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We sat down under the pavillion and he looked me straight in the eyes, "Now, what is going on in that mysterious mind of yours Siren?"

I took a deep breath, "This all still doesn't seem real to me. But it seems as though, more and more, that you are serious about this... I mean you don't take kissing pictures with girls! You are a vault of privacy! Why would you take a pitcure of us kissing... So...."

He put his hands on top of mine, "I told you why I took those pictures."

"Shannon, you are not an guy..." I managed to get out, "You are a rock star. Every move you make someone watches you! The fact that you haven't gotten a call from Jared saying that we have been spotted..."

Shannon chuckled, "I've done this for a while now, I'm getting better at making sure I'm not always seen."

"My point exactly! You didnt even know I had taken a pitcure of you and Jared riding your bikes that morning!" I stopped him... I took a deep breath and continued, "That is my point, I don't want you to be blindsided if someone see us and you find out from someone besides me..."

"I'm pretty sure you didn't kill anyone, so what's up?" He looked into my eyes.

"The reason I don't travel with my other dog is because she ended up biting my ex when he pushed me down a flight of stairs... She didn't leave my side until the ambulance got there. There was a big story in the paper out where I live, she was a hero cause he could have shot me if it weren't for her, but they put her up as a vicous dog. They lost sight that he almost killed me and did end up killing..." I stopped and tought back the tears, "my 3 week old son."

The look on Shannon's face made me finally let go and cry. He looked in shock and angry and broken all in one. "How? When? Why! Now it fits!"

"Angel Eyes bit my ex one time when he had hit me so she had been over protective over me ever since. Joshua was only three weeks old and kept crying, Allan got mad and ended up arguing with me... I took Joshua and tried to leave. He grabbed me and ended up pushing me into a wall and down the 5 stairs that lead to the door of the split level he lived in. Joshua was in my arms when I fell." The tears just fell... "His new girlfriend even testified against him.  Everything all fell apart and it was all in the paper... I got LoLa from my roommate as a puppy, she is a breeder, I got Angel from her too. I stayed at home with her until I knew I could go out. Yesterday was the first time I have gone out with out her since she was 5 months old. And she will be two in a few weeks."

"Siren... I'm so sorry!" Shannon pulled me to him and just held me. I felt him shift around and put his sun glasses on. "Okay, so your son, you did everything you could! Joshua had a good mom! And you did nothing wrong!"

I froze up. I stopped crying and pulled away from him. I needed to get away. Shannon grabbed my hand and took me back to the bike.  He handed me my helmet, "I'm not going anywhere any time soon! And I will NEVER lay my hands on you! I'm still a decent guy even though I'm in a rock band. You will understand when you meet my mother!" He kissed me on the lips and got on the bike. I got on behind him and off we went!

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