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Slowly I wake up and things are completely coming into focus. I see my mom and my dad sitting in chairs and my sister Jeanette bawling on my legs. I hear my sister mumbling something and then she stops and sits up to look at me.

"I got a phone call from the hospital here in D.C. that you had been hit by a car. You were out taking photos of the Lincoln Memorial around dawn one morning." She stopped. She wipped the tears from her face and slowly took my right hand back in to hers. "Some woman named Sondra hit a slick spot in the road from the storm that had come through the night before and lost control of her car."

I just started to cry. It had ALL been a dream! None of it had been real! The nights of passion with Shannon; the fire in Jared's kiss; MY DAUGHTER....

"Sarah, you've been unconscious for days. Two men pulled you out from under the car and kept you alive until help could arrive." My dad was an emotional wreck just as much as my mother was.

"After I got the call I realized I had screwed up when you and I split up Sarah, I'm sorry that I let your attack come between us. I should have raised Joshua with you as our own. Just because we had become sisters again after we broke up doesn't mean you don't matter to me. When he died, I saw the light in your eyes change, and I want to help you get it back. I love you Sarah, please let me make it up to you. You're my best friend and we have been through so much. I just want you to be okay. Please sis, I can't loose you again."

I couldn't think.... "Alone..." is all I could mutter.  

My mother slowly wiped her face and came over to my left side to kiss my cheek. "I love you my little Siren." And with that she took my step-father and my step-sister from the room. I just broke down and cried.

Now what?

*********Writer's Note: I am not done with this yet... If you have any thoughts please feel free to message me!******************

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