Meeting Mommy...

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I walked in and Siren was resting... I sat down next to her left side... (Her right side was to the door of the room, I wanted to see if anyone came in to disturb us again...) I softly pulled her hand into my grasp... I was careful to be gentle and just looked at the ring on her hand. I wanted to pull it off and just toss it... It was only causing us both pain.... I knew when she woke up, she would say his name... Jeanette had finally let go... What was I supposed to do? I loved them both... I had never told her about Jeanette's ring being in my pocket. I had kept hers with me just like Shannon kept Siren's... 

I hear her stir... "Connie..." I hear her try and whisper...She opens her eyes and looks at me... She actually sees ME! "Jared..." She smiles weakly...

"I told you I would be here with you..." I whisper...

"Where's Connie?" I hear the monitor hooked up to her heart start beating faster...

"Shhhhhh... She's fine... She is beautiful!... Perfect! She has your eyes..." I smiled at her... "Shannon is awake... He has her... Mom is in there with them... Tomo... Vickie... Emma... and..."

"Jared... I want to see my daughter... Please... I need to see her... I need to know..." She is starting to panic more...

"I'll go get mom to bring her to you..." I start to get up... Siren tightens her grip as much as she can on my hands... "Okay... I will see if the nurse can go get them..."

"No need Jared..." My mother's voice comes from the door way... Shannon wanted to see if he could bring Connie to meet her mommy... I'll go tell the nurses you are ready..."

My mother disappeared leaving us alone again... Siren looked at me... I wanted to kiss her so bad... I kept it together... 

"Do you want me to go?" I asked her...

"No... Please stay..."

"I need to tell you something before Shannon gets here... Jeanette is here... She came back... She came back for me... And I have to admit I snapped her head off before she told me... I thought she came for you and Connie..." I confessed everything... "And she told Shannon you were wearing my ring... But mom showed him the ring box you had in your hand in the delivery room..."  I looked into her eyes.... she was so weak... What I done? "I'm sorry I had to be honest with you before I didn't get the chance to tell you..."

"Jared, I told you if you loved her..." She whispered...

"I didn't say I didn't love you... And until you tell me Shannon has won you back... I won't let you go. If you and him work things out because of Connie... I'll talk to her and see if she and I can give it another shot... But I can't lie... I still care about you... And I needed you to know that before I didn't get to tell you I was sorry for reacting horribly when she got here... I've been a real dick to her since she got here... I didn't know..." I put my head on her hand... "I didn't know you two had matching tattoos..."

"I covered mine... I had to put her in my past Jared..." She let a single tear fall...

"I know... she got hers covered while she was gone... I'll let her show you when I bring her down to see you.... I have to appologize to her first... I was scared and acted like an ass..."

"You're forgiven Jared... I understand more than you think..." I hear Jeanette's voice... Siren and I both look over and my mother is pushing Shannon in a wheel chair with everyone behind her... "So much for pouring my heart out to my best friend..."

"Jared... I've given her no reason to be anything less than your girlfriend... But I appreciate the though for my feelings... If she changes her mind... I'll never turn her away... She has my heart..." Shannon spoke up... "Well... most of it belongs to this little princess..." My brother was still beaming over his daughter... My mother pushed him closer to Siren's bed side... "Jared... why don't you give Siren her daughter... I think after that appology, you've earned a bit of a get out of dick head jail card..."

I felt like such a dick... Here was my brother... after everything we had put each other through in the last year... "I would love to..."

Vickie and Tomo sat on the sofa and Emma helped Mom move Siren up in the bed a bit so she could finally hold her daughter... I went over to my brother and hugged him... 

"You're my brother... I'm sorry for everything..." I had nothing left but pain when I looked at him and how banged up he was... "If I hadn't screwed everything up..."

"Jared... I hate to say this but..." Shannon let me pick Connie up out of his arms... "If you hadn't been a dick... and you hadn't been there the night in Northern California... Allan would have killed both of them... So as much as I want to hate you for taking Siren from me... I deserved it... And I'm grateful it was you with her... At least I knew she was safe... I should have stayed last week... But I fucked shit up... I won't be doing that anymore... I have to start being smarter... Connie needs her dad..." Before I left his side with Connie, Shannon put his right hand on my left arm... "She also needs her other God-Father... Even if he ends up being her step dad and her uncle rolled into one..." Shannon looked over at Siren laying in the bed and rolled himself over to her bed side as close as he could... "But I will say I'm not giving up just yet... I'll still fight for Siren brother... So buckle up... Cause when I get better... I'm coming back harder than ever!" 

"Just let her get out of the hospital first Shannon...!" Jeanette laughed...

"Connie... I'm your Uncle... but this... This beautiful woman is your mommy..." I smiled at her and carefully lay Connie in her mother's arms...

The smile on Siren's face was priceless... The tears just rolled down her face... "Hi my little Unicorn! It's so nice to meet you after SOOO long!" She looked at Shannon.... "Our little Nuckler is here!"

Shannon put his right hand on her leg... "Told you she would make it here just fine... And I will NEVER let anyone hurt either one of you... None of us will... That is a promise!

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