6 months...

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Shannon was REALLY kissing me! I had no doubt in my mind this time it was real. I feel his lips on mine like fire! Soft yet passionate in the same touch and push of each kiss. His tongue trapping mine in the most forceful way; yet his hands around the back of my neck and his thumbs under my chin did not alarm me at all.

I suddenly feel him smile as he kisses me and hear a *click* sound. My eyes fly open and I jump. I pull back from Shannon to see him with his cell phone in his hand. He had really done it... He snapped a photo of us kissing!

"Seriously?" I looked at him.

His eye almost melted, "I... I didn't think about..." My lips crashed back into his with my arms around his neck. I forgot anyone else was in the stadium. I kissed Shannon as I smiled through each kiss.

"Siren," I feel his kiss get stronger then his hands grip my face with one last kiss as he pulls my face so he an look at me. The smile on his face is electric, his eyes golden... "What caused that little jump?"  he had that classic Shannon smile, seductive and confidant.

"You," I blushed and pulled away. "You did that in my dream every time we were perfectly happy. I am sorry Shannon I didn't mean to..."

Shannon put his right hand along the left side of my face with his thumb over my lips to silence me. "Siren, I don't know what you saw or what happened to throw you at me but I can't just jump as bad as I want to." His eyes closed and his massive hand dropped from my face. Shannon's eyes looked at me pleading with passion. "Jared and I talked a LOT about liking both you and your sister. So we came up with a..."

"Six months?" My eyes looked down and then back to his to see I was right by the shock on his face. "That was a running theme every time something would happen and you and Jared would 'swap' between me and Jeanette for what ever reason. And there was a lot of back and forth."

Shannon took my hands in his. "Okay, so I was so wrapped up in the moment yes, I snapped the picture of us kissing. It was something I just felt and I didn't mean to cause a bad flash memory." Slowly he pulled himself closer to me once again. "Jared and I made a deal that we each had 6 months, the length of the tour to win the two of you over. We would each spend time with both of you and see where things led."

I looked up at the man I had dreamed of having a family with and spending the rest of my life with. "I've seen my future with Jeanette, we can't go back, it causes her destruction and mine. Our son is gone, his father in jail for rape, kidnapping, attempted murder, and murder." I was in tears. Shannon pulled me to him and just held me. I pulled away from him and lay my hands on his chest. I knew then everything needed to come out. It was now or never... "I don't know if Jeanette told you but our son was the product of his father raping me. Then after Joshua was born we tried to run. She was told what was in the police report, not everything that happened to him and I after Allan found us. I will never tell her everything he did to me before I tried to escape with my father when he found us and Allan shoved me down the stairs with our son in my arms. And from what I have seen of my dream of me and Jared," I stopped once more with a soft chuckle... "It could be fire, I won't deny what I felt from those sights and thoughts. He and I could make a hell of a power in bed and against the world. I can't deny that."

I feel him start to pull back from me as I can almost see him shutting down in his eyes... I grab his hands as they slip off my legs where they had been resting, "Shannon, I've already made my choice." I let a few tears slip down my face.

I saw the look as he started to pulls away more.... "I will let you..."

Before I would let him finish, my lips crashed into his once more and I kissed him with everything in my heart. All the pain, all the love, everything! The kiss was fire, better than anything I had remembered. So I pulled a page from his book, *click* I had my phone out and took the photo of us kissing. Shannon chuckled as I showed him the photo of him smiling as he bit my bottom lip mid kiss.

"Shannon, I want you..." I looked into his golden eyes. "I choose you! Please, if this is real and I'm not dreaming tell me I'm not crazy and that you ACTUALLY want me too." I searched his eyes for any clue.

Slowly Shannon looked up at me as we both realize that everyone had came to check on us.

"You might as well make it right brother. She has made her choice clear. I won't go against her wishes. And Jeanette and I had already discussed giving it a shot ourselves. It's just something about those green eyes of hers I don't know how to resist." Jared smiled as he pulled Jean into his arms wrapping her up tight with in them. "However, Shannon and I both agree that if..."

"Jared shut up cause I'm NOT going to fuck this up!" Shannon pulled a small black leather pouch out of his right pants pocket. As he opened it I burst into tears. "Siren, I don't know how you knew this was in my pocket, but that shows me I have found my mate." Shannon untied the small pouch and let fall from inside of it two rings. The one was a band rough in design, I look closer and see that it is a band made out of guitar strings! And as I look at the white gold ring cradled in his hand with that one I burst into tears. "She knew what ring I would put on her hand if she were mine. I picked IT up just after I booked the bike show in New Orleans yesterday." Shannon softly slipped the diamond, Sapphire, and Amethyst ring on my left ring finger. "Hold on tight my Siren, this is going to be a hell of a ride." Shannon smiled as he kissed me again!

"I guess the 6month rule is out!" I hear Tomo laugh.

"I think this just might be the happy ending they have all deserved." Vickie curls herself up into her husband's arms as they see both Jared and Shannon wrapped in the arms of their mates.

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