mess..." She turned around to see everyone just staring at them. "I knew her before she went by Siren.... I know she had warned you... But it's ok... That's who she is."

"We found that out..." Vickie laughed. 

"We all did..." Jared chuckled.

Jared and Shannon went to lunch together and had a long discussion.... 

"I know she could stay with you... I deserve it." Shannon hung his head over his coffee...

"Shannon, she will forgive you eventually.... I'm sorry I almost punched you at the hotel." Jared stirred his tea...

Shannon sat there staring at his cup... all of a sudden he started to chuckle... then laugh...

"What's got you laughing again Shann?"

"Hot chocolate..." he muttered...

"What?" Jared looked puzzled....

"Hot chocolate...." He said a little bit more clear... "The day we found her in D.C. at the coffee shop. She got a hot chocolate!"

"You know she never drank coffee around me..." Jared sat back and chuckled.

"She never drank tea with me... Only coffee or..."

"Hot chocolate" They said in unison and laughed..... 

"She will be alright Shannon....No matter what or who she chooses... we are brothers... Both of us will do all that is in our power to make her happy.... But that baby comes first...so that is what is most important..." Jared stopped.... "Especially for you.... You my dear brother... will make a GREAT dad... Just keep your shit together."

"I just hope she makes it through ok... I can take it if she stays with you... I can't even THINK about if she..." He stopped... He almost broke.... Shannon and Jared just sat there... Neither one of them wanted to think about what would happen if she died. Neither of them would be the same... For each their own reasons.

Just then Jared's phone rang... "Mom... what is it?..... We're on our way..."

"What?" Shannon's face looked paniced...

"She's waking up..." With that Jared threw money on the table and they both ran out the door.



I felt like I had been hit by a bus. I hurt, but it wasn't emense pain. Everything seemed hazy. "Jared..." I tried to speak but nothing came out... My throat, I couldn't breathe... I started to panic... I see lights above me... beeping noises turn into alarms...

"Sarah, it's me Jeanette..." I hear my step sisters voice coming from the left side, I feel her hand touch my left foot. "Baby doll, I'm here... Stop fighting them... they are trying to help you..."

Everything goes black....

Things finally start to come back into focus... I am not struggling to breathe anymore... I open my eyes and try to look around... I look to my left and see a figure... "Jean..." I manage to whisper...

"I'm here sis..." She touched my hand... "... You okay there girl?"


She almost looked like she wsa going to cry...  "Honey... Joshua has been gone for two years now...." My eyes filled with tears.... she spoke softer.... "You're in Detroit honey... You were on tour with your boyfriend and his band...."


"He's here babe... Him and Shannon both... Everyone is.... Tomo and Vickie went to go get coffee.. And Constance went to get bagels and sandwhiches."

Just then I remembered EVERYTHING! I looked over and saw Shannon and Jared in the corner of the room... I thought it was a DREAM! But there they were! Both of them... Shannon.. the fire filled days and nights we spent in and out of bed, hiding around corners, his dressing rooms... then the night at the club in New York... Then the nights I spent with Jared for the last month...  we had spent more time together but we had been just so close!  They were both sitting there... my fire and my passion next to my hippie rescuer...

Just then the nurse burst in the door.... "Okay... Everyone out! Jeanette can stay, but you two boys are gone... Need to check on that little one... OUT! You can come back in an hour..." The nurse litterally pushed both of them out of the room.

"What happened..." I tried to ask...

"Later... right now you need your rest... I know you just came back to the world of the consious, but I also know you are workin on over drive... so rest you will!"  And with that the nurse left and I dozed back off to sleep.

She couldn't have been talking about... No.... That part of the dream couldn't have been true....

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