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It had been three weeks since I had seen Shannon for more than a few minutes hiding out from the media. Since grabbing a hold of the story of Shannon and Jared getting engaged we had all been dodging a TON of cameras and people trying to find out anything they could about us... And of course, then there was always Allan.... 

I had never opened the card that had came with the guitar case...To be honest, I was afraid. I had no idea if I even wanted to know what he could have put in that envelope that could have been worse than what I had seen.... I still woke up in middle of the night. I felt like I was living in the video for Hurricane... I missed Shannon...

At least we knew one thing that was keeping everything together... Victoria Constance had been decided would be our daughter's name. We would call her Connie. But I still felt so alone... Jeanette and I were always at odds now. We missed Jared and Shannon and we were just on each other's nerves... And you add in my hormones... 

It's Saturday morning and my phone rings... I'm still half asleep when I answer the phone. "Morning my sexy beast......."

"Shannon will never be able to keep us apart..." *CLICK* I starred at my phone... It wasn't a name or a number it said 'Blocked ID".... 

"JEANETTE! HE HAS MY NUMBER! JEANETTE!" I was screaming when she came in the room... I was bawling... I couldn't breathe!

 I hear Jeanette call someone... "Get here NOW! He has her phone number............ Search that case! See if there's a tracker in it! Read that card, tear it all apart....... I don't care what you have to do!........... Find out how he found her Jared!........... I'm destroying our phones and getting burn phones........... Don't worry we have the cash............. I'll call you when we switch cars and find another hotel.......... I'm not making a reservation, we'll just stop... I have to keep her hidden!...............We still have one problem Jared........... I have to get back to Detroit for a medical conference........ What do you mean Shannon has to do some gig? And Tomo is doing a cooking appearance? Seriously?........... Does Shannon realize how serious this is?............. At least you'lll stay with her.... Thanks baby.... How long till you are here?......... Okay.... I'll feel better when you are with us........I'll call you when I get her safe again.... DON'T CALL EITHER OF US FOR 2 HOURS! Let me get this fixed..... Love you too...See you soon!"

"Jared's on his way Sarah.... The boys have a few things to do, so while I'm in Detroit, you'll stay with Jared....." My sister just held me as I cried.....I wanted Shannon.... I don't know how this had happened..... I had to protect my daughter....My little girl... My Connie.... 

The next 5 hours were a blur.... I knew I had a new phone with all the important numbers I needed in it... My sister, the guys, Vickie, Robin, Emma, and my editor's information.... My sister told them I was going on leave and would be back after the baby was born. So at least I didn't have to worry about that! 

My new phone rang and scared the shit out of me... I jumped and didn't want to answer it.... It said's Shannon's name on the id... but I was still scared.... "Hello?"

"Baby.... You okay? Siren? We all have new numbers, everything has been burned... Jeanette was right... He put a tracker in the case.... Baby I'll be there in a few days.... I'm so sorry... Jared will be there in a couple of hours.... I'm so sorry...." Shannon was in a panic.

I burst into tears... "There was one in one of my camera cases too.... Jeanette found it when she went through all our luggage... She got me new cases.... Shannon I want to see you... Please cancel the bike show gig... Please...."

"Baby I can't.... I'm sorry..." I heard him so angry and I couldn't tell why...

My emotions were all out of sorts..."Fine.... I hope he finds me...." And with that I hung up the phone and turned it off...

Jeanette was furious! "He loves you! STOP! You're trying to push him away cause you're scared!" 

"Like you're doing to Jared!" I snapped back! She looked at me in shock.... "He's my fucking BEST FRIEND! And you're my SISTER! I KNOW YOU! You're scared! You're running! That is why you're going back to Detroit! It's where you're safe! Where you don't have to see the girls that throw themselves at him! You think I don't see it with Shannon! EVERY DAY! SO DOES VICKIE! But they don't want them! They want us! Jared wants YOU! So STOP RUNNING JEANETTE!" I got out of the car and went into the hotel room we had just gotten. I was so tired of running! I wasn't going to run ANYMORE!

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