Mom to the Rescue!

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It was time for the sound check and it was VERY obvious that things had changed between everyone. Shannon kept Jeanette away from me and I kept Siren away from him. I went back to my dressing room, and found Siren and LoLa asleep on the couch. I leaned down and kissed her on the cheek. I hear a light knock at the door, I had left it open so when I looked up and saw my mother standing in the door way, I was not surprised.

"Yes mom, they are over... So are me and Jeanette. So much has happened...." I just lay my hand on Siren's stomach, "Connie doesn't deserve to suffer..."

"I heard what they decided to name her." My mother smiled, "I've already talked to Shannon, he told me everything. Even about her and Jeanette." She sat down in the chair in front of the vanity... "I know you care about each other, and Shannon cares about Jeanette..."  My blood boiled! I was so angry! How could they!? "Stop Jared.... You and Jeanette split and I understand things happened with you and Siren... But you have to remember..."

"Mom, he has until his daughter is a year old before I have asked her to adopt her. Mom, if he comes back and they work things out, I still stand by my word, I will walk away.... But if he doesn't... Even if Jeanette and I can work things out... If he doesn't stand up, I'm still going to adopt her. No matter what, Connie deserves a father who loves her. And if Shannon can't stay sober... Then I will be that for her!"

"It was my fault Jared, I'm the one who brought the booze..." I heard Jeanette crying around the corner.... I pushed my mother out the door with myself as I closed the door as not to desturb Siren and LoLa. "Jared, I'm sorry... I didn't leave because I coudln't. I loved you... And I still do. I'm sorry for what I have done, I'm sorry for lying.... I'm just sorry..."

I couldn't let her cry like that with out comforting her! I pulled her into my arms... "You brought her with you didn't you mom...." I shot my mother a look! "Why would you bring her here to torture Sarah? Or Jeanette?"

"Neither! Jared, I want all of you happy, and honestly, the four of you need to talk. Weither you like it or not! But that child is Shannon's! Or did you forget that?" My mother yelled at me....

"No mom, she didn't forget that and neither did I.... The only reason she is here and not at my house is so she can give him the latest sonogram picture of their daughter. I took her to the Doctor's yesterday... ME! Where was he?"

"With me..." I heard Jeanette whisper into my chest.... "He was with me... I asked him to stay with me... I felt so alone after what happened... I asked him to stay with me Jared... It's my fault."

I pulled Jeanette's face up with my hand, "I haven't stopped loving you, and I know you love me... You wouldn't be such a mess if you didn't... I get that, I am not denying I still love you... But I'm also not going to deny that I care about your sister. And  yes! Before you ask, she still calls you her sister, and I will still call that bastard my brother..."

"Good! Now, as long as my daughter calls ME daddy, I'm fine!" I heard my brother growl as he walked up. "You don't destroy the good things about me and Siren, we'll be just fine brother!" He reached out his hand to Jeanette and she slowly pulled away from me and stepped back towards, Shannon. He pulled her into his arms and kissed her head as she curled up into him. "If you want him, I told you the same thing you told me, I'll step back. But I will NOT step back from my daughter! That will make me walk away from EVERYTHING! Including the tour Jared.... Before I will EVER let MY daughter, call YOU daddy! So that one brother, will happen over my dead body..." I saw him pull Jeanette into his arms and turn around.... 

"Shannon!" I heard a voice come from behind me... Siren had opened the door, "We do need to talk... And the ONLY reason, Jared would EVER be her father.... " I pulled her into MY arms... "Is if you EVER pick up a drink again! I give you my word... I will NEVER let you see her again!"

"Hey! That is ENOUGH! ALL OF YOU!" My mother snapped on all of us.... "IN THE ROOM NOW!" My mother pulled all of us into my dressing room.... "Now what is going on here!? Seriously! You all are adults! There is NO way all of you can be acting like such idiots!"

"Mom, we agreed that if we are what they want, then we are willing to talk thing through.... if NOT... then we are staying together... I will take care of her, and Connie as much as I am aloud. But she has until Connie turns 1 to decided if and when..." I took a deep breath and took Siren's hand in mine... I knew that Shannon and Jeanette were going to be pissed... "I'll marry her. The second that ass had his hands on her, I made the choice to protect her as my own. Until she pushes me away, I'm staying."

"You have GOT to be kidding me! Seriously Jared! And what if she and I do work things out.... What are you going to do with Jeanette?" 

"She's not your property Shannon! Neither was I! And I'm not Jared's either.... It's starting to sound more and more like we're just bull shit to the two of you... something for you to fight over! WHAT THE FUCK!" I heard Jeanette start screaming.... She came over and pulled Siren into her arms... "I'm sorry for the part I've played in this... Come with me... Leave them behind... I will never let either of them hurt us again... We are sisters... Right?"

Siren looked upset... more than ever! "Constance, can I just talk to Robin about getting me home? I need to focus on my daughter... I have to get back to work.... I can't take this anymore... I'm done..." Siren pulled away from all of us and clung to my mother... "I'm just done... My daughter is my focus, she has to be.... This isn't healthy anymore...for ANY of us..."

"Come dear," My mother pulled Siren into her arms, "You will come stay with me...."

Before she left Siren, turned around.... "I will never keep you from her Shannon.... But I swear to you... pick up another drink, and you will NEVER find us! That is a PROMISE I will DIE to keep!!"

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