Softer Side Pt. 1

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I was showered and had gotten things packed up just in time for Tomo to stop by with Vickie to check on me.

"So you look like you are feeling better... And judging by the giant ROCK on your hand AND the one we saw earlier on your step sister... I am guessing that everyone worked things out!" Tomo laughed as he greeted LoLa and he and Vickie sat down.

I was making a grilled cheese sandwhich on organic bread with cheese I had gotten cold packed and sent out from my co-op. It was perfectly aged and mealted right into the organic and home made bread they sent with it. 

"Let's just say that Jeanette got the second chance she deserved so much with my best friend. And I finally was able to tell Shannon how I felt. I had no idea he was going to jump down on one knee when I told him I wasn't in love with Jared. He didn't even let me tell him I loved him before he kissed me!" I laughed... Vickie was all smiles as she looked at her husband... "How long has he had this ring Tomo....I know he would have told you..."

Tomo looked at Vickie... she spoke this time... "He told Jared in Philidelphia that he had asked their mom for the ring... That is when they got into that first fight Tomo broke up. Then.. well..."

"He had it in his pocket that night on stage in New York Siren. That is why he has been such a wreck since that night." Tomo had Vickie on his lap and as soon as they saw me put my sandwhich down, Vickie had her arms around me. Tomo sat across from me and Vickie playing with LoLa who had jumped in his lap... "Sarah, don't get too upset, you know the stress..."

"Isn't good for the baby... I know..." I took a deep breath... and let it out slowly... "It's ok... The past is behind us... All that matters now is this baby, and making a life for them and with Shannon."

"He knew then he didn't want to live with out you. Now he will spend every day making sure you know it for the rest of your lives!" Vickie smiled and held me close. She had become like a sister to both me and Jeanette.

Just then there was a knock at the door. "Come in!" Tomo yelled.

"At least I know she wasn't alone for too long then!" Shannon smiled at me as he climbed up the stairs into the bus. Vickie moved so he could sit next to me... As he slid in to the seat Vickie had jus vacated... "Five minutes away from you anymore is too long." Shannon tilted my head up and kissed me. "I'm sorry.... I've been doing a lot of that since I got you back in my arms, do you want me to back off? I know that we are trying to re build things... Just because I put a ring on your hand..."

"Shannon," I put my finger on his lips to shut him up! "I'm fine... You just have to becareful with OTHER things..." I tried to drop a hint that wouldn't seem TOO obvious I couldn't wait to fuck the shit out of him!...

Tomo laughed and Vickie chuckled and said... "In other words you can't bang her like we used to hear through the walls."

My face turned as red as it could and Shannon just laughed... "Well I'm sorry for that... In more ways that one! BUT! I'm not sorry that I made her scream that loud..." He looked me in the eyes with those 'I'M GOING TO FUCK YOU' eyes just like he used to through my camera lens.... And I was done!  He kissed me again and for the first time I was the one who got snippy... 

"Okay... either they leave or we do cause this is NOT going to end well if you don't stop NOW!" I couldn't believe I had pushed him away but I felt the fire in his kiss that made me fall for him that first day. Not the lusty kiss from the hotel room when Jared first caught us... The one from behind the stage... The one Vickie had caught us in a picture with my leg up in Shannon's hand wrapped around his waist and him kissing me like he was going to fuck me behind the curtain!

"Actually baby doll..." Shannon put his forehead against mine with his massive fingers laced in the back of my lengthing hair, and his palm resting on my face... His eyes close and mine open looking at him as he spoke... "You and I are going... I am here to pick you up. Tomo and Vickie are puppy sitting for the night. I'm taking you for a romantic evening away from everything and everyone... Just you and me."

His eyes flew open to look directly into mine... I was done... I had butterlies in my stomach again and for the first time in weeks, I knew it wasn't morning sickness. "Okay..." I whimpered almost moaning. He released my face and backed away as he stood up. He reached his hand out to me and I slid off the bench grasping his hand into mine... "I have to get my back pack and over night bag..."

"Your back pack, yeah you can carry... It's never that heavy... but your over night bag... no... I'll carry it. Now you relax and you go sit in the truck, I'll bring what you pulled together... No arguing with me! Please...." Shannon pecked my lips and sent me over to give LoLa kisses as she was going to spend the night with her auntie and uncle. She had so much fun when they were together... She had really become the mascot for the group.

I went out and climbed in to our typical black SUV's that we would use to travel in. Except for this time would be the first time in a while I would be riding with Shannon. It had been me and Jared and Jeanette for WEEKS... After it had just been me and Jared.... I hadn't really been alone with Shannon since everything had happened. Only twice. The elevator and the hospital room were the only times besides today. And the one time he tried to kiss me I ducked under his arm... Why was I still so skiddish around him. I loved him! He was the father to my baby... I had loved him so much and for so long during this mess... this was what I wanted! Right?!

Jared was with my step sister now... and I wasn't going to tear her heart apart again... We had been through so much together over the years... We had our own secrets between us.... But that was where they stayed. But I still had the desire to kick myself for not giving me and Jared a fair shot. If he had been the one to come after me in D.C. then things would have been so different right now. Or would they?

I almost jumped when Shannon slammed the back door down on the SUV and jumped up in the back seat next to me.... It was Shannon I loved... I knew that... 

"One more trust me moment... I promise... no more...  Can I blind fold you?" He pulled a blue silk scarf from his bike jacket pocket... The jacket was layed across the top of my bags in the back behind us... "Only if you feel like you are okay..." He held it up.. It had black dragons stiched in to the blue silk!

"I trust you babe..." I smiled and turned around to let him tie it over my eyes... I was in for it I knew it... I just hope he remembered to be gentle... If that was even in his vocabulary.... 

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