Making it Right....

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Siren snuggled into her pj's... Day of the Dead of course... She laid down on my couch and covered up with the blanket. I go over to her and scoop her face into my hands... "Don't argue with me, sleep in my bed... I promise to keep to myself... I will only hold you if you want me to... I promise I won't pull anything..." She slowly blinked and nodded and got up off the couch... I took her hand and took her around into the bedroom.  She climbed in to my bed and I covered her up...  I lay on top the covers to show her my respect.

She turns around and curls herself up in my arms... "Jared," I hear her whimper....

I curl my arms around her and pull her to me and lean back slightly so I can look at her, "Yeah Siren?"

She looks up at me with her blue gray eyes, stained with red from crying... "I'm sorry for giving you shit before... You were right the whole time..."

I wanted to kiss her so bad and show her that my brother was an idiot.... I wanted to make her see how much I actually cared about her.... This wasn't the right time... "No sweets, you stood up for what you thought was right, and what made you happy... And I am sorry I was right... I didn't want to be. I thought he was smarter than that."

She pulled herself up so she could look me in the eyes, she was laying in my arms, just close enough for me to lean down and kiss her.... Before I could, she touched my face, "You know it was you I wanted to see me as different. Every little joke you made, every time you would flirt with me,..." She looked at me, I wanted to kiss her but I couldn't... She had been drinking and she was hurt....  "I should have listened to you... Now, I've lost my chance with you... "

"No sweets, you didn't loose your chance with me...." Before I could say not tonight, she kissed me... Her lips were on fire, the way she kissed me made me want her, she wiggled under me and I pulled myself on top of her... She wrapped her legs around my waist, I ground my hips into her as we kissed... I had to stop us before it got too far... She wasn't thinking straight... She bit my lower lip as we kissed and moaned into my mouth as I moved against her pulling her body up off the bed and up to meet mine. I ran my hands up her back and felt her try to pull my shirt up... A knock came at my door.... OF COURSE! I finally have her in my bed, I already had to stop this before it went too far too quick... AND NOW THE DOOR! I broke our kiss and she layed back down on the bed.... "I'm really sorry... I'll be right back... " She snuggled down and pulled me to her as I tried to get off the bed.... I thought I heard her say 'hurry back' but I wasn't sure as I was trying to shove my raging hard on back down in my pants.... 

I open the door and of course, it was Shannon.... "I know she is here Jared... And I know you are loving this! I have the video that the camera crew was doing... It will show her I didn't do anything wrong.... She is my LIFE Jared..."

"And it doesn't matter what video you show her Shann... She saw you kiss her back. It doesn't matter! The girl you kissed.... or didn't kiss... was her friend that we were suppossed to meet up with.... AND! The shit she said about Siren... was beyond cruel! She had never seen Siren before, and the nasty things she said about the 'cow' you were dating and how she must be sucking off half the crew to get where she is.... Shannon! This is BEYOND fixing... Especially when she is this drunk!"

The look on his face... He knew she didn't like to drink to get drunk. She like her wine with dinner, but she never got into her hard stuff unless she was in the mood to get royally fucked up...  "She never drinks anything harder than wine!"... I held up the 1/5 of Jack Daniels that she had killed everything but a little less than 1/4 of the bottle.... His eyes filled with tears... "Just tell me you didn't fuck her Jared..."

I put the bottle down and put my hand on my brother's shoulder... "I'm not going to lie, the way she looked tonight, man, she was sexy as hell!... If she wasn't with you a couple of hours ago, she would be doing more than just sleeping in my bed.... But I won't sleep with her when she has been drinking... It's not right, she is hurt because of tonight, and I would be taking adantage of her...."

"Thanks..." He took a deep breath....

"But tomorrow, when she sobers up, if she tells me she wants me, I'm not holding back.... " I looked him dead in the eyes and went in to my room to find her passed out asleep. I locked the door and curled up and pulled her into my arms.  I would hold her close tonight, but if in the day light, when she was sober, I would make everything up to her... I would be making it right!

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