Changing of Fate

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The next few days were crazy. Then I get the news that I am going to be released and that the day I am to be released I was going to a surprise welcome home evening. I was so devastated I didn't care about going anywhere. I just wanted to disappear.

I was somehow I was able to move pretty easy after a week. The physical therapy was harder than I ever thought possible. It was like They were pushing me beyond my limits to see how fast I could heal.

No broken bones but a lot of road rash which had scabbed over pretty bad. Hence some of the therapy to keep the flesh moving and trying to heal. That must be why Jeanette had been working so much with my legs while I couldn't feel it. So that way the pain would be residual and the worst of it over while I wasn't awake.

The day of my release came and I was taken home to the farm by Jeanette and my parents. I was brought to an extra house I had not known about being in our family. The house was a beautiful old farm house.

"This was your grandmother's family's house. It has been in our family for 9 generations." My mom smiled as she handed me the keys. "While you are away for work, I will make sure that everything is taken care of."

"What are you talking about Mom, I just want to take my medicine and go to sleep in a comfortable bed." I looked at her like she was crazy.

"It is a change in your fate my dearest Siren." My step-father smiled. "You my sweet daughter, are a new person as of today. When you were hit by the car on April 1st, all of our lives changed. You were never just my step-daughter. I have taken you and your mother into my life and my daughter's life, and I have never looked back. We are better people with the two of you in our lives. Even if for a time you and Jean shared a different kind of love for each other. You and she are sisters above all else." My dad started to beam and tear up all at the same time.

"You come here today with a new start on life. Your dreams are getting ready to become your reality." My mom pulled a blind fold from her pocket, "you need to trust us."

My mother put the blind fold on me then pulled it down so I could see for the moment. "Jean knows when to pull this off of you and when you have to put it back on. The driver will pull over before going any further until you put it back on." Mom then replaced the blind fold over my eyes and guided me to what sounded like a truck running.

My dad helped me get into what was apparently the back seat. I hear the door close and Jean shifting in her seat.

"I hope we are ready for this." She chuckled.

"What are you talking about Jeanette?" I was starting to get a little pissed.

"I'll take the blind fold off in a minute Siren, I promise." Jean puts her hand on my shoulder. I can't feel her sitting next to me so we are in a decent size truck or... Suddenly I feel her lifting the blind fold. "Because this is part of the surprise."

I open my eyes to see the interior of a stretch hummer limo.  "What the FUCK is this!" I almost yell.

Jeanette just looks at me. She smiles and says, "It's part of your dream coming true sis. I've been sworn to keep my knowledge of only a portion of the upcoming events to myself."

"I can't believe you!" I scorn.

"Trust me, Siren." My sister pleads.

"Since when did you start calling me Siren. I thought you hated it." I roll my eyes and fold my arms as I stare at my sister.

"I heard someone refer to it as fitting for you. And as I think about it, it really does." She smiled. The limo pulled over and my sister's excitement was almost uncontrollable. "It's time... Trust me, Trust us." She reached over and put the blind fold back on me. Did I hear her right?

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