Cashing in...

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I had just gotten out of the shower and dressed again when I heard a knock at the door. I stopped and took a breath before I checked through the peep hole to see who it was. It was Vickie walking to her room and Siren... She didn't run!... I open the door. I slide my hands around her waist and whisper, "A waist is a terrible thing to mind." I spin her around so she is facing me. Just then I hear another door open and Jared step out into the hallway. I pull her into me and into the room away from him... "Good night brother!" I winked at him and shut the door with a smile on my face.

I turned to my left and there she was. I was going to devour her, and she knew it! I pinned her against the wall and kissed her... She didn't fight back this time. She kissed me back so intensely! I had no idea what had come over her, but I liked it, it was almost primal! I grabbed her by the back of the neck as we made out and pulled her to me. I moved us to the couch and pinned her on the couch under me. I never broke our kiss, neither did she! I stopped and pulled back and sat back up and let both of us catch our breath. 

"Did you remember to bring your camera with you?" I finally managed to get out. She looked over at the door way and pointed to it on the floor by the front door. I smiled as she sat up. I kissed her softly, "are you okay? I'm not here to push you into something you don't want.." I didn't get to finish before she was stradling me and we were making out again! I felt her pull away from me and kiss my triad tattoo, the next thing I knew she bit me! I growled and dug my hands into her hips. That made her come alive even more! I pulled her to me and kissed her deep! I pulled her down closer on top of me and I felt her grind against me. I almost ripped her shirt off right there! But I didn't....

She pulled back and looked me in the eyes. She was already half out of her hoodie with it unzipped most of the way and half off her one arm. I have to admit I had seriously fucked up her hair and was pulling at her clothes like they were on fire and I had to get them off her. All she did was stare at me... Finally she spoke, "I don't know why and I am done asking..." She looked at me and licked her lips and moved hard against me before she came to my left ear and whispered really low, "If you want me, I'm not going to fight you anymore Shannon. I want you, I want to be with you like no woman has been..." she licked my ear and that was it!

I kissed her and pulled her body close to me and felt her melt into my body completely as she moved with me as we kissed. She moved with me like noone ever had... I didn't understand it. I'd been with women... plenty of women... but they didn't move with me the way Siren did. Every touch was met with hers, every kiss more intense than the last, the desire was unreal! I knew she could feel me hard under her... She was seriously using it to her advantage! I could barely breathe between kisses. And the way she moved she was seductive as hell! Her size didn't matter... She was competely sexy in her own right. I was falling... hard... and she could feel me proving it with ever move she made on my aching dick.

I slid my hands up her back and under her hoodie and tshirt, I wanted her so much! But I wasn't going to let it happen on a couch. I broke our kiss and grabbed her ass so she jumped and leaned up on her knees so that I had to look up at her. She looked down at me and giggled and jumped off my lap.

"Stay here I will be right back..." She smiled at me. Her eyes were lit up!

I felt guilty, I stood up and grabbed her hand. She turned to look at me, her eyes almost pleaded to understand why I stopped her. I just looked at her for a second, "I'm not saying we have to do this now. Don't get me wrong you have me ready and willing to do what ever you have in your head you want to do..." I pulled her to me and took her to my bed. 

I sat her down and I saw the fear and awe of what was going on mixed in her eyes. I sat down on the bed with her. I opened my mouth to speak and she put her finger on my lips and shook her head..."I've been wondering all day what I have done to be lucky enough to have this happen to me.  Something Vickie said kind of smacked me earlier in a good way.." She climbed up to the top of my bed and layed her head on ironically my pillow, she smelled the pillow and smiled. She closed her eyes, "This is your pillow. Not the one from the hotel... YOUR pillow." She smiled and snuggled down into the pillow. I crawled up next to her and started kissing her neck, "Shannon," she layed on her back and looked up at me... "What ever happens between us will happen. I'm going to be honest, I'm scared as crap tomorrow you're not going to be here when I wake up and this was just some bet between your brother and you..."  I pulled away from her and she pulled me back down to her and kissed me. As she pulled me on top of her she bit my lip and giggled, "But I'm cashing in on my luck. I don't care about your money or your fame, I want to know YOU!" I saw her lick her lips and got really close to me that I could feel her lick my bottom lip and whisper, "Take what you want," Her eyes shot up to mine, she licked my lip again and whispered on my lips, "And I don't care if you leave a mark when you bite..." I was done, completely! I kissed her and let myself go. I kissed her neck and pulled her shirt aside to reveal her collar bone and I marked what belonged to me! Her moan and the way she moved her hips made me forget anything else but wanting her. I was going to make her scream my name tonight! That was a yet another promise... One I would keep!

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