Broken Hearts

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Jared's body almost just dropped to the floor when Jean looked at me... I just stared at her....

"That is why I tried to leave and go back to Detroit. I wasn't willing to fuck this up for you. I knew in Detroit when I saw how Shannon looked at you it was over a long time ago... Jared was hurting, so was I... you and him finally gave up cause you loved Shannon, so I gave in to him! It wasn't hard! I fell in love with him and I felt like I was betraying you! That is why I left.... I just couldn't get on the plane!" Jean just stood there...

Shannon grabbed his jacket and just rolled out! Jared stepped away from me... Jeanette ran after Shannon... Jared stared at me... I looked him in the eyes... He took my face in his hands... I just cried as Jared laced his long thin fingers around my head through my hair and held me close to his body. I felt him kiss my head and just hold me close to him.

"Now what?" I sobbed.... 

Jared pulled my face back to look at his.... "I'm not going anywhere... It's all done... It's all over.... The cards fell where they did... What happens now..." Jared just looked into my eyes, "I love my brother, but I'm going to stay until you tell me you want him." With that he kissed me gently, took my hand and took me into my room and just held me in my bed while I just cry.... "I've got you, I always have... I always will... No matter what..."



What the FUCK was I supposed to say to that! I grabbed my jacket and just rolled the hell out! I was done! None of their asses needed me around! I hear someone come up behind me and I swing around to see Jeanette standing in front of me in tears... 

"Don't! Just DON'T!" I started to scream! "How long Jeanette? You tell me you have feelings for someone else.... I think it's my brother.... but it's HER!"

"No Shannon! It is Jared... But it's you too.... I know how she feels now! I can't blame her for holding on to him... Don't you feel it too? You can't tell me you don't like the way we are when we are together?" She grabbed my hand and pulled me into her and I kissed her with out thinking!

Jeanette was SEXY! Like she was down and dirty kinky! I could command her in a way I couldn't Sarah.... I wrapped my hand around her neck and pushed her away... I hear her moan... I grab her hand and pull her into the fire escape... 

"You want what belongs to her! You KNOW I can't make love to you.... Yes, I have feelings for you... But I will only marry her!" I growl at her! I slide her up the wall... "Why do you keep doing this to us? You know how I am with you! You use it every chance that you get!" I slide my hand into her pants and to her clit.... She moans into our kiss... "I didn't say you could make a sound!" I felt her clamp down on the three fingers I had inside her while my thumb rocked her clit.... "You can't cum till we get home... And I want you to ride more than the back of my bike when you do!" I pulled my hand back and grabbed Jeanette's right breast as I dropped her pants and shoved my dick inside her as I lifted her up enough to slide on.... "She has my heart.... but until we get them both back.... I'm going to pound that pussy making my brother wish he hadn't stepped in between... Cause you will still be screaming my name when he fucks you again." With that Jeanette kissed me and exploded on my cock stronger than I had felt from her... She wasn't done! I felt her erupt again before she pushed me back and swallowed my dick straight down her throat!

When she had swallowed every last drop of me, I pulled her up off her knees and kissed her!

"I like being rough with you... It's sexy, and I can't get enough of it... That is why I'm glad I get to keep you for a little while.... But... You know my rules.... I can't cum in you again.... If they found out we had a close call.... They would NEVER forgive us!" We got dressed.... I kissed Jeanette softly... "I do care about you.... And I'm sorry I stepped between you two... But she has my heart.... I can't risk her finding out about that. I would loose her forever to him..."

"I know... He would never forgive me either.... At least I know he still cares.... So... we are agreed.... Fuck buddies till we get them back..." Jeanette looked at me and bit her bottom lip.... 

"Deal!" I kissed her and grabbed her hand and we snuck down the stair case and out the back of the complex to my bike and left....

30-Something Realityحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن