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My sweet beautiful Siren had shown up and was in my arms.... Her lips on mine... I couldn't believe it.... I kissed her like it was that first time in D.C. as I pull her into my body.... I feel Connie kick me in the stomach as her mother and I kiss.... I pull back and laugh as I break our kiss...  "I take it our daughter is not so fond of being squished between us." 

Siren just looked at me... and the look on her face was so dark and confussed. "How do you know if he and I were together last night?"

"I figured you would ask that..." I knew I was done... "I told him I knew you well enough that if he made you choose you would probably run..."

She laughed.... "You know, when he told me how he felt, and that you would walk away if I asked you too... I tried to run... I told him I was leaving... "

I tried to keep it together... But I had to tell her... "I came by your appartment last night. I saw the two of you in the window... Neither of you knew I was there... I called Jeanette and told her I needed to talk so I didn't drink. She and I ended up talking all night. She is asleep in Jared's old room here... It's kind of become hers..." I couldn't hold back how I felt.... And it was all over my face... I just hoped Siren knew me well enough to know I was being completely open with her.

"Shannon, it isn't right.... I do have feelings for him..." Siren steps back and just runs her hands over our daughter....  Tears in her eyes...  "Do you love her Shannon?"

"Yes, I have feelings for Jeanette... I'm not in love with her." I pulled the ring from my shorts pocket and opened the extra small box I had gotten to keep her ring in until I could slide it back on her hand...  I show her the box... "I'm still in love with you... There isn't a day that goes by I don't carry this with me." I see her eyes filling with more tears... "I know you love Jared, I know that you care about him.... But I also know that you can't just walk away from how much we loved each other..." I got closer to her... I pulled Siren into my arms... I closed the ring box and put it in her hand... "I will not make you choose! You will make your choice on your own..."

Siren looked up at me and I see Jeanette come out of the kitchen behind her... Siren doesn't see her. "What if I make you choose Shannon? Me or my sister?" The look on Jeanette's face behind her made me stop dead in my tracks... "I can't live with myself knowing I've cost her what I know makes her happy... So until I know she is happy... I will walk away..." I watched her as she handed me back the ring box and leans up to kiss me....

I pull her into my arms and wrap her up in a kiss that I know she can't deny... I realize Jeanette is not far, but she knows how I feel... She knows I want my family back.... I kiss Siren in a way that I know will show her, I want her back... My hands on her face, my fingers laced in her hair... My arms wrapping around her body as we kiss... Till I pull away and see he marked her.  I pull away and see my brother's teeth inprinted on the woman I am in love with.... 

"Tell me he didn't claim you like that... TELL ME you didn't let him...." I was furious! Jeanette came over and Siren looked like she was going to faint... Just then I hear another knock at my door.... I swing around open the door and my brother is standing in front of me.... I haul off and hit him!  "I TOLD YOU THE TRUTH, I TOLD YOU I HAD FEELINGS FOR JEANETTE.... BUT I NEVER MARKED HER! WHAT THE FUCK!"

"I TOLD you I wasn't holding back with her! Jeanette picked you! So I was going to make sure Sarah was taken care of!" Jared yells as he storms in my house and sees Jeanette in my hall way watching the whole ordeal! "She picked you, I'm sorry for the fact you didn't pick her... But at least I knew where she stood.... Now she knows where I stand!"

"I still would NEVER mark her! That's a claim Jared! A claim you can't revoke! Not the way we work man! How long? I had her marked the day after I choose her! That is something you can't cross! You've betrayed OUR word as BROTHERS!" I shove my brother into the wall of my house and grab Siren and pull her out of the way... "YOU did nothing wrong... Jeanette did nothing wrong.... I'm sorry...." I pulled Siren into my arms... She is TERRIFIED... I look behind me to see no one, then I realize she is afraid of me... 

Jared pulls her away and looks at her... "Sarah, are you okay? Baby... I won't ever let him put his hands on you like that again.... Jeanette made her choice.... I made mine... I'm sorry I bit you.... I was wrong... But please, come with me so we can talk.... I will explain, but I see your fear... Please come with me so we can talk..."

"NO!" I hear Jeanette scream! "Now I know why she wanted to leave! Sarah.... I'll leave with you... Let's go... These two are a fucking mess... They deserve to be miserable!" Jeanette grabs Siren into her arms and pulls her away... Jared and I watch as Jeanette steals away Siren, and drives off.

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