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Jared had given me his pillow to cuddle up with so I could take a nap on the way back down to L.A. to where he lived. Before I knew it I felt someone's hand touch my face.... I almost jumped out of my skin! I looked over to see him trying to calm me down.... "Hey, it's just me, I'm sorry.... Shhh... I'm sorry...." I started to breathe again and just wrapped my hands and arms around my stomach like I was cradling my daughter. I looked into Jared's blue eyes and just started to cry all over again.... "I'm sorry I didn't tell you about what I asked Robin. I called her when you were in the shower. I'm sorry, I will NEVER hide anything from you ever again! I'm sorry, I'm going to track his ass down and deal with him later. I promise you that!" Jared leaned over and kissed me softly. "Now, we are home. I want you to go into my room and lay down on the bed. I'll bring your stuff in and bring you some tea and pretzels." He leaned down and kissed me again.... It almost felt like he was trying to make up for lost time.

I looked up at him, his hair pulled up in the crazy ass bun thing.... His beard, that drove me BONKERS! I wished he would at least trim it.... but I would NEVER say anything.... I loved how carefree he was... I would never want him to be anything but him.... I'd been watching him in movies for years. Jared would bring every character he played alive in their own way. His eyes had always captured me... Even now... I got lost...

I finally came back to reality.... "You're really in front of me aren't you?" I just sat there staring him in the eyes. "He really fucking wasn't there!" I started to breathe heavy....

"Hey..... Look at me... I'm here... I'm going to make it better... I promise I will get to the bottom of this...." He put his long thing fingers around my face and pulled me into a soft kiss. A kiss like I hadn't ever experienced before... Even with Shannon! It was like someone would kiss you for a photographer at a wedding or something. It was sweet, gentle, un adulterated, honest...POSSESSIVE!  Jared looked me in the eyes... "No one will find you here, you are safe with me. I will never push for anything more than what you allow. I give you my word. If in the end you go back to him, then so be it. But I care about you more than I should, and I can't fight it anymore. Everything will go at your pace, I promise." 

He got out of the car and came around and took me by the hand into the house. It was of course stunning! I felt like I was in a dream. "Come on baby, you can sit down here or go to my room... What ever you want to do."

"Can I just sit down... I'm not feeling the best." I felt horrible. I just wanted to sleep. Jared was being amazing to me. He took me over to the sofa and just sat with me for a minute and held me. I don't know why he saw so much in me.  I felt so stupid.... I should have realized that I could never have been what he was looking for.... And Jared had been there the whole time! What if he was playing me too? What would I do? Was Connie never supposed to happen? Now he was stuck with me?! I couldn't breathe.....  Everything thing went black!


I felt Siren go limp in my arms.... "Baby.... Siren... Please wake up..." I feel for her pulse.... It's there, she is breathing... Where did I leave the smelling salts we carry with us for her? Please let this work...I break them open and wave them under her nose... She starts to wake up. "Baby...Can you hear me? Siren.... Answer me sweets..." She finally looked up at me as I heard a knock at my front door.... "What the fuck! DON'T YOU MOVE! I'm going to get rid of them!" I slowly lay her down on the couch. Siren nodds and takes slow deep breaths.... I hear the door bell this time as I lean down and kiss her cheek... "I'll be right back... DON'T MOVE!"

I reach the door and it's Robin and Emma.... Emma bust through the door and hugs me, "Where is she?" Robin almost screams..

I hold Emma in a tight embrace and point to my living room to answer Robin... "She's not doing well... She just sent herself into a panic attack over him not showing up when she needed him the most... She doesn't understand, and honestly, neither do I!"  Emma, Robin and I walk back into the living room and she has stayed laying on the couch... I let go of Emma and slide under Siren's head and torso to hold her in my arms... I had waisted so much time letting my brother ruin her. Now I was going to make up for HIS mistakes.... "Sweets, the girls are here to check on you... How you feeling? Do you want some tea?" She weakly shook her head... and just pulled herself closer to me. "Emma makes the best tea baby, please?"

Emma grabbed a blanket on one of the other chairs and layed it over her. She was shaking. "Come on honey.... You have to take care of Connie.... I understand how upset you are, but honey, she needs you to be strong." It looks like Emma got to her and she finally nodded her head. 

"He called me Jared.... He flipped out about me telling you there wasn't a show. I don't know what he is up to...." I shot Robin a look as I felt her just shrink into me.

That was it! "Take care of her. I'm going to find him!" I lift Siren up and slide her out of my arms and stand her up... "Take her to my room and make sure she eats something.... Anything.... She is getting ready to have end up back in the hospital if she's not careful." I look at Siren.... "I am going to get to the bottom of this! I'm not letting him destroy you twice! I'm not going anywhere either! You are MY girls... And I'm not letting ANYTHING happen to you!" I kissed her lips once more. I could feel her strength just draining out of her. I held Siren in that last kiss for as long as I could before I knew it would hurt her mentally, she was so fragile.... I was NOT going to push her.  We locked eyes before I left, "He is not going to get away with this... I promise you!" With that I left her with Emma and Robin who I was hoping could calm her down and keep her going until I got back.... I was going to beat Shannon for hurting her yet again!

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