In the Rough...

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The next few hours were a blur. Vickie and Tomo told me how things would have to go with LoLa. The music would damage her ears so she couldn't be near the stage, and I mainly needed her for travel and major crowds. If I had something to focus on, I was fine. So Tomo said she could always hang in his dressing room if Shannon's was 'too loud' for her as he said. She finally arrived and so did all of her gear, So did my last things. I showed her off and everyone loved she only had one eye. She had been born blind in her right eye, so when it was causing her pain, I went ahead and had it removed.  Jared fell in love!

"She is adorable! I'm taking her!" He almost squeeled! "She can sleep in my bed!"

"I don't think you can do that Jared!" Vickie giggled as she was getting loves from my so called vicous pit bull.

"She is my entire world! She keeps me sane when I feel lost." I sat down on the sofa and she came over and sat at my feet. I pet her and played with her floppy ears. "And she sleeps with me Jared. So since I am sleeping with Shannon, she will be next to his bed at night."  I heard Tomo about choke on his coffee and Vickie bust out laughing! I looked up just in time to see Jared's face of utter disbelief and see Shannon beeming walking towards me.

"LoLa does bring something out in you! I like it!" Shannon growled as he leaned in and pulled the left side of my hoodie open that of course showed Jared the bite marks on my neck and shoulder. I felt him lick the length of my neck from my collar bone and bite my neck as he kissed right where his triad would be on my neck. 

"I don't think I have ever seen Jared speachless before!" Tomo cracked up as he smacked Jared on the shoulder! Vickie flopped down in the chair next to the sofa. Jared grabbed his tea and just leaned against the wall and chuckled. He had no idea what to say... He just stood there and stared at me.

LoLa had curled up in the small spot next to my left on the sofa nad layed her head on my lap, "She is my back bone! My confidence. How I handled the coffee shop yesterday morning with out her I will never understand. But I'm not afraid when she is with me..." I just pet her and played with her ears as she drifted to sleep, "I'm just a girl with a dog. Every one judges people now a days... so I guess she helps me break the stigma on both of us. We love just like everyone else does. No matter what we look like or what breed we are..." I felt Shannon put his arm around me as he sat next to me.

"I knew there was something deeper to you..." I felt him lean close and whisper in my ear.

"You got lucky and found a diamond in the rough. There are only a few out there man. I got lucky and found one too." Tomo slide down in the chair behind Vickie... "If you two don't make it, I'll be shocked!"

"They met yesterday Tomo!" Jared snapped. "Sorry, but this love at first sight bull shit doesn't exsist."

Shannon raised up to start something and I put my hand on his leg and leaned back into his chest, "He's right Shannon, so stop." It looked like I had shot everyone with a stun gun... Even Jared!... "I don't believe in love at first sight either. I gave up on that a LONG time ago. Love is work!"

They still looked like they were in shock! Jared busted out laughing! "I told you Shannon!"

"No Jared you didn't! Let me finish!" I snapped at him so quick LoLa woke up and stared at him... I heard Vickie chuckle watching her do so... "You can find someone sexy and attractive at first sight, but love is something deeper. You have to know that person's flaws to love them. You have to know that the person you love accepts your flaws. You have to make sure that YOU are doing everything in YOUR power to make sure your partner is happy. And buying them things isn't going to show them SHIT! I've been with someone who said they loved me and they took me out of a BAD relationship. He beat me and all she ended up doing in the end was making me wish I was still being beat instead of hidden in public. Wouldn't even tell her parents about us. Let alone her friends. I would rather have had my ex boyfriend beat me every day than have her look at her parents and tell them she and I were just friends, that she didn't want me like that. Yet turn around and tell me she loved me in bed. I don't believe in love anymore so how could I ever think that it could exsist at first sight."

"You can't believe that!" Vickie finally blurted out.

I got up and grabbed my stuff. LoLa followed me, "He's been trying to pick at me and find something to screw this up for his brother instead of seeing that we were doing just fine figuring this out. Well there... Now you have it! There is a few skeletons in my closet. Have at them!" I opened the bedroom door, grabbed LoLa's leash and headed for the door.

Jared stopped me! He grabbed my arm and I know I heard LoLa growing but it almost seemed like Shannon was too. I snapped my fingers (as is her cue to sit) and she sat at my feet as I glared at him. He looked me in the eyes, I wanted to cry. His eyes were the ones I had always wanted to look at me different. It was him that I had always had the hots for! Shannon was a HAPPY surprise! I wasn't bitching! He was sexy as shit and if I did believe in love, he honestly could be a possibility!

Jared looked over at Shannon, "I'm sorry." Just then he turned and looked at me, "Please stay, I'm sorry. I've been a dick and I shouldn't have. You have every right to walk out of here and tell us all to fuck off cause of my actions and I'm sorry. Please stay, work for the tour, I don't care how much time you spend with Shannon as long as both of you remember you guys have shit to do. We have all worked too hard to let this blow up in our faces." Jared lifted my head and got extremely serious... "Yourself included Siren! "

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