On the Bus...

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The next morning we all left out of the hotel an piled into the buses out back. LoLa and I made one last walk around the block by ourselves and I smoked one last cigarette and put the pack in my luggage going under the bus. I was to travel with Jared and Shannon on their bus. LoLa was snuggled down on the front seat next to the driver who looked quite pleased with his new navigator.  LoLa loved to look out the window... so with the door on the bus, and only one eye, she was having a blast!

I was working on my photos from the concert and was just about finished when Jared sat down at the table across from me... "So you use a Nikon... " He smiled at me. 

"Yeah?" I just kept on with what I was doing, didnt even raise my eyes too far away from my work. "And you use a Cannon. It catches a few colors I wish mine would but I like the Nikon's resolutions with more natural colors with my nature shots. And when doing my portraits, It makes it more of a natural look to me. A bit softer. The Cannon I have noticed by lookin at some of YOUR works brings just a bit too much of a sharpness that I prefer to be softer, more hazed and real like a memory instead... Depending on what you are shooting also makes a difference." I finally looked up and his face made me smile... He was in shock!  "I told you I was all business when I need to be!"

Jared's face softened, "I am sorry about your son."

"Thanks," I looked at him. I wanted to cry, LoLa came running with out a word and jumped up in my lap. I pet her and looked back at Jared, "LoLa and Joshua share the same birthday. So I get to keep him in my heart and spoil her. I'm grateful I was able to bring her, thank you Jared."

He smiled, "No problem. I have to say you are deffinately a match for my brother. He has always been a very caring person, now it seems as though he as someone who he can take care of besides me. He is good at doing that! And you are a smart ass and keep me on my toes so I think it will be just fine!" He put his hand on top of my forarm by my left wrist on my Mars tattoo... "You are a part of Mars as a part of the fan family, now you are a part of OUR family..."

I felt a difference in Jared I didn't expect. When Shannon touched me it was like fire and rawness! Almost like a good shot of whiskey! But when Jared touched me, it felt warm and smooth, like a good Brandy, or even an old school smooth moonshine... It looks harmless, but will bite you in the ass in the end!

He quickly pulled his hand away and put his feet up, folded his arms and turned on NetFlix on the tv across from us. "So what ever you did to Shannon the last two days has knocked him the fuck out!"

"Wouldn't you like to know!" I muttered under my breath low enough I didn't think he could hear... well... I WAS WRONG!

"If my brother hadn't snagged you up first I would have been happy to find out!" I turned and look at him and he had that famous stare glaring right at me from across the table with his face probably about a foot from me as he was leaning across said table.  I jumped and LoLa almost fell off my legs onto the floor. "So he better not fuck this up! Cause I WILL make it up to you! In ways you could NEVER imagine!" His eyes almost burned with the hotest part of the flame in his blue eyes. I heard Shannon coming out of the back... Jared leaned back and continued to search through the play list on the screen. "Out here bro! So Siren, gotta ask, favorite songs and being me, what movies have you seen and your favorite?" 

Shannon chuckled as he started the Kurig for some coffee... "One day I will make you some good coffee Siren... Just wait till we go over seas... You will love it!"

"Paris was beautiful last time I was there! But Spain will ALWAYS be my favorite. The hills and fields of olive trees, the beautiful landscapes, the castles, the GYPSIES! I LOVE IT! THat is where I would love to be again!" I spun my tablet around, "London wasn't so bad either!" I showed them a photo of me at the age of 18 in front of Buckingham Palace. Of course I was still a big girl then as well and of course my signature short hair. 

"Nice... You were sexy even then! Damn you and your eyes!" Shannon laughed.

"MY EYES!" I almost yelled... LoLa jumped and got down and went back to her spot by the door... We were getting to roudy for her current mood and she wanted to watch the road. "You talking about my eyes! Seriously! The two men on the planet that make women scream with just a look!"

"She really puts us up there! She still doesn't get she is a part of this now!" Jared laughed! "So answer the questions! You are sitting here with us girl! Relax and realize we are just like you! HUMAN!"

Yeah... they were rock stars and sex gods! I was just a lucky ass woman who was on tour with the dream of a life time! I smiled... "Fight Club was great, but I didn't like the look. I loved your look in Lord of War. I've seen a few others, but some of them I just can't handle due to some stuff I would rather not get into. My favoriite song is The Kill! Of course! But, I have fallen in love with several other songs. I just get lost in the music. Favorite music video... A Beautiful Lie... I love the fact you are up there with nothing but the music and the ice. It's sexy! But would have died from being so fucking cold!" I laughed.

"You probably know our history don't you... " Shannon sat on the sofa across from me with his coffee. LoLa jumped up next to him and he turned and played with her.

I took a deep breath and sat up and just looked at both of them... "Just because we each have a past doesn't mean we are the same people we were... I learned to dream because of your music, that is why I am a fan. You have both over come your obsicals just as I have.  So why should your past matter to me Shannon? It's the past, and I look at what is happening now. The future, will get here when it gets here and I will deal with it then. "

"Sounds like a plan." Shannon smiled and sipped his coffee. "We will be stopping soon probably so we can take LoLa for a walk." Shannon smiled at me and I went back to editing my photos. There was a peace in the air, but something was coming I didn't see... 

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