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I quietly followed behind them through the busy streets of DC to where ever they decided they wanted to take me. I was still in shock. But I was looking forward to maybe, just maybe, someone might actually see what I can do from behind a camera. The streets were getting a lot more crowded as it was mid morning now. At one point I even lost sight of them until I felt someone grab my left hand. I drew back my fist until I saw Shannon staring back at me. I stopped and nodded and he led the way. His hand held mine tight like a handshake at first. Then as we caught back up to Jared he laced his fingers into mine. The next thing I knew we were at our destination. I pulled my sunglasses off and put them on my head and looked around at the lobby of a beautifully lavish hotel. I was out of my league here. I felt like Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman. As we stood there waiting for the elevator to open I realize that Shannon is still holding my hand. I look down as the three of us stand there and I feel the panic start. 

"You know the National Zoo isn't too far from here, maybe a couple of stops on the train..." I try to pull away from them to just leave and I feel Shannon (who STILL has my hand) pull me back. All at the same moment as the elevator dings and the door opens Jared looks around steps inside and Shannon practically PULLS me into the elevator with them as Jared is almost slamming the 'Close Doors' button.

Jared chuckled and shook his head taking his sunglasses off. Shannon just looked at me and held my hand up still locked in his. "You make us feel like we are trying to kidnap you or something." he laughed. "I can see the headlines now! 'Fan gets kidnapped by her favorite band!'' Jared snickered as Shannon just looked at me smiling in disbelief. Then they pulled a CLASSIC 'Gibbs' move and shut the elevator down inbetween floors. There was NO WHERE to run! Shannon pulled down his sunglasses and looked at me.  He let go of my hand and I backed up against the wall. Shannon looked me in the eyes and saw what was in my eyes. Just then he spoke soft and low, "You don't need to panic, you are not in danger. I'm sorry we took you by surprise. We meant no harm. Please, I don't know what has happened to you before, it's obvious something has. We are NOT going to hurt you. I SURE have no intention of letting that happen. So please," Shannon paused. I took a deep breath closed my eyes and then opened them again to see him the same two inches from my face with his sunglasses on top his head. Staring into my eyes almost pleading, "Trust us, trust me."

I took a deep breath I heard Jared flip the elevator back on and we went up to the nineth floor. The doors opened and Shannon stepped aside and this time it was Jared that grabbed my hand and led me down the hallway to their room. He stopped in front of a door that said "Suite 935". Jared dropped my hand and pulled a room key from his pocket and opened the door. When we walked into the room it was of course beautifully and stunningly decorated. All I could see out of place was water bottles and coffee cups sitting in a few obvious spots. And of course their bikes that they had been riding not long before.

"Have a seat Siren. I'm going to go change real quick... Shannon will make sure you get hooked up so we can check out some of your work." Jared said as he threw his bag into the kitchenette and went through a door that I am guessing went to his room." Leaving me alone with Shannon.

I heard the door close behind me and Shannon was standing there looking at me. "Make yourself at home!" He smiled. I heard him messing around in the kitchen so I put down my bag and my hot chocolate and pushed up my sleeves. I looked around and had to check out the view. I walked over to the balcony and ever so slightly to take a peak when I heard him behind me. I spun around and Shannon was standing about a foot from me and my back was pinned against the wall by the window. I couldn't escape...Shannon reached over and took my sunglasses off my head and looked down into my eyes. We were about the same height so It was really wasn't too far for me to lift my eyes to his. I shuttered with a chill when he spoke, "I'm glad I tracked you down. Your nick name suits you. There is something about you that is almost calling..." I felt him touch my face and that was when I felt the chill and shuttered. This was not happening... I pulled away and went to my bag and grabbed my tablet. I took a deep breath and turned around and he was standing in front of me again....CLOSE!........So close I almost couldn't breathe. And when I did, all I could smell was his cologne. It smelled like sweat and sex. I felt like I was going to faint. There was no avoiding it... That is when I fell.

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