Siren Call

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She was different... I had to know why her, of ALL people, was out before dawn. Just to take a photo. She didn't fit in at all and it took me about five minutes to convince Jared to track her down. Now she is standing in Jared's room, and there is so much behind her eyes that she won't let out. She is intriguing, different, not my typical type of girl. She was right, she wasn't one of the typical women me or my brother dated. And we have both dated a LOT of women.  But this one... she was different. And she was a fan. A MARKED fan at that! She like so many have placed us as a part of their art story. She wears the Mars symbol with pride! She practically beamed showing us her tattoo. The words on her arm meant something more than just lyrics. I saw it when she looked at me in the elevator. She had a story and I had to know what it was.

I hear Jared tell her to have a seat, and he is going to change. I know his routine and know he saw how I looked at him when he grabbed her hand. I almost smacked him upside his head! He is giving me a minute to talk to her. So I close the door as I watch her, she is uneasy.

"Make yourself at home!" I go in the kitchen and put my phone and coffee on the counter.  I see her drop her bag on the couch and set her hot chocolate down. Jared has been laying it on her thick. We had no idea she was a fan when we agreed to track her down. It wasn't hard, we decided to get a drink and there she was! Luck was on our side. I told him to lay back I could handle her. BOY WAS I WRONG! I am actually hoping she didn't have a pistol in her camera bag. 

I walk up behind her as she peaks out the window. She gets startled so I stay back a bit. I can't help but look into her eyes. They are different, strange, blue-gray, almost icy at points, but deep. I reach up, her sunglasses are on her head, they have tussled her hair... It's short, but it suits her, "I'm glad I tracked you down. Your nick name suits you. There is something about you that is almost calling..." I reach down and softly touch her jaw line. She shutters and pulls away. I'm drawn to her.  She goes over to her bag and pulls out her tablet.

I walk up and stand behind her so close, she smells like lilacs. She must be wearing perfume. She looks at me like she is in shock, almost dizzy. I lean in and I can't stop it, I lean in even closer and kiss her. Her lips taste like the hot chocolate...  I don't know what I'm doing, but she is intoxicating. She kisses me back and drops her tablet on the couch. My right hand is pulling her into my kiss, my left arms is pulling her body to me. She is warm and whole, her arms finally give in as we kiss deeper and she puts them around my neck. She's not frail like I am going to break her. I'm strong and can get a little carried away. Then I realize I have her pinned against the wall again.

I break our kiss and look at her. I've got my left hand on the wall leaning into her my right still around her neck with my thumb under her chin. She looks at me like she has no idea what just happened. "Are you okay?" I try to breath as I whisper. She looks like she is going to pass out. I look her in the eyes,  "Siren? Please answer me..."

"Me?" She looked at me like I had stabbed her! "You! You are Shannon Leto..." she pushed me aside and went to the couch and started grabbing at her stuff. She was trying to leave! "This doesn't happen to girls like me! Guys that I think are hot DON'T KISS ME! They don't track me down over a photo... they don't get their brother to PROBABLY help him! Hell! You could have been helping HIM for all I cared! Girls like me DO NOT end up in the Leto brother's hotel room with EITHER of them! NOT GIRLS LIKE ME!"

I had to stop her! I grabbed her arm making her drop her tablet and camera bag into the chair she was trying to get around. I met her at the back of the chair and grabbed her face between my thumbs and wrapped fingers around the back of her neck. I looked her in the eyes, she was scared..."Why are you so afraid? Why can't you see what someone else might see. That a 'girl like you' could catch someone's eye and they not even realize it till they see you, that you might be what they could be looking for?"  I felt her breathe deep and close her eyes. I leaned down and kissed her just once. 

I heard Jared's door open and him say, "Whoops!"

"Give us a minute please," I grumbled, I opened my eyes and Siren still had her eyes closed. I heard Jared close his door and she opened her eyes. I took my hands from her neck and took her right hand in my left and locked our fingers. I gently touched her face, "I'm sorry. I don't know what happened, I jumped too quick."

"I'm NOT your type! I'm a simple country girl for crap's sake! I don't even know how to shoot a gun to be honest!... I'm into my camera, my music, my work, and my dogs..." she stopped. Took a deep breath and just looked at me, "I'm not some size 4 model Shannon, I'm no where near perfect..." she paused.

"That is why you almost call to me. You are confident,"

"It's an act!" she tried to pull away again and reached for her bag...

"Stop," I grabbed her and just kissed her... I wanted to know why she kept fighting what I could feel in her kiss when she kissed me back. It was almost animalistic, hungry, and submissive all in one! I broke our kiss and saw the clock, "We are going to have to head to sound check soon. Tomo will meet us there. Jared will be out here in a minute telling us it's almost time. Please come with us, I want you to take photos of us. I'll deal with Jared. It won't take much convincing, he knows a fire-cracker when he sees one. He will see it when he sees the photos." I kissed her again. I hear him come out of his room again. I let her go and tell him, "Siren's coming with us to sound check. I wanna see what she can do with her camera." I never break my stare into her eyes. I wanted to her to know I was looking at HER! Nothing else...

"Fine with me. Just remember there's three of us to take pictures of Siren." He chuckled. "My brother sees something in you, so...I'm in. You must be something special girl! He is NEVER usually this intense."

I see her relax and her hand loosens in mine and settles. "I'll need to charge my battery while you all look at what I already have... I have an entire portfolio on this tablet if you want to look at it. The worst part is, the last concert you did here in August, I was able to sneak in a little camera and got some decent photos of you guys. They are on here in my personal files." And with that she let go of my hand and grabbed her tablet and started pulling up photos.

She turned into a different person. She turned into a professional, nothing but business. It was sexy how she just turned everything back into a professional state. It was sexy! Sexy and in hiking boots! I knew then I wanted to see the world through her lens. And it was all just as new to me as it was to her. I knew that when I finally got to fuck her, it was going to be well worth waiting for. She wasn't like other girls, and I was going to unleash everything I knew she was hiding. And she was going to make me earn every inch. This was going to be fun...

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