Making Plans

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Siren didn't leave my arms all night. Everyone passed Connie around and she slept away. She wanted for nothing in this world...That little girl was the center of this world for me and Siren, and EVERYONE in that room! Siren just stayed with me the whole time, like nothing was ever wrong, like nothing had ever happened. I had no idea how she came to the thought to just throw it all away and just be with me... But I didn't care! When I made her my wife, I was going to show her a world she thought she would never see! Siren and Connie would want for nothing! And I was already hoping to start trying for a little boy!

"So when are you thinking about getting married? Seriously?" Jared looked at me and Siren. And with a great big smile on his face, "And are you taking your daughter with you on your honeymoon? If not, do Jeanette and I get to help and keep her for a few nights? We promise to share with everyone else! But we would like to keep her a few nights please!" 

"I want what ever Siren wants. It's her day, I'm just there to make sure everything makes her happy!" I smiled as Jared put Connie in my arms. "I want to take her, but Siren deserves to have some time to herself, but if she wanted to bring her, we would! No hesitation!"

"It would be nice to be alone..." Siren smiled her sexy little innocent smile...."But I don't think I could leave her behind. I would feel so lost with out her." Siren paused, she all of a sudden went all business... "But I do want to keep all of this under wraps as much as possible. I don't want Connie's face posted all over the place. Not yet. So what ever we do, let's try to do it as quietly as possible. I don't want to cause a big wave through the fans."  Siren got a little be more relaxed. "I know they support us, and know about her birth... But we don't want to flip them out too fast with everything. We want them to be happy for Shannon, not pissed!"

"Cause not to mention, not too much after that, Jared and Jeanette will be getting married." Robin joined in. "So we have to plan this carefully. She's completely right! But I think it will help because of Connie. All they were told is that Shannon was in a minor accident on Valentine's Day, and that Victoria Constance Leto was born in the early hours of Feb. 17... And since no one knew outside of us what was going on with you all... Everyone kept quiet and low enough that no press caught on... We may just be able to pull all this off with out anyone knowing Shannon is married until the photos hit! And if WE release the photos... We can control the spin to the fans."

"Besides, when Jean does the photos of the three of us after the wedding, those will be the first photos that get posted of Connie. They will be with us, after we are married." I smiled and looked over at Jeanette... "I wouldn't trust those photos to just ANYONE! But I want to make everything for our honeymoon a surprise." I had a few ideas that I was going to pull out of my hat. "But the photos won't be released until AFTER we have already left for our honeymoon. I want us to get away with out drawing any extra attention. I want to spend some time alone with my family. The only cameras taking pictures of us would be our own."

"I don't care when, where, or how long. As long as I'm with you, I am on cloud nine!" She beamed!

"You two are starting to make me sick!" Jeanette laughed! "But I'd be honored to take those photos. I can't wait! So when is this going down? Do I get to at least get changed or are we waiting a couple of days?" She almost sounded serious!

"Let them talk about it! Just like you and I have to talk about ours!" My brother pulled Jeanette into his body and wrapped her in his arms. "But for tonight I'm claiming our niece so the two of them can spend some time together and actually get the chance to sleep. They both need it! It's the least I can do for them. And if you like, I would like if you would stay so we can talk and spend some time together."

"And that is exactly what they are going to do... Cause I am taking them back to her apartment, cause they have both had a LONG and HAPPY night. It's time for the new parents to take advantage of the night alone and SLEEP!" My mother laughed as she pulled Siren from my arms, knowing it would cause me to follow.

"Jeanette, just make sure you take her and get her everything her heart desires for this! Just tell me what to wear and where to go and I'll be there! Just make sure Jared and Tomo are ready to go with you and Vickie, and everything will be perfect. Mom I'm sure will cover Connie. But for tonight... Just take care of my Princess, I'll take care of her momma tonight." I turn around and kiss Connie good night as Siren hugs her one last time for the night. "Come my Siren, for today and tonight, it is just you and me, and you are going to get some rest!"

Before we left, Siren pulled away from my arms and straight into Jared's open arms. "I'm glad you're birthday wish came true Siren." Jared kissed Siren on the top of her head. "I'm ALWAYS here for you! You're still my best friend kid... Sorry it took so long to find you, but I'm never giving up on making you a star!"

"Funny Jared... Just focus on making my sister happy, and taking care of my daughter!" Siren just hugged my brother. Tears streamed down her face, "I couldn't have asked for a better birthday Jared, thank you! You made my biggest dream come true, I get to marry the drummer in my favorite band! I used to have a thing or the lead singer," Siren laughed as she pulled away and winked at Jared... "But I guess he just has his own beat." She giggled.

"Siren, come on and let's get you and Shannon home. Jared, you and Jeanette take care of Connie till later on and I will come get her so that all of you can go out to dinner." My mother pulled Siren and I out the front door of Jared's house and back to Siren's apartment for the rest of the day. "Just remember one thing Shannon..." She laughed as she put the key in to her door... "Siren isn't healed yet! She has to wait at LEAST four of the six weeks!" As she disappeared in to her and Jeanette's apartment, I realized Siren was already in the apartment and headed to change. I wasn't about to let her go to bed alone!

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