Going Home...

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Siren looked up at Jared with a smile on her face and I almost crumbled... "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to fall asleep..."

"It's okay baby... We have some good news for you though..." Jared pulled her to him standing her up slowly! "They're letting Shannon come home today! In fact," He kissed her cheek, "He's ready to come home now...Tomo, Vickie, and Jeanette are going to pick lunch up for all of us... I'm making you eat a burger! You need something heavy to eat, so I don't want you arguing with me..." He pulled her chin up so she was looking at him. 

"You shit... You know I can't resist those fucking blue eyes!" She giggled... My heart sunk.  Till she turned and looked at me... "Shannon, you're really coming home?" Her eyes had stars in them. 

I smiled... I couldn't help it... She lit my world with her smile... No matter the reason! "All I have to do is change... And that is going to take a few minutes... So by the time you get our daughter in the car... If you'll let me, I would like to ride with her."

Siren looked at Jared, "I'm glad I brought the Jeep! Jeanette why don't you just come with us and you can have shot gun..." Jared smiled as he stared into Siren's eyes. "You are just as spoiled as that little girl you know that woman?" 

"Nah... I don't ask for anything! How can I be spoiled?" She looked at him like he was an ass!

"Cause they will give you ANYTHING you would ask for!" Tomo laughed!

"She'd do the same for any of us and you know it!" Vickie smacked him as she laughed.

Jeanette smiled as she stood by and let me lean on her as I got out of bed. "She doesn't ask for anything because she never did!" Jeanette grumbled. "She's as stubborn today as she was in school when we would work on homework! Or couldn't lift something when we moved into the dorms... Or why she wouldn't let me help her after..." She got quiet...

"Jeanette, you did help me... I just don't ask for help! Never have! You of ALL people know that! But when I really need it, I'll ask. I promise you!" Siren was headed towards the car seat that Connie was snuggled down into. 

"Then let ME carry her!" Jared stopped her in mid stride. "I'm not letting you over do it again. Cause after lunch, YOU are taking another nap! No arguments!" He warped her in his arms... "Shannon and Jeanette can spend some time with Connie and I'll come snuggle with you..." I hear him whisper in her ear. Her face lights up... "Now, let's let my brother change so he can get the hell out of here! I think we are ALL sick of hospitals!" He kissed her lips soft and quick. She smiled as he grabbed her hand and picked up Connie's car seat.

Siren turned around and looked at me as I start to try and pull my shirt off... With Jeanette's help of course! "You two behave now! No need to put him right back in that bed from over doing it!" She winked and chuckled as they walked out of the room.

Jeanette and I both stopped looked at each other and laughed! "Of course she'd be the one!" I heard Jeanette laugh.  She helped me get changed into my clean sweat pants and a loose t-shirt. "That road rash was bad wasn't it..." She saw some of the light marks left of what was left of it.

I was healing pretty well, They didn't think I would have much scaring! "And luckily I didn't screw up my tattoos... Siren would have had a FIT if I messed up her favorite tattoos!" I laughed... 

"Shannon!" Jeanette chuckled! "She wasn't worried about your stupid tattoos asshole!" She smiled as she helped me pull on my zip up hoodie... "Besides her favorite tattoo on you... is your triad and your Mars tattoo on your right forearm... But the triad is her favorite tattoo of yours."

I laughed and sat in the wheel chair so we could leave... "And how do you know that?" I asked as I put my earrings back in. 

"Cause she told me that was her favorite spot to kiss you..." Jeanette snickered... "She said if she kissed it just right, it would turn you into an animal!"

I laughed as she threw her arms around my neck from behind me and kissed that same spot... "But it's funny, that never had the same effect from my view point! I guess it's just her power over you..." She lay her head next to mine and hugged me close... "She held that same power over me... Except for the fact it was me she could bring something out of... She bit my wrist one time... I was done... That was the night she and I..."

"Fell in love?" I muttered... "She bit my triad the first night with me too.. And she knew EXACTLY what she did!" I laughed. "I haven't lost her yet... It's still there Jean... I know it..."

"You're right Shannon... Don't give up yet... She's closer to caving than you think...I know it... I see it in her eyes."

"I hope you're right girl! I can't imagine watching him with her, knowing he gets to make love to her every night..." I stop... "I'm sorry... I know you want him back..."

"No Shannon, you're right... I don't think Jared's far off... But he is still in love with her.... He's remembering how we were, but he's fighting what's in his arms needs him... And that is who he is... He's the hero to her. And that is why he can't just walk away.... But they are slipping... They love each other, but I don't think they are far off from realizing where they really want to be..."

"I'm REALLY hoping your right!" I take a deep breath as we head to the car.

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