Jean's Secret

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I hear Jeanette and Jared arguing over Siren down the hallway just before Connie starts to stir. I pick her up and look over at Tomo. He looks down the hall to make sure that he doesn't need to pull Jared away from Jeanette as Robin and Emma check for the same.

"I'm starting to get worried about them already..." I look over at my husband, the look on my face must have worried him too.

Tomo was up with his arms around me and our God-Daughter... Tomo lays his head against mine and just smiles at Connie in my arms. "You know you're pretty good at this my beautiful wife... Might REALLY have to make sure those two aren't the only one with one of these little ones..." I hear him chuckle as his lips fall on my temple. "And I don't want you to worry, this is going to work for them. He's just stubborn and hurt. He does love her, but he loves Jeanette more... And he NEVER wanted to hurt Siren. But they hurt for each other... No one can stop that." Tomo whispers just before we hear Jared's fist hit the wall!

"I DO love her! I ALWAYS WILL! And if you weren't in the picture, and the duche bag that broke her heart every time that I put her back together....Or did BOTH of you forget about that? If that dick wasn't my fucking brother.... I would have taken Siren away, told Tomo to tell my mother I was getting married and leaving the country.... Siren's my BEST friend! My mother was wrong! I would have married her because I loved her.... I have NEVER loved someone the way I love that woman! She is in every single heart beat I hear coming from my chest!" Jared was PISSED! NONE of us had heard him EVER speak to ANYONE let alone a woman like that! The last time anyone had seen that from him was when someone insulted his fans or his family. 

Emma and Robin were still glued to the end of the hallway just watching them. Making sure Jeanette didn't need any of us. We all knew Jared would never hurt her physically. But he was angry! 

Tomo spoke softly..."I don't think she knew how much he gave up when it came to Siren. She is everything he has said to him AND Shannon... After Siren was hurt the first time... In New York, I didn't think I was going to be able to stop him from killing his brother the night on stage. That stupid fight they had in Detroit at the elevator was NOTHING compared to how mad he was that night." Tomo stopped as Jared came flying out of the hall way with Jeanette in tow. 

"So are you two okay? Jared, do you want to hold Connie?" I tried to judge if he was even calm enough to take her. 

"I'll go make her a bottle." Emma slid away to the kitchen. "Jared, do you still have all the extra baby supplies we got for your house?"

"Yeah, her nursery is all done too. I didn't get to show Siren before we came up with this plan to make things right. So I didn't put up the photos I had for her. We will have to get different photos for in there. I'm not going to fuck things with my finacee by putting pictures up of my niece and I with her mother as a family." Jared turned and let go of Jeanette's hand.

"Jared what the fuck is wrong with you? You and Siren planned this fucking thing so you all would be happy!" I lay Connie in Tomo's arms as I kiss him on the lips. I touch his face slightly, smile at him, and wink as I turn around to Jeanette. "Please tell me you really aren't questioning him on this? Jared doesn't explain ANYTHING to anyone... You are getting more from him than MOST people do. Even Robin and Emma!"

Robin nodded... "Jared is just as closed off as Shannon. Siren brought it out of them... Both of them! But you're the one that gets to keep what she worked so hard on! Jared was just as deffenssive about some things! And in case you're wondering... He called me to go GET your ring while you were in the stupid shop getting the frozen yogurt! So he could add those diamonds to the sides of the emeralds... You should have seen his face!"

"What do you mean?" Jeanette wiped the tears that were falling down her face. I walked over and pulled her in to my arms as Emma handed Tomo Connie's bottle.

"Why bother telling her? What good is it going to do?" Jared was standing by the sliding glass door to the deck where last night's events unfolded. "If you had so many doubts Jeanette, why didn't you just tell me no when I asked you?" When he turned around his face was covered in tears. His face was all red, he was a wreck! "Could have saved me and you both so much pain... I could have just let Siren sweep my brother off his feet and not even have tried to get you back?"

Jeanette pulled away from my arms and tried to leave. "No!" I pulled her back! "You have been crying on the phone to me about how much you wished he would see you and not Siren... You have bawled to both me AND Tomo about how much you loved Jared and wanted him back? What's the deal Jeanette?"

"I can't give him what he wants!" Jeanette fell on the couch in a ball as she stared at her niece in my husband's arms. "I can't give him a child..." As she slowly sat up on the couch with her knees pulled in to her chest around a pillow... "I can't have kids... I can't give you what they have Jared... I have a medical condition that almost completely rules out me carrying a baby full term, even IF I can conceive again!"

"Again?" I whisper.

"I lost a baby... That is how I found out I had PCOS." She bawls.

Jared's face was stone. Tomo just held Connie as she finished her bottle. "That just means you can adopt!" Tomo smiled as he watched Connie's face and put her empty bottle down. "I'm pretty sure Jared isn't THAT big of a dick Jeanette..."

Emma slapped Jared on the shoulder. "You'd best fix this Jared! You're mother's not here to smack you out of your little stupid zone.... Now, fix you're wife!" She had a semi smile on her face as Jared's finally came back to life.

"Are you SERIOUS? That is why you flipped out on me?" Jared unfolded his arms and walked over to Jeanette.

"Tomo, why don't we take the girls and get some rest and re-group in a couple of hours to plan this party for the other two hard heads..." I slide Connie into my arms as I stand up to turn around... I get stopped.

"No Vickie, I want you to hear this..." Jared put his hand on my shoulder before walking over and pulling Jeanette into his arms.... "I'M NOT going anywhere! That is the LEAST of my worries then! I just want you back in my arms. If we can't have our own kids the natural way, we will figure it out! We can adopt, try different treatments, even a surrogate? Jeanette, the most important part of this whole thing is that I wanted to have a family with YOU! I don't care when...or how... I just wanted it to be with YOU!"

Tears streamed down Jeanette's face as Jared pulled her in and kissed her. "You don't care?" Her eyes timidly shot up at his...

"Not as long as you're mine. I don't care what happens or doesn't... As long as we face it together! I told you! You're going to be my WIFE! Not just some girl I've dated. Come on Jean, NO ONE has come this close to me, besides Siren... And she belongs wih my brother. She was born to be a Leto... Just like you were... We just got it mixed up on which one of us was going to share our last night with the two of you!" He almost smiled. "I told Siren the same thing. I knew she was going to be Siren Leto, but it wasn't my last name she would be taking... It's Shannon's. And you were meant to take mine! Kids or not! Better or wrose... Not just when it feels good or we can fuck around.... I'm in this for the LONG HAUL! Not just if things are going right! That's not what a marraige is! Tomo and Vickie prove that every day!"

I looked over at Tomo and kissed him. Things were going to be okay.... "You know, he's right!" I tried to look shocked as I laughed. Tomo was still holding Connie. "Things aren't always unicorns and rainbows, but we've stuck it through! I wouldn't trade it for anything!"

"Neither would I baby!" Tomo smiled as we kissed and Connie slept away in his arms.

"I suddenly feel like we are the odd ones out here Emma..." Robin laughed.

"If those two start making out again... We're grabbing Connie and running!" Emma laughed!

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