What Happened?

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I stared into Jared's eyes... The tears flowing down my face... Jared backed away from me and went over and slammed my bedroom door and LOCKED it...

I hear Jeanette slam her hand on the door... "Hey! What the FUCK Jared? She's my SISTER!"

"Shhh... Stop... Let them talk... SHE needs to sort this out with HIM first... Otherwise, NONE of this is going to end well... And I'm not loosing my daughter because one of us didn't think things through." I hear Shannon pull my sister away from the door.

"Siren... You are my girlfriend... my fiancee... and if you still want ME... then you will be MY wife... But I need to know how YOU feel about Shannon. I'll walk away from Jeanette... If you can honestly... HONESTLY tell me that it wasn't Shannon you wanted yesterday." Jared walked back over and pulled me into his arms... "Answer me... I need to know..."

"What does it matter Jared? You've made your choice! And you proved that yesterday..." I shoved him away from me... "What I feel doesn't matter anymore! Remember... I don't believe in love anymore!"

"That is IT Siren!" WIth that Jared spins me around and pulls my shirt almost half way off my body and forces me to look in the mirror..."Look at your fucking neck! If I didn't love you then why do you have MY teeth on YOUR shoulder blade? Or do you not remember BEGGING me to make love to you yesterday?" 

My eyes filled with even more tears... "They why did you kiss her? If I'm so damn important to you then WHY didn't I smack Shannon when he kissed me instead of kissing him back?"

Jared sighed and covered me back up and pulled me into his arms... "Come here... Because... No matter how hard either of us wants to fight it... We love each other more than either of us EVER thought possible... But because we are in love with them..."

"What happened to us Jared... You and I were going to take on the world? Just you and me... Connie would have you AND Shannon to guide her..."

"Hey... She still will... But don't you think she would want her mom and dad to have at LEAST given it another chance to be together and make a family with her? Doesn't she deserve that?" Jared took me by the hand and went over and sat on my bed... He sat back far enough he could pull me on to his lap to where I was stradling him... "I never once said I didn't want you... I even told her that.... But I can't deny that I carried her engagement ring in my pocket since before she pulled you out of Shannon's house that day... I had already made my choice... It was YOU... But when Mom took you away from us and kept you away... Jeanette and I talked about her and I... She walked away from me... I told her the same thing yesterday... I don't want to get hurt again by her... YOU put me back together that night... You WEREN'T the ONLY one hurting after that asshole found you... I fell in love with you more than I thought I ever could..."

I tried to get up off of him... I knew what was coming... "I get it Jared... You..."

"NO! You DON'T!" Jared pulled me in and kissed me again.. This time I felt the fire... And I gave it back to him... I kissed him but tried to pull away... I knew I would get lost in the moment... "I almost marked you for a second time... I'm NOT playing around! But I have to admit... You weren't the only person in my mind yesterday... Jeanette's going to ALWAYS be there... Just like I KNOW Shannon will be for you..." Jared leaned his face up to mine... "I know you love me... I know you are IN love with the IDEA of me... You even said it one day... You've waited 20 years to tell me you wanted me... You never thought EITHER of us would turn our heads to you... But we did... We BOTH did..." I could feel Jared's lips almost on mine... "But whose lips to you kiss in your dreams? Who is it that you see laying in bed next to you every night... Raising your daughter with you? Siren... I know you love me as much as I love you..." Jared suddenly pulled away from me and my eyes flew open to meet his...  "But I also know, it's not my last name you're going to take... It is going to be Shannon's..."

I wrapped my arms around Jared's neck and just held on to him as I cried... He never once let me go... He never once told me to stop... Jared just held on to me... 

"I love you Jared... I always have... And I always will..." I whispered in his ear...

"You EVER change your mind... I will NEVER turn you away... But we HAVE to give them a chance to make things up to BOTH of us... And I have to TRY and make things right with her... She fought a lot of her own demons to come back... Including letting go of her FIRST love... And knowing the power that you hold over someone... I know that was NO easy task for her..."

Jared pulled out the ring he got for me in Ireland... He placed it on my right hand... "You are my best friend... I will NEVER turn you away... I love you... Always have... Always will... No matter what happens... I will ALWAYS be here for you..."

"So now what do we do?" I finally pulled away to look Jared in the face again... He was in tears himself...

Jared softly pulled me to him and kissed me gently... And touched my face... "I have to tell my brother about the mark on your shoulder... I have to tell him I didn't mean it when I did... He just better be glad you weren't healed enough for me to have my way with you yesterday... Or there wouldn't have been any turning back...." Jared laughed quietly... "IF THEY FUCK THIS UP AGAIN!..."

"We're heading to Vegas!" I busted out laughing...

Jared smiled that classic Jared smile... "I won't think twice!" 

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