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SIREN's P.O.V.       

Constance had called a friend who had an apartment for rent outside of L.A., so over the next few days, as they guys finished the last few shows and appearances, Vickie, Tomo, Emma, and Robin helped me move in. Vickie had a spare key, and so did Emma... I just lay in the big king size bed in my new bedroom and just started around my new room at all the baby things that Constance had gotten for Connie's nursery here, and for her to come home from the hospital with.

Three weeks had passed and I had ignored EVERYONE except Vickie, Tomo, Constance, Emma and Robin... Apparently both Jared and Shannon had asked about how I was doing... I did send updates through Tomo and Vickie about the baby as they were the ones who would take me to my appointments... Other wise, they respected that I didn't want them to know anything.... Jeanette had been told that I lived outside of town, but I wasn't ready to see her at the time she was told.

I had talked to my mom, and told her I had moved again, and that soon she would be a grandmother. She wasn't very happy, but she was happy I was safe... I looked at the white bassinet in the corner that Constance had picked out for her grand daughter.... of course beautiful and covered in pink lace. 

I heard a knock on the door and knew it would be one of them at some point... But this was NOT who I expected to see when I opened the door.

"Hi sis..." Came Jeanette's voice from behind a GIANT pink unicorn. "I got something special for my niece. I hope you don't mind that I was able to bring it by myself...."

I had been so mad at Jean for so long... She had destroyed my best friend and slept with the one man that I thought could make the pain go away. I had been so wrong about so much these last several months.... I wanted to slam the door in her face... But I couldn't.... She was my sister... "Come on in Jean.... I'm glad you stopped by..." I stepped aside so she could come in.... "You are alone I'm guessing.... I HOPE!" 

"Yeah... The guys didn't come, as to not start anything that would cause you any stress... But they miss you, they BOTH do..." She sounded down.... Jean put the unicorn in Connie's room and looked around my little apartment. "So how do you like your place? Where is LoLa?" Jean sat down in the kitchen as I grabbed my phone and pulled food out of the fridge to start making a snack for the two of us and some tea.

"LoLa is actually with Vickie and Tomo today. They wanted to spend the day with her before going home to Detroit." I turned on the stove and started making grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup. "So how are things going with you and the boys?" I almost didn't want to know.... 

"They both ask me if I have talked to you.... But obviously since we haven't talked, They have no idea what to do." Jean seemed down... I knew why... 

"Jared loves you still, I know he does... Jeanette, I asked him the day after we found you at Shannon's..." Jeanette got quiet as I spoke..."I have to admit, I was furious with what happened between all of us... And yes, I care a LOT about both of them. But I knew.... " I stopped....  I took a deep breath and rubbed my stomach.... Connie was moving a lot more.... I was officially 7 months pregnant now and it was just past coming up to Shannon's birthday... But also to mine... I would be having my daughter some time in April, it was now a few days before Valentine's Day...  

"They don't talk about you to each other at all, but Jared does when he and I are together. We have become friends again. The love is still there, but I know he still has feelings for you..." Jeanette stopped... "Shannon is the worst... He is completely isolated. We talk, don't get me wrong, we care deeply for each other, but his heart lies with you Sarah..."

"I don't want to talk about them anymore... I just want to focus on Connie, and make sure she safely enters this world, then I will be leaving." I set my sister's lunch in front of her... "And I don't want them to know. I've caused them too much pain"


"I already have! Don't you see what I've done to him and Jared?!" I threw the pans in the sink... "I've destroyed their relationship!"

"Siren," I had never heard Jean call me that before! "They are brothers as much as you and I are sisters... We make mistakes, and we learn from them and move on... Talk to them!" She came over and put one hand on my stomach and the other on my shoulder... "Talk to them for Connie.... Please... At least talk to Jared... He has been desperate to talk to you just to make sure you are okay.... Shannon has just recoiled into his house... Constance is the only one who has seen him since the last show. She says he is sober, but extremely depressed... But every time she brings over news about you and Connie, he does at least talk to her. Asks questions.... One day he didn't know I had come with her," She stepped back... "He isn't the same... He is shattered... He blames this entire thing on himself... He's lost probably about 15 lbs... and just...."

"Okay... I give... I will talk to them both before I leave with Connie... I promise..." I wanted to cry... I just held my daughter in my stomach like I was cradling her yet again... "Now shut up and eat your lunch while it's still hot... PLEASE!"

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