Jared's Rules

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Siren was finally the happiest I had seen her in years! I knew that Jared had a piece of my sister's heart, and he had a piece of hers... But for some reason, they had both chosen me and Shannon over each other. I was still in shock! I looked down at my left hand and saw my engagement ring back on my finger with two diamond additions. I was sure those extra diamonds weren't there before!

"Yes, I added diamonds to your ring. I had them added on the other day when we talked out on the balcony." Jared beamed as he pulled me in for a kiss. "Everyone is waiting to talk about Siren's surprise party for her birthday. If you want to get some rest, you can sleep in my bed. I won't disturb you baby."

"You have put a ring on my hand... So I think I would be okay if you did disturb me!" I smiled as I pulled Jared into my arms for a kiss that set my world on fire!

I hear Jared moan as we kissed and finally I feel him pull me to him. Jared kissed me one last time before he pulled away with a smile on his face... "I did put a ring on your hand..." I looked up into his blue eyes, and just wanted to pull him into his bedroom and fuck him! "But I won't be disturbing you like that just yet!" He winked and started to release me from his arms.

"What? Why?" I was getting pissy! "Siren is with Shannon, there is NOTHING stopping us Jared... Or are you waiting for my sister to change her mind?" I pushed his arm away from me!

"NO!" His eyes filled with pain at my acusation. "Why would you even think that? I told you I was going to do this righ no matter who ended up with whot! I'm NOT just going to jump back in to bed with you Jeanette! No matter how bad I want it! You're NOT a groupie! You're going to be my WIFE! Don't YOU deserve more than that?" He was pissed!

I watched Jared walk out of the room and pull his hair up in his bun. He had trimmed his beard and it was just the way I liked it, nice and kept, I hadn't even noticed! Siren had always bitched about it tickling her face when he kissed her. Now he trims it? It looked more like the scruff he had always kept, and he waited till Siren was back with Shannon to shave? And he had NO intentions on fucking me any time soon it appeared... So what was I supposed to think! 

I grab Jared's arm and pull him back to me in the hallway before everyone can see us... "Hey! I'm sorry...." I tried to hold Jared's hand.... "I just know my sister hated your beard, now you've cleaned up knowing I didn't care... And you don't want to be with me like we were?" I was crying... "I just thought..."

"No, I'm not holding out for your sister! I want YOU! I put a ring on your hand... I asked you to marry me!" His voice was getting louder... "Why would I do that if I was just holding out for your sister! I know how she feels about my brother, and she knows how I felt about you! Cause as much as I HATE to break my word," He looked me in the eyes... "I was going to break my word to her for you! I couldn't marry HER knowing how I felt about you! She wasn't the only one that was hurt by the fact we didn't love each other enough! She's my BEST FRIEND Jeanette! I SHOULD marry her! Siren has been the ONLY woman that has EVER been able to talk me out of something! Besides my MOTHER... And SHE even told me that I was marrying Siren out of fear! And my mother is NEVER wrong!" As Jared turned around I hear him mutter... "Except for Siren..."

"So she showed you what? What did my sister show you Jared? Did she do something for you that I can't?.... Or that what Jared.... What were YOU giving up?" I saw him getting more angry and I felt worse and worse every second.... but my defeences were up and I was NOT going to let Jared fucking Leto destroy my heart... "I've put EVERYTHING aside for you Jared.... And I just don't get how you can walk away from my sister a WEEK after you pledged to marry her the second she woke up from having our niece!" Who I could hear screaming down the hallway. "And what... You just fly back into my arms, ask me to marry you, and then you don't even want to fuck the woman you claim you want to be with!" I yelled!

Tomo and Vickie are calming Connie down as Robin and Emma start peeking down the hall to make sure they don't need to step in.

"You are serious?" Jared was FURIOUS! "First off!" Jared's fist met the wall he was standing next to. He and I were a good five feet apart, so when he swung, he knew he wouldn't make contact with me... "I DO love her! I ALWAYS WILL! And if you weren't in the picture, and the duche bag that broke her heart every time that I put her back together....Or did BOTH of you forget about that? If that dick wasn't my fucking brother.... I would have taken Siren away, told Tomo to tell my mother I was getting married and leaving the country.... Siren's my BEST friend! My mother was wrong! I would have married her because I loved her.... I have NEVER loved someone the way I love that woman! She is in every single heart beat I hear coming from my chest!" Jared was extreamly angry! I had NEVER seen him like this.... "But here's the difference between what you are to me and what she is to me...." Jared got CLOSE! INCHES from my face.... "You're my soul's cry! Siren, she was the one who put me back together when you left the FIRST time! It was SIREN who kept me from being stupid! So be glad that she and I only fucked! Cause that baby laying out there, would have been mine if Shannon had not gotten to her first! But the problem with this is.... YOU are who I want.... No matter how I feel about your sister.... it is YOU that I wanted! So how DARE you accuse me of wanting to marry you but hoping to fuck your sister again! At least I told you we were fucking! YOU KNEW! Siren and I had NO CLUE you and Shannon were still fucking up until when? Probably the morning you left to 'put Sarah behind you!'" He was PISSED! The anger in Jared's eyes made me afraid.... But the pain broke me.... Deeper than I thought possible.

"I'm sorry...." I whispered.

"You are GOING to get it Jean.... I'm not fucking you because I want to make you my WIFE! I want what Tomo and Vickie have!" He pulled away from me and pointed down the hall again.... Then he stood up and took a deep breath. "Siren remembered what she had with Shannon was exactly what she wanted about the time she rolled over and smelled MY cologne on YOUR shirt that morning! Or did you forget that the reason we took so long getting her frozen yogurt that night was cause we almost FUCKED in my jeep!" Jared pulled me in to his arms and lifted my face to kiss me deeper than I had felt from ANYONE besides Siren. "I'm not holding out cause of someone else... I'm holding out on you because I want to make a LIFE with you! Not just some fling! I want you to have my child... Not just get fucked cause you got back stage with one of my photographers on staff! I mean COME ON! Don't you want what Siren and Shannon have when they look at their daughter? Don't you and I deserve the same chance that they are getting? I want to help change diapers in the middle of the night for OUR child.... Not my step daughter!"

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