Quiet Time

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I spent the entire day with Shannon, ALONE! After breakfast, Shannon made sure he drew me a bath! After I relaxed for a while, Shannon came in with some fresh dipped chocolate strawberries!

"When did you do this?" I smiled! "You know you don't have to!"

"I know, but I also know you and your weakness for fresh fruit in chocolate! And you had a brand new fondue pot that you hadn't used yet! So I kind of broke in to it... I hope you're not mad..." He looked at me the way he did the first time he ordered lunch for me back in D.C.!

Those hazel eyes, they BURNED right threw me! I met his gaze and my heart dropped... My weakness was him! Every hurt melted away... I felt weak. I wanted to kiss him again... But I was going to be good... I had to be. Part of my STILL loved Jared, but as much as I hated to admit it, he was right. After everything that happened, I was still IN love with Shannon!

We were laying in the bed, watching T.V. after we had eaten a few of the sweet treats that Shannon had made. Shannon was holding me in his arms. It was the first time in a long time we had just spent time together. It was nice to lay on his right side and have his arm around me. It was warm and gentle, yet I could feel the strength in his arm... The way he held on to me as I lay my head on his chest, it was a feeling I haven't felt in so long! I could feel myself being drawn in by him all over again. He was just being there... I didn't know how much more my mind could process today.

"Shannon," I snuggled down in his arm. I hear him moan and pull me close... "Why would you still want me after everything that has happened?"

I didn't hear him actually answer my question, so I figured he was asleep. He was still healing and regaining his strength from the accident, so I just lay there and figured I would ask him later.

Just then I felt Shannon take in a long deep breathe and I heard his voice... It was so soft, almost shaking... "I don't think I understood you right?" I feel Shannon pull my face to look at him. The soft cast still on his left hand, he carefully lay his finger tips on the side of my face as he look me in the eyes... "You don't know why I would still want YOU? Siren... How many times have I hurt you in the last year? How many times have I not been there for you or caused you some kind of disastrous risk to you AND our daughter? How can you ask me why I would still want to be with you when I should be asking you why you would be giving me another chance?"

I could see the tears in his eyes. The calluses on his finger tips from the drum sticks had always reminded me of Shannon's passion for his music. He pours his heart and sould into his drums.... Just like Jared does into music... But this morning, Shannon's hands weren't the same rough finger tips... They were soft... pleading... ALMOST as if Shannon was trying not to make himself wake up from a dream as he slowly out lined my face with his fingers as he stared at me.

"Shannon, I've slept with your BROTHER! Like... I was seriously going to MARRY him!" I pulled away from him... I felt so unworthy of Shannon's touch. "I felt like I had destroyed what we had! And when you kissed me the other day..."

"YOU did nothing that you shouldn't have done. I wasn't there when you needed me... I should have just brought you with me to the club in New York... Siren... I don't care that you and him were there for each other... I'm actually grateful it was Jared to be honest! I don't think I would have gotten another chance to make it up to you if it weren't Jared who was keeping you safe." Shannon pulled me back to his body and held me tight.... "Baby, I should be grateful it was Jared... Any other man wouldn't have taken the time to put you back together, or take care of you, or... as much as it hurts... fallen in love with you the way he did... Because if he hadn't cared, if it WASN'T my brother... They could have just used you and left you when they were done with you. Not to mention I owe my brother everything for saving you AND Connie from that bastard. So if that was the ONLY price I had to pay for my daughter's life, and the life of the woman I want to spend the rest of mine with... Then I can handle that! ALL is forgiven from my end Siren, as long as you and Connie stay in my arms, ALL I am worried about is showing you how much I love the both of you! "

I have never seen Shannon break down the way he was as we lay there in my bed. Shannon was no longer just the dominant, rough, rugged, sinfully sexy, down right dirty and sexual drum god I had met that morning in the coffee shop. He was broken, and he looked shaken more than I have ever seen. But all with in a second, the look in his eyes started to twinkle behind the pleading tears....

"I told you from day one i wasn't going to let anyone hurt you... And I was the one to destroy you! So how... HOW... are you laying here in my arms?" He whispered.

"Because you were the first person since Jean to look past what society saw, and saw...ME.... Shannon, yes Jared saw something too... But he even said it more than once... You beat him to me! And I think I realized that first night behind the stage when you pinned me against the speaker box that you were more than just different!" I laughed! "I'd NEVER thought I would let a man do to me what you have done... You bring out a darker side of me that I never kenw I had..." I bit my bottom lip as I smiled....

"Don't do that! That is my weakness when you do that Siren!" Shannon laughed... 

I laughed and did it again.... Before I could ask him to kiss me, he was already pulling me to him! His lips met mine, and it was like FIRE! I missed him...I couldn't deny it anymore.... I wanted to be with Shannon... You can only deny your soul it's mate for so long! And as much as Jared and I loved each other, Shannon was my soul's cry, as much as Jeanette was his... The way Shannon kissed me was proof enough for me.  I felt him pull me to him closer to his body... I all of a sudden feel him smile as we kiss, and hear him growl DEPP AND LOW! I hear a *CLICK* and my eyes fly open! I turn around and see his fucking phone!

"You REALLY just did that!" I pulled away from his kiss and laughed... 

"Yes, because I'm happy! I have you back in my arms... and I'm putting it up to show the world we are back and better than ever!" Shannon was beaming!

"You know Jared never said that we had split." I smiled at Shannon... "Emma said there was no point to drag this through the fans... She thought it was going to work out in the long run, and if not, then she would deal with it then. She even announced Connie's arrival when she told the fans you were awake from the wreck! So they don't know we ever split up!"

"Perfect then!" Shannon posted 3 pitcutres with in a few seconds it seemed.... My phone went off and I laughed.... I went to reach for it to see the tags I know he put on the photos, but Shannon grabbed me and pulled me back into his arms... "You can look at them on my phone while you stay right here where you belong..." They were the picture of me and Connie with LoLa, the one of Connie and him on the sofa, and the one he just took.... the caption said...'My 3 girls', 'Daddy & Princess,' and the one of us kissing read,  'My Reason for Living...'

I curled up into Shannon and snuggled down into him... "Promise me something Shannon?" I whispered as I look in his eyes... "The next time we make love, make sure I'm you're wife.... Cause I'm not letting you go EVER again!"

Shannon kissed me and we spent the next hour making out and ignoring just about everything except each other!

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