Testing 1...2...

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I was really here... At the 30 Seconds To Mars SOUND CHECK!!!! The guys were tuning up the guitars and Shannon was inspecting his drums. Tomo motioned for Jared to come over and out of the corner of my eye I saw him point in my direction. I was playing with my lenses and switching them out and making sure my filters were on right so I could take a couple of test shots. I saw Jared laugh and tell Tomo to hang on. The next thing I knew Jared was walking towards me with a smile on his face. 

"Hey Siren," I hear him say, "Come here for a minunte." He waved me up on the stage.

I find the stairs up and walk up behind Shannon. I stop and look at him with his head phones on tapping out drum counts with his sticks. I pull my camera up and snap a photo of him. I come from behind him and look over the side of his drum kit, he doesn't see me, I snap another photo. I see him look up at me through my lens, he smiles with those I'm going to fuck you eyes, and licked his teeth... I snapped the photo, it was perfect! I snickered and turned around to see the most beautiful view I had seen and the most terryifying thing I have ever seen all in one. I saw the microphone stand and all the seats in the stadium. There were hundreds, no THOUSANDS of people going to be here tonight. And Jared was going to sing infront of all of them. I must have looked like a statue cause Jared touched my shoulder and I jumped almost off the stage!

"Are you okay?" Jared put his hand on my shoulder and I heard Shannon put his sticks down and come to my left side. Tomo came over and stood beside Jared on my right. "You sing, don't you..." Jared almost chuckled.

Shannon took my hand and I heard him say something to Tomo... I almost fainted..."Tomo, this is Siren. I have asked her to take some photos of us tonight. I'm thinking of bringing her on tour to see what new angles we can catch."

"Shannon, I think the only new angles you are going to try and see is how many different shades of red you can turn this poor woman." Tomo laughed. "Siren I don't know what spell you cast on him but girl, you are in for a the ride of your life with this one!"

Jared burst out laughing and then looked at his brother, "He's right and you know it. I can even say I'm jealous you saw her first! So babe, if he breaks your heart I will deffinately help you put it back together! And that's a promise!" Shannon didn't like that. Jared quickly changed his tune... "What song do you want to sing. How bout you check out the back up microphone for me." He went and grabbed two white microphones and handed me the one with the red ring around the bottom... "I'm not kidding Siren, I want to hear what you have... what do you want to sing? I'll sing with you!"

I almost threw up! Jared Leto wanted to sing with me... And was flirting with me... And Shannon Leto was apparently trying to lay a claim on me.... My head was spinning... I didn't know what hit me. Then everything just went BLACK!


WHAT THE HELL DID HE JUST SAY! I shoot Jared a look that made him back down... I was the older brother, and for once he wasn't getting what he wanted. I was!

Jared hands her the microphone and she just stands there... The next thing I know and she is falling! I grab for her and manage to catch one of her arms...it happened to be the one with her camera in her hand... Tomo grabbed her before she hit her head on the stage. Jared jumped too, we all moved almost in slow motion it seamed to make sure she didn't get hurt.

"I'll go get Vickie..." Tomo said as he laid her in my arms, "And some smelling salts."

Jared looked at me, "I'm sorry..."

"I actually like her Jared. Something about her is drawing me in. She's different..." I stopped I touched her face and she started to stir... "She's not just some groupie or regular fan. There is something different about her."

"Shannon, I won't interfere." Jared looked at me. "But if you let her go, you are one stupid f*cker!"

Just then Vickie and Tomo came back with the smelling salts and a bottle of water.

"How did this happen?" Vickie looked at me and Jared as she broke the salts and held them under Siren's nose. "Come on girl... That's it.... Make sure she can breathe...She'll be fine, just let her catch her breath. Seriously, what happened? And who ever caught her camera was a lucky shot. There doesn't look to be any damage!"

"Jared handed her a microphone and asked her if she wanted to sing with him. She's an Echelon..." I paused...."WITH PANIC DISORDER!" I shot Jared another look.

"I didn't think she would faint! There is NO ONE here but us!" Jared threw his hands up.

"What happened?" Siren looked at me and then felt for her camera...

"It's fine hun... I'm Vickie, Tomo's wife... Let's get you up and in a chair."

"I'm fine.... Just let me stand up please..." She looked at me and I checked her head again just in case and picked up her camera that I had taken out of her hand. She still looked so stunned that I was interested in her. If she only knew the plans I had to win her over. I kissed her forhead and smiled at her. She seemed to almost ease into me this time. Maybe I was getting to her!

"Do you want to try that again?" Jared handed her the microphone cautiously.

I saw her take a breath and smile..."Only if we sing City of Angels." She beamed. "I can actually do harmonies to your parts. I can do it to Stay too..."

So for the next 40 minutes she helped Jared check the micorphones... We played half the set with her on the mics with him. It was sexy to hear her battle her voice with his. At first she was so quiet but she steadily she got stronger. Now she was singing The Kill and screaming right along with Jared! We weren't doing the acoustic version either! We did the hard album version with me pounding it out on the drums and I could still here how sexy she sounded screaming with him! I had to have her alone. I saw her keeping pace with my drums and getting into the rythm I was playing to every song... I saw her finally starting to let loose. Then they finally did Stay.... Her voice was magic! Jared stopped and she didn't notice. Her voice was incredible! I needed to hear it again.. To hear her voice low and soft say my name... And it was going to be tonight after the show. We didnt leave for the next show on this leg for another day or two. I was going to convince her to come with us! I had to!

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