Siren's Birthday Present

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Siren slept from 9 a.m. until she woke me up with a kiss around 2:40 p.m.  Siren could be so cute when she would wake me up... She placed her kiss on one of her favorite spots to do so, the tattoo on my ride side... She was always tracing that circle and when we first got together she would nibble each of the three skulls. Siren knew exactly what that did to me.... It was one of the reasons our daughter was even in exsistance! But this morning she just kissed the center between the skulls as she slid her arms up and around my chest.

"It's a shame... Normally I would be so happy to wake up next to you laying here almost completely naked...." She sighed...

"You aren't happy?" I asked as I pulled her in my arms... "Or you're just sad cause we can't fuck the afternoon away on your birthday..." I chuckled as she looked up at me.

"Yeah... that would kind of be it..." She poked her bottom lip out. I had to re-adjust my dick in my boxer shorts.... DAMN her! She looked in my eyes with that almost pleading look... "I can't have the birthday present I was dreaming of. I wanted to spend the whole day with you naked and tied up!" This evil little grin came across her face....

"If you're not careful, you may still get that!" I was on top of her before she could say anything else! I pinned her arms above her head and kissed her. I ran my hands down her arms as I drug my nails into her flesh just ever so lightly. I wrapped my arms around her body as she wrapped her legs around my waist. As we kiss I pull her body to mine and she locks her arms around the back of my neck so I can pull her to me. I slide my body under hers as we are still trying to imitate a pretzel... I finally realize how hard my dick is as we are starting to go past a point of no return between us. I realize my arms and hands are up under her pajama top and the scratch marks I know I'm leaving on her body. "Siren..." I try to mutter as our lips are on fire... I finally am able to catch my breath as she started to kiss my traid tattoo... She knew that would send me over the edge... DAMN IT WOMAN! I have to stop this before I hurt her... "Siren... my love... We can't...." I was not able to focus... She had my neck in her teeth and was dragging her nails through my hair and down my back...."Baby.... I'm serious.... It is too soon for this..."  It takes all I have to pull her off my neck and make her look at me. "I would hurt you! They would have to sew you up from the inside baby.... We can't make love... Not yet....." I was still trying to catch my breath and the look in my fiancee's eyes was NOT helping my case.

"Shannon, I just want things back the way they were.... I just want to know you want me... That I'm still..." The tears finally broke....

"Baby, I still want you that way... I know that is what you are worried about..." I looked in her eyes. I knew she was grasping at straws to keep her head on straight. I knew how to fix it.... "Okay... that's it.... Go get a shower, cool yourself down, get dressed... I'm going to grab a shower at mom's apartment and we are going to pick up Connie. You'll be a little more put together when you have her in your arms." The look in her eyes made me want to cry.

"I can't even be with you on your birthday.... It's still going to be too soon..." She was still wrapped in my arms and locked around my body.  She slowly started to pull away from my body to crawl out of the bed.... "I just..."

I see the first tear fall and pull her into my arms as we lay back down in the bed, I cradle her in my arms as she lays next to my body.... My right arm is around her neck and laying down her back, my left hand firmly on her face....

"I'm not mad. I have you in my arms... My birthday can come and go for all I care! You're what I wanted anyway! So the fact that I can't sleep with you yet doesn't bother me!" I kissed her lips gently. "Siren, you're still in the middle of a mental war with yourself... You're a mother again and you and I are working back to where we were.... But we will never be what we were..."

"What is that supposed to mean?" Siren's eyes flew open and had fire in them...

"That we're going to be better than we were before!" I ran my thumb along her cheek. "We are going to be together again... I promise! I fully intend to make you breathless and make you beg me to stop making you cum long before I ever actually stick my dick inside of you again!" I chuckled... "But!" I got serious and made sure that she was looking into my eyes... "It won't be before you heal. I'm laying down the law.... And no, I won't let you make me cum for you before hand either! So don't even bother asking... Because to me, that's not fair.... You're going to be my wife, you aren't skipping out on my fun of making you scream my name louder than before." I smiled as I kissed her.

"Is that the only reason we won't make love Shannon?" She whispered as she bit her bottom lip.

I growled..."You and that DAMN lip! Yes... cause if you were healed, you'd never leave this bed!" I bit her lip and kissed her! When we finally came up for air again, I chuckled.... "You need to go get ready to go to dinner and pick up our daughter...Or they are going to be meeting us at the Doctor's office... And I am NOT explaining that one to my mother!" Even Siren giggled this time.

"She would be a bit more than pissed wouldn't she." She smiled...

"Yeah... Considering she reminded me you weren't healed as the two of you were opening the doors earlier!" I smiled and kissed her one last time before forcing myself away from her body! "And one more thing!" I grabbed my jeans and pulled them on with Siren's favorite black muscle shirt... "That lip ring... It's sexy as hell! You should leave it in!" I stopped and looked over at her as she was stepping in the shower... "WOMAN! Damn you are sexy! Baby weight and all! I never knew how much curves would turn me on!" I chuckled... 

"No! Shannon go! Cause if not you're going to convince me to try something out with you I know will do worse damamge than just us fucking!" Siren threw a towel at me.

I laughed at her little enuendo and left her to her shower... "I love you Siren!" I yelled as I grabbed my set of keys to the apartment and thought about it or a second and knew exactly what I was going to get Siren for her birthday! I smiled to myself as I headed to my mother's apartment across the hall with my clothes in hand so I could get ready to blow my woman's mind out of the water with her birthday present!

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