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The show was finally over and the guys came off the stage. I grabbed my camera gear and watched them wave the last good bye to their fans before someone grabbed my hand out of no where! Vickie smiled and looked back at me and winked. I had no idea why. I saw us following the security crew and the guys back to the cars. The three guys got into a black SUV with DARK tinted windows and sped off. Vickie pointed out the second SUV and told me to get in as she got in the other side, we both sat in the back.

"The guys have to go through a different door way. The hotel location has too much evening traffic for them to go through the front." she was explaining all this to me like I was now a part of some club or something, "You and I how ever can get through the lobby with out a problem." I saw her pull a baseball cap out of the back seat pocket of the seat in front of her and put it on. She made sure her tattoos couldn't be seen and looked at me, "You are new to the crew you and I can walk practcally hand in hand through and not have a problem. I hope it doesn't bother you."

"No, my ex is the one who didn't like holding my hand in public cause of where we lived. So I think I will be just fine." I couldn't believe I just told her that!

"You're bi?"

"Yeah.." I paused.. "I haven't had a decent man interested in me in a while and my last relationship was a girl. But because we live out in the country she was afraid to be harassed so we ended up breaking up because I wanted more than she was willing to give."

Vickie smiled and put her hand on my shoulder, "Shannon is a decent guy..." She chuckled, "So is Jared! Both of them deserve to be happy. Tomo and I see them go through drama and the women that are just after them cause they are the Leto brothers. But from what I heard from Shannon earlier," she stopped. 

"Wait, what?" I pulled away from her. 

"Shannon came to me earlier while you were taking some photos of Tomo and Jared on the guitars. He likes you a lot and has no clue how to make sure you know he is for real and not being cocky cause he is 'Shannon Leto'. He wants you to get to know him! He said there was just something about you, that you were like..."

"Pushing him away.." I interupted...

"Yeah... He said you mentioned 'girls like you'...." She stopped and pointed... "Here we go. You ready...?" We got out of the truck and with my bag over my shoulder Vickie and I walked through the lobby and when we reached the elevator other people started coming over to wait as well. Vickie grabbed my hand and pulled me on the elevator and hit the button to close the doors before anyone else could get on. She hit the button for the 9th floor and off we went... She turned and looked at me, "Shannon doesn't see anything besides a cool person... Just cause you aren't society's cup of tea, doesn't mean you can't be someone's perfect cup of coffee...!" The doors dinged and we got off the elevator. 

I stopped in front of Suite 935 and was getting ready to knock on the door when Vickie grabbed my hand.... "THAT'S JARED'S ROOM! Come with me girl... we went down the hall and she pointed out hers and Tomo's room at Suite 917. she put me in front of the door at Suite 913... "This is your boyfriend's room. And don't giggle or look at me crazy... I see the way he looks at you and the death stare he gave Jared earlier. Just be happy and realize you hit the lottery!" And with that she knocked on Shannon's door and giggled as she walked away, "Good night and welcome to the family!" I saw her disappear into her room and heard Tomo greet her with a sexy growl met by her giggle. 

As their door closed I heard the one behind me open. I shook my head as I felt his arms wrap around my admittedly thicker than should be hips and waist as I hear him whisper in my ear... "A waist is a terrible thing to mind..." He spun me around and I was staring into his eyes. I heard another door open behind me. It must have been Jared's... I suddenly felt Shannon pull me close and into his room before saying, "Good night brother!" He winked at him as he closed the door and turned back to me. He looked at me with those eyes... Those same HUNGRY eyes.... I was done! The next thing I knew I was pinned against the wall with him in front of me... I crumbled...I didn't care why anymore... I gave in... I was his!

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