Land of Brotherhood?

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We arrived in Philidelphia a few hours later and went straight to the hotel. "Do you mind if I stay in the bus tonight? I just have a lot of editing to do and want to get my head on straight." I asked the Shannon as they stood up and started grabbing their back packs. 

"Are you serious?" Jared looked at me in shock.

"You okay babe? You know you can stay with me, the rest of the crew know you work with us and are with me." Shannon came over and stood next to me as I was getting LoLa her leash.

"Yeah, that's kind of it, I don't want them thinking I'm just here cause of you. I am brand new on the crew, and screwing the drummer of the band. That really isn't the best first impression I could have given them!" I kind of sounded annoyed. I didn't mean to be but I was... "I'm good at what I do and I want that to be why I am here on staff. Not cause I'm your new fling."

Shannon looked at me and sighed, "You're right, I'm sorry. And they don't know we are sleeping together," he chuckled... "Jared knows for sure now though!"

"Like the hickeys on her neck didn't tell me that Shannon!" Jared blurtted out!

I turned beat red and laughed... "He has a point Shannon... You did do a pretty good job of putting it out there!"

"If you want to stay out here that is fine. I will make sure someone keeps an eye out for you from security." Shannon took my hand, "But for right now will you come up to my room and hang out with us for a bit?"

"Yeah, I want to work some vocals with you!" Jared piped in. 

LoLa was ready at the door, I handed Jared her leash and he hooked it on... "Yeah, I'll come up for a bit, I do have work to do the show is tomorrow night. I want these up for you guys by then. I only have to upload most of them to your files I only have like a few photos left to edit. And by the way," I grabbed pulled Shannon to me, "I want those photos you took of us yesterday!" I whispered.

"Check your bunk baby doll.." I went over to the bunk that I had been told I could sleep on. And there sat a photo album with blue lettering on it, 'SiReN  & SHaNNoN' and inside was a photo of me, with my camera! At the Lincoln Memorial! "That was the start wasn't it?" I heard Shannon say behind me. 

That's when it hit me... "You use a Nikon! I can see that difference anywhere! That was what was in your back pack that morning on the bikes! Shannon that is incredible! So sweet!" I was in tears! The next picture made it worse, it was a picture Vickie had SIGNED! She must have taken it... it was of me and Shannon at the concert when he kissed me back stage! After that was the two pictures that Shannon had taken of us the day before in the gardens. "It's perfect! Thank you Shannon, I love it... I..." I stopped. I was crying and he kissed me. Jared cleared his throat and we went out and let LoLa stretch her legs while Shannon and I had a smoke. Now, I was a part of the sneaking into the hotel. This was going to be interesting....


Shit... She is really falling for him. She almost actually said it... she loved him. I knew I had to work fast to stop this! I at least let her know I was interested. The look on her face made me want to kiss her worse than I already did. I should not have touched her arm, it felt like warmpth and a soul that had to step outside of herself to be seen. She was smart and an bit of a hand full... I wonder if that is because she liked me too? Shannon was right about one thing though, she was NO groupie... She was a prize... something special to be with. I could see that when he looked at her. He seemed at ease as they walked hand in hand into the hotel with LoLa at her side.

I followed them in as Tomo and Vickie led the way. Robin and Emma followed me up and we all went up to our floor. Siren and Shannon headed to their room and I know damn well he is going to fuck her before he lets her any where near me. That is ok... I know he will fuck something up and I will get my shot. I love my brother don't get me wrong... But I knew it was coming, Kristina or someone new would call him and he would be gone. I knew when she met mom she was going to tell me the same thing. We would see her in Detroit in a few days when Vickie would go with mom to L.A. to meet us back home.

I knew when we got to L.A. would be to late. He would be hooked in completely, nothing would keep him from her then. I knew his pattern.  I made up my mind and I was going to make my move first chance I got. I had to...

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