Now what....

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Over the next few weeks Siren stayed with me and Shannon stayed in Tomo's bus... He had hurt her and she was broken... She didn't give up on her job, though I know the photos she caught of Shannon trying to make her smile... or the way he would look at her through the camera... All she would do is cry when she would sit and edit... Every sound check she was with me... Her and LoLa would go straight to my bus every night... I know he was wondering if we had slept together yet... I wasn't going to fuck him over like that just yet.... Not until she was my woman, and as of yet, she wasn't.... 

Tonight we were in Chicago, the concert went INCREDIBLE! She and I headed backstage as we gathered up our stuff, she stopped me, "Jared, thank you for being so nice about everything... I don't remember much that happened after we left the club in New York... I just know that you have been there for me..."

"Siren, I would do anything to help you or keep you safe..." I noticed Shannon standing behind her looking at her and me... "Maybe we should get back to the hotel... LoLa will be waiting for you... " I put my arm around her and pull her close kissing her on top of her head... "Plus a warm bed and some hot tea.... "

I knew Shannon would be able to hear me... 

We got back to the hotel room and she looked like she was a little pale.... "When did you eat today...."

"I haven't to be honest... everything just smells nasty to me...  I think being that drunk did something to me.... " She smiled at me as I saw her eyes roll back into her head and her start to fall.... Luckily she was near the bed and close enough to me I was able to catch her.... I laid her down on the bed and called 911... 


Tomo flew down to my room and Shannon heard the comotion as well... So of course he flew in too... Emma and Robin were already ahead of him when he arrived....  The EMT's gave her some IV fluids and asked her a few questions... they gave her a diagnosis and left... I came out of the bedroom and everyone was standing there just staring at me.... Including Shannon...

"She is going to be fine... She is just dehydrated and hasn't been eating... "

Shannon just started pacing... Emma put her hand on his shoulder... "This is all my fault... I shouldn't have gone to that club.... I tried to push her away... "

"Shut up Shannon! You're right on that one though... This IS all your fault..." I screamed at him... "She's pregnant!" NO ONE said a word... "And she is terrified... they had to sedate her as much as they could with out hurting the baby...."

"Why would they need to sedate her?" Robin seemed puzzled.... 

"Because the night of the club... was her son's birthday. And today.... well... " I looked at Shannon and he knew... He pulled away from Emma and left the room.... "Today her son was killed 2 years ago. So when she found out she was pregnant... and she realized the only possible person she has been with is Shannon.... so...."

Tomo was the first to say anything... "What does she need us to do... "

"RIght now, nothing, she is completely out of it.... I just need you to keep Shannon from doing something stupid... She still wants nothing to do with him... Even now.... She is so hurt... She..." I couldn't hold it together anymore... Robin took my hand.... I run my fingers through my hair and pulled it out of my face....  "I just want to make sure she is taken care of.... "


The next morning Shannon knocked on my door as Siren and I were having tea and she was eating some toast.... I opened the door and blocked her from his view.... "She doesn't want to see you Shannon... ESPECIALLY right now...."

"She is carrying MY baby Jared!" He almost yelled...

"No Shannon.. she is carrying HER baby... Just cause you help create a baby doesn't mean you automatically get to be a dad!... You are the baby's father.... Until she tells me other wise... I'm going to be that child's dad! I thought you of all people would know the difference!" And with that I closed the door.... 

Siren was on the couch with LoLa.... I went over and slid her into my arms... "You weren't kidding were you?"

I looked down at her... I pulled her jaw up with my right index finger and kissed her softly... "You know I don't lie about serious things... I'm not going anywhere till you tell me you don't want me... Until then.... You are MY girl.... And I won't push for anything beyond that until you are ready..." I kissed her lips softly again and this time... she kissed me back... a little bit more than I expected.... She was warming up to me... And I was going to let her.... at her own pace.... 

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