New York pt. 1

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Over the next few shows, things because a normal routine. LoLa settled in to being spoiled by everyone, and Shannon and I had become closer every day. We were in New York now and Jared had arranged for me to do the band's new photos in a studio right up outside of Time Square. I was able to pick the back ground for the shots... So I had one sent up. It was one I had designed with a tarp and spray paint for a concert that Nikki and I had gone to with my friend Martine... I thought it would be perfect for what I wanted to do with the guys... I wanted a group shot session and then individual ones. I knew Tomo's would be fine but I was worried about Jared and Shannon's solo sessions. Shannon and I have barely been able to keep our hands off each other after the shows and when I wasn't editing. And Jared and I haven't been alone since the night he kissed me in Philly.

It was time for Shannon's shoot and he came in looking sexy as hell in the color theme I had told them to wear. And of course he had to cover the hickies we had been leaving on each other.  So he wore a tight muscle shirt under a red silk shirt with of course black slacks with a white scarf over the black vest that rested in place to keep his red shirt on his body as the first couple of buttons were open on the shirt... He looked like he was ready to fuck and it was hard to keep professional behind my camera. The white shirt with the red vest and black under shirt was Tomo... Jared would be the black silk with the red vest and white tie.

"You are restraining yourself my dear!" I saw him pull down his sunglasses and give me the look I was looking for the photo... Those famous and dangerous I'm going to fuck you right eyes! "You are not able to see how bad I want you behind that camera?" I had zoomed out for a body shot at just the right time... He grabbed his dick as I snapped the picture... Classic Leto move.... Show the goods off that they can't touch... But instead of Jared doing it now, it was Shannon! 

"Wow... I am glad I got that on my camera!" I snickered... "You know the girls will love that shot!" He was even biting his bottom lip in the shot... it was PERFECT! Sex in a photo! "I can't take anymore photos of you... there is no self control with you! You make it too hard to focus!" I put my camera down and kissed him full on grabbing the scarf around his neck pulling him to me.  

"I like this photo shoot!" He giggled as we kissed... Just then we hear someone clear their throat.... "Damn it Jared... one of these days you are going to regret not having knocked before you barge in on us."

Jared looked over and rolled his eyes... "I am pretty sure I have walked in on you screwing around before Shannon..."

Shannon's body language changed and he looked at me... "Do you want me to stay while you do his session?"

I hesitated... "No babe I'm fine. I'm pretty sure he is harmless!" I smiled and kissed him on the lips.

He pulled me close and whispered, "don't judge a book by it's cover..." I kissed him once more and he left.

"You two are getting pretty close aren't you!" Jared raised his eyebrow and made one of his funny faces. "But I know he hasn't told you he loves you...."

I started taking pictures of Jared in his attire. His red vest stood out with the black shirt and white tie... it was sexy with his hair down and his beard finally trimmed! "Shut up Jared and do what you do best... I have shit to do..."

He looked at me dead through my lens, "like me?"

I dropped my camera down and rolled my eyes, "I'll work with what I have of you, if I have to I'll crop them out of the group shots. I'm done Jared!" I felt his long thin fingers on my arm spinning me back around to face him... "Let go!" I almost yelled, "I will scream and Shannon will come running!"

"Stop Siren!" He looked at me seriously, "I'm not going to hurt you and I made you a promise I wouldn't touch you like that again... " He cleared his throat, "Unless you aren't with my brother." He looked at me in the eyes, "Doesn't mean I can't make you squirm a little bit... I've missed hanging out around you, and I'm sorry for how I acted in Philidelphia.".....I looked at his eyes, he seemed sincere... "But I was also serious that if he fucked up and hurt you..." He just softly touched my face then stopped and quickly pulled his hand away... "Let's get you the photos that you wanted. I'm sorry for acting like an ass.... again"

"Then let's get this done please, I have a lot of work ahead of me. And I want to see New York while Shannon is with his DJ buddy." I pulled my camera back up and Jared and I finished the shoot. 

Shannon came in as Jared was heading out to change, "Hey beautiful, I'm headed out to the club, you sure you won't come with me?" He pulled me close to his body and pecked me on the lips... "It's not like I've hidden you, the fans know about you... So it's not like they woudn't know you were the one I was there with."

I kissed him sensually, "No babe, I know you are different. You're a bad boy, but you are MY bad boy... I might actually hang out with Jared since the girls are busy and Vickie went back to Detroit after Philly." 

Shannon looked at me as Jared stopped in his tracks.... "You are kidding right?"

Jared turned around and said, "Yeah maybe we can talk Tomo into coming out. The three of us can chill while you are out at the club." Jared looked at his brother, "Maybe we can convince her to go to the club."

"My friend Christine is in town, I haven't talked to her in a while maybe she can meet up with us too! I'll tell her to meet us at the club... I'll be there rooting you on in the back!" I kissed him again and he smiled.

"Wear something sexy! .... I can't believe I'm going to say this...." He looked over at Jared, "Take my girlfriend shopping and find her what ever she wants!"

I almost died!... "Shannon, honey, the girls took me shopping yesterday when we got here. They wanted to get me out of my jeans, flannel, and hoodies. I'll surprise you, don't worry. I got this covered!" I kissed him full on and hooked my leg around his waist in front of Jared reminding him I belonged to Shannon before he got the chance to even think of anything else when he saw what I was going to wear tonight. I knew when Shannon got me alone, I would be fucked too.... 

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