Too Late...

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I wasn't going to let Jared take my child from me! Let alone the woman I loved... I got back to my room and threw my stuff down on the bed... I just laid there. I was so tired from not being able to sleep next to her. I had gotten used feeling her body next to mine. Now that I knew she was carrying MY child... I wasn't sleeping almost at all... But at least I got to talk to her today... And tell her finally that I loved her. I just didn't know if it would be enough...

I finally drifted off to sleep and awoke to my phone going off... It was Jared... I wasn't answering it. My phone finally stopped flashing with Jared's number... Just then Vickie started to call me.... I didn't want to asnwer that one either... It was probably him again just trying to start something again!

The next number that flashed across my phone was my mothers! I had to answer that... "Hey mom..."


I didn't hear another word from her before she hung up the phone.. I dialed Jared's phone.... "Took you long enough jack ass! Do you really think I would call you if it wasn't something to do with her!"

"Just tell me why mom called me flipping out!" I snapped at him.

"Siren... shit... Sarah was taking a nap and when I went to wake her up to tell her that her food was ready... I found her in a pool of blood. The ambulance just took her to the hospital. It's not good Shannon... I give up... she needs you right now, no matter how she feels... I know she needs you here..."

I hung up the phone and flew to the local hospital on the bike... I burst through the Emergency doors and was met by my mother... She turned me around and pushed me back outside....

"Mom... I need to be in there with HER!"

"It's too late Shannon..."  She looked at me...  "I'm sorry.. she lost the baby... And if they don't stablize her..."

I hit the ground... I felt like someone shot me in the chest! I couldn't breathe.... I felt like the world was closing around me.... Just then Jared came out... He was a wreck! Vickie was curled up in Tomo's arms... bawling her eyes out! 

"NO.... " I screamed.... I felt so lost... Was she gone? She lost the baby... How much more can I loose today? 

"They put her in a medical comma..." Emma came around and put her hand on my shoulder.... I didn't even see where she came from....  I didn't care... 

"I want to see her!" I felt like someone had ripped me apart from the inside out... 

Vickie grabbed my hand and took me back to see her... My beautiful Siren was hooked up to tubes and monitors... She wasn't even breathing on her own... I took her hand in mine and colapsed in the chair beside her. I laid my head on her hand and just cried....

"I'm sorry I kept you two apart..." I heard my brother's voice as he put his hand on my shoulder.  "She hasn't eaten or slept right since New York... She would wake up screaming your name..."

I bolted up to glare him in the eyes... I still held her hand in mine.... "THEN WHY DIDN'T YOU LET ME SEE HER!" I growled at him!

"Because of what she said the night it happened... I thought I was helping her heal... all I did was keep her from the man she was in love with... I'm sorry" He backed away from me...

As he turned to leave, "Jared... You told me if I fucked up I was stupid... I SWEAR I NEVER meant to hurt her! I told the girl I was taken... Jared, I had the ring with me! I was going to ask her on stage..." I just broke....

"She would have said yes..." I saw a tear fall from my brother's face... "It kills me to know that she still loves you... Nothing I do makes her look at me the way she looked at you... No matter how I kissed her, held her in my arms... I would hear her cry herself to sleep almost every night... Even in my arms..." He wiped the falling tears off his face... "She and I never slept together... I couldn't bring myself to even make the move knowing how she felt about you.... I'm sorry! I thought I was protecting her and the baby.... And it didn't work.... I walked in to wake her up and she was passed out in the bed in a pool of blood... I had already called 911 when I called you... I'm sorry I couldn't do anything to stop this... I thought I was protecting her from this...." 

For the first time in weeks... my brother and I hugged.... over the loss of my child and the possible loss of the woman that we BOTH were in love with.... I just didn't know how to go on from this.....How would either of us tell her about the baby? Would she even look at either of us when she woke up.... What if she didn't wake up....

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